Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 214

Lu Qi murmured: "This is also very good, at least they have money, they will be boring

Things are quarreling."

He has been taken in by the world government since he was a child and has experienced the darkest days.I have seen the cruelest fight.

Today’s days are very peaceful, so peaceful that people will quarrel about a boring thing,

Even hands-on.

"Gabra, you bought a lot of things today!" "But the boss is really good, this time he must have made a lot of money

"Of course, Karina is so cute."

"You traitor, we should vote for Polki!"

"You two guys shut up."

Kaku, Gabra and others also began to quarrel.

Lu Qi smiled, stopped them, and looked in Lynn's direction.

At this time, Lynn was talking with countries.

The national leaders of all countries hope that next year's final venue can be selected in their capital.

Especially Alabastan has just experienced the war.

Chapter 286: Douglas Barrett's revenge!

As the daughter of Cobra and the princess of Alabastan, Weiwei naturally followed Cobra this time.

Lynn was among a group of kings, like the stars arched over the moon.

Money is really important.

If a country has no money, then the country will be in chaos.

At the same time, how to improve the cohesion of the people and disperse their hatred of the rich or esteem

It is also very important to prevent revolution in the country.

Lynn provided work, brought consumption

People have things to do and what they want.

If every place in Alabastan could be the same as the rapeseed port, then the people of Alabastan should have "four, three, zero" happiness.

And Lynn is called the savior, a man who can bring miracles

He spoke very elegantly and easily dealt with the problems of every state leader.

There is no discrimination against certain countries because of their poverty

What an amazing man.

Lin En felt Weiwei's gaze, and he turned his head, and gave Weiwei a gentle smile.

Weiwei's face was a little red, and her heart throbbed.

Voting for the finals begins.

With the singing and canvassing of Polki and Karina, the final was pushed to its climax.

Lynn said: "From now on, today will be the finals festival, every year today, shopping carnival day."

"You are right, this is really a wise decision."

"You are too far-sighted, I fully support it."

"It's really exciting news. Your wisdom is like the sun, blessing the whole earth.

There are many licking dogs in the country, especially the poor small countries

Lynn's current identity allows them to put down their body.

Bi Jing, Lynn is now not only the richest man in the world, but also a Utopian country.

Licking the dog, making money, not shabby.

"Karina has already *voted, Polki is *vote."

Located on the sea, the navy soldiers are patrolling, and don’t forget to pay attention to the finals

And in the Guland Tezolo Entertainment City.

Gambling is also taking place in the casino.

Support Karina lose 1.3

Support Bolki lose 1.5

From the odds, Karina has a higher chance of winning.

Gamblers also participated in this carnival today.

All the casinos in Tezolo are open.

"Hahaha." Tezolo doesn't admire Linn, he always has various methods

, Can make money from all over the world.

The whole world is like Lynn's ATM. The finals finally came to an end. Karina narrowly defeated'Polgi' by 2 million votes.

This makes Polki's supporters very sorry, and it's obviously close.

With 2 million votes, at first glance, the gap is really small.

There is one vote for 10,000 Baileys.

Two million people can win the game by buying something more.

With so many people on the Great Sea Route, they actually lost to the weakest sea in terms of purchasing power.

Of course, the final result is not important anymore.

The top ten will have a contract, and they can all become the image spokesperson of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce.

However, after the carnival, how to continue to consume is what Lynn Chamber of Commerce will care about next


Bi Jing, cut non-vegetable vegetables, you must cut frequently.Haiyuan calendar January 5, 1521.

Lynn saw news about'Douglas Barrett' in the newspaper.

Douglas Barrett attacked a naval base and killed all the navies in the base

"What a crazy guy."

Douglas Barrett has been very low-key since he escaped from prison last year

It's not that I'm being detained, it's being'recovered'.Douglas Barrett is a very special monster.

Even if he has practiced his domineering to the extreme, he is still constantly pursuing progress, hoping to break through the body


Because his goal is to surpass Roger.

The lone wolf sometimes makes the Navy a headache.

Because his whereabouts are difficult to capture, especially the navy and the world government cannot send undercover agents.Of course, since Douglas Barrett began to retaliate against the Navy, it was just the beginning, not light.

Easy to end.


The red dog sent Brannew to Lynn and invited Lynn to attend a naval security meeting

The Lynn Chamber of Commerce, or the Kingdom of Utopia, is the only one with the most warships among the world's governments.

Of course, the red dog did not let Lynn send someone to help catch Barrett.

Because of being targeted by Barrett, the Lynn 4.2 Chamber of Commerce will also be retaliated.

Barrett is more disturbing than terrorists."Lynn, I need your help."

At the security meeting, as a marshal, Akadog told Lynn in front of many admirals

Lynn said: "As long as I am within my ability, I will do my best."

Akagu said: "I need the Lynn Chamber of Commerce's liaison offices around the world, commercial streets, etc., to provide

Monitor phone worm service."

The red dog wanted to find Basuet, and so far, the agents sent by the world government have not

Able to complete the task, but was also found and killed by Basuet

Chapter 287: Unexpected cooperation!

"Kalyfa, lend me some money."

Gabra came to Callifa.

It is normal for him to borrow money.

In the past, CP9 used to borrow money to live a life. Now in the WORD army, they are also borrowing money to live.

It's not that the salary is low.

But there are more and more places to spend money.

"Can't you save a little?" Kalifa said with a frown.

"Last month I bought wine for a whole year, and two seasons of St. White Poplar coupons..."

Gabra is like a few treasures, and he said exactly where he spent his money.

Kalifa said: "I don't have that much money, I can only lend you 1 million Baileys."

"Thank you very much, now the credit card can be repaid."

Gabra borrowed 1 million Baileys from Califa and then went to repay

He needs to repay 1.8 million Bailey this month

Although his salary is 2 million Baileys a month, he spends too much money

As an excellent moonlight clan, he now borrows money everywhere to repay credit cards.

13Dig the east wall and fill the west wall. This is the life of Gabra now.

"This guy is really cheeky."

Although Kaku is also of the Moonlight clan, he will not be brazen to borrow money everywhere.

What's more, the sword troops provide board and board.

As long as you go out without spending money, you can live your usual life

"Lu Qi doesn't need to give me money, I'll be fine this month." Ku.

At this time, Lu Qi came over and squeezed one million Baileys to Ka

Kaku wanted to refuse.

"Take it, you didn't spend less last month."

Lu Qi said.

Lu Qi's attitude towards his own people is completely different from his attitude towards his enemies.

Not only Kaku, but everyone else got their own money.

Lu Qi doesn't spend much money.

Except for working hours, he spends most of his time practicing in the training hall.

There are six ways to improve your domineering.

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