Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 215

At this moment, Bruno came over.

Bruno said, "Lu Qi, the boss is looking for you

"Okay. I'll be there right away

Lu Qi then went to Lynn's office.

At this time, Lynn was looking at documents in the office.

Tuk tu tu.

Lu Qi rang the office guys

"Come in." Lynn said.

Lu Qi came in

Lynn said, "There is something you need to do."

"Boss, please order." Lu Qi replied.

Lynn asked, "Have you heard the name Douglas Barthout?"

Lu Qi replied: "I saw him in the newspaper recently." Lynn said: "The Navy hopes to arrest him, and Marshal Akadog asked us for help.


Lu Qi was expressionless.Lynn said: "You are responsible for this matter, including tracking and information sharing, as well as personnel


Lu Qi nodded without asking any questions.

After returning to Gabra and others, Kaku and others asked Lucky.

"Does the boss have anything to do with you?"

"Idiot, there must be a mission."

"Of course I know that there is a task, and the boss will not find us if there is no task."

Gabra and the lion cuddled up again to quarrel.

Lu Qi said: "The Navy hopes that the Chamber of Commerce will assist in the capture of Douglas Barrett, and the boss has made me responsible for the task of tracking and sharing information."

"No, such a reusable task!"

Gabra couldn't believe it.

Douglas Barrett's nickname is the heir of the devil, which is a monster-level existence.

Moreover, such an important task was not handed over to Bartolomio, or Ainilu, Akin and others.

Bruno said: "The boss believes in us very much."

"Yeah." Lu Qi nodded.

Lynn kept them in the Chamber of Commerce and provided them with asylum, with various benefits and benefits.

Now that such an important task is entrusted to them, I really trust them.

The lion snuggled and said: "It would be nice if you could follow the boss earlier. Compared with the boss, the world government is a bunch of bastards."

Since being stabbed in the back by Spandampton, Gabra and others have had a bad impression of the world government.

In contrast, working at Lynn's salary is extremely different.


King's Heights.

The phone worm imitated Lynn’s voice and expression: "About Douglas Barrett, you have a message

Interest?543" "Humhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.Doflamingo asked with a smile, "Are you interested in this guy?""

Lynn said: "The Navy wants to deal with him, and this guy is not a stable factor, but

Can harm our interests."HumhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhDoflamingo said with a smile, "We have common ideas.""

Lynn said: "If there is news from him, tell me immediately."

call ended.

At this time, Torrepol asked: "I said Dover, why did Lynn cooperate so actively with the Navy?

Torrepol's understanding of Lynn, Lynn is a person who only balances his own interests.

At the same time, Lynn only cared about interests.

He wouldn't do things that did not benefit Lynn himself.

It was not a wise decision to provoke Douglas Barrett.

"I also really want to know the answer." Doflamingo was also very puzzled. He told Douglas

Barrett understands that this is a mad dog who dares to bite anyone.World government, navy, world government, ten Wuhai...

All may become the target of mad dogs.

Chapter 288: The new retail concept of the flower boat model!

Monitoring is always the most common method used by governments in the world.

Lin contacted Doflamingo directly, and the conversation was naturally monitored

Lynn also knew he was being monitored.

Bi Jing, he is now the only person in the world who can communicate and coordinate with the Navy, Shi Wu Hai, and the Four Emperors.

Simply, Lynn was very generous and used the phone worm to communicate.

Let the world government know what he is doing.

Of course, there are some more secret things, Linn will still choose to interview.

When it comes to Douglas Barrett, Lynn is very cooperative.

The world government should know it.

Lynn knows very well that if this matter can help, the world government and navy will need him more in the future.

Lu Qi and others were sent to investigate Douglas Barrett's whereabouts.

Within the Lynn Chamber of Commerce, the new quarter's meeting is ushered in.

This meeting is chosen to be held in the Chambord Islands

Home, the chamber of commerce that realizes the circulation of goods around the world.

"We need to take advantage of our freight forwarding. We must remember that we are the only navy in the world, the four emperors, and the seven martial arts. We have opened up all the relationships that can be opened."

"What we have to do now is to tap the potential and develop it, just like in the East China Sea.

Did the same."Our goal is not to just focus on big cities, we must bring the concept of consumption to the whole world

Any corner of the world."As long as they need to buy goods, whether they are in the North Sea polar region or in the desert, only

To have our service point, we must send the goods out."Maybe what I said, you don’t understand

"Just think about the flower boat service, no matter where you are, as long as you have money, there will be a flower boat for you.

service."So, why can't our cargo ship do what Huachuan can do!""

This is a new retail concept."

"I call it telephone consumption, or telemarketing for short, it is a new era of consumption!"

"Customers can contact the service point by phone worm. After placing the order at the service point, it will be delivered by the cargo ship.

When the goods arrive at the service point, the service point will send someone to deliver the goods to the door."Use faster and more convenient services to earn more Pele!""

Lynn talked freely at the internal meeting of the Chamber of Commerce.

In this meeting, a meeting place is definitely not seated, so the Linn Chamber of Commerce used projection

The way.Set up a split screen in the branch venue to simultaneously broadcast Lynn’s speech.

"Our president is a genius."

"It's really fortunate that he can think of it, but he would actually think of the flower boat mode."

"However, this is indeed a new attempt."

After the meeting, the members of the Chamber of Commerce are discussing the new mode of consumption that will be opened.

The new mode of consumption will cover "remote" areas.

In the past, they were just traveling merchants and sellers, who would go to these places.

Now Lynn proposes a new goal.

Of course, businessmen welcome anything that can make money.

What's more, as Lynn said, they are the only chamber of commerce in the world to open up all relations.

It is the only chamber of commerce that realizes the circulation of commodities around the world.

All countries and regions in the world hope to have a relationship with the Linn Chamber of Commerce.

Because of this, we can sell our products all over the world.

At the end of the meeting, Lynn returned to the office to rest.

"Lynn has worked hard, I made tea for you."

At this moment, Keya came to Lynn with tea

"Thank you." Lynn drank tea while listening to Ainilu's report.

Ainilu's task is to monitor.

Monitor the conversations of chamber of commerce members.

Anyone who tries to provoke "unity" within the Chamber of Commerce will be found out and met reasonably

Shanghai is difficult, either due to excessive drinking and sudden death, or death in j woman’s bed

Nuoqigao said, "Miss Universe Jindrila wants to meet you."You can arrange a 10-minute tea time after dinner."

There is no shortage of beautiful women around Lynn, or in other words, women who worship money all over the world want to approach him.

Lin En has always come to these Yingying Yanyan, celebrities and daughters.

The scandals about him are also needed in the newspapers as a supplement to life

After Nuojiao arranged one by one, he couldn’t help asking: “Lynn, if you develop a new sales model,

Will that affect our original sales?"

At present, in the commercial field, the Lynn Chamber of Commerce is already dominant. It controls the transportation, storage, and management fees in the process of commodity circulation around the world.

A lot of income.

After the sale, Lynn can still draw (no Zhao) from it.This is another income slave.

In Nuoqigao's view, the current sales system is very good.

The new consumption pattern may impact the original consumption pattern

Lynn replied: "Influence will definitely affect. But you have to remember that our position

It is to broaden the channels and sell the products we produce."

Although the merchants made some less money, they sold more goods.They can also accept it.

Although consumers don’t have to go to commercial streets or shopping malls, they have to pay an extra transportation fee.

Time, increasing the possibility of consumption.

The Lynn Chamber of Commerce has a monopoly on freight.The extra costs incurred in the sales process will go into Lynn’s pocket

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