Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 219

The operator introduced it enthusiastically.

A box of 4 million Baileys!

After hearing the price, Naiqin and others widened their eyes.

Wald's expression is also very rich

Would anyone really buy such an expensive medicine?

Bin Jack said: "Then buy a box first."

Bastian and Guy Ram should have grabbed 4 million Baileys.

Wald said: "Just come 100 boxes."

He didn't plan to pay anyway.

Let alone 100 boxes, what about 1000 boxes?

"Dear, are you sure you want to buy 100 boxes at once?"

100 boxes are 400 million Baileys

The operator must confirm clearly.

"Of course" Wald said affirmatively.

That's it!

Binjak almost fainted.

Now Bastian and Gayram won't be enough to grab 40 million Baileys.

The operator asked: "Then do you plan to use cash or pay by credit card?"

"Cash," Wald replied.

The operator said: ",Please provide your name and location, we will contact you again before delivery."

Wald replied, "Bing Jack, we will go to Loketiu on the day you deliver the goods.

He can't tell where he is.

"Okay, thank you for calling and wish you a happy life."

call ended.

On Loketiu Island, the operator Mana found the director of the service office.

Mana said: "Director, someone wants to order 100 boxes of long cow medicine, and they will come to collect the medicine in person.

400 million Baileys is a big order.

Moreover, the other party did not provide an address.

This means that the location of the other party is not fixed, or is not willing to provide a specific location at all.

Generally, the location is not fixed, and those who are unwilling to provide a specific location are usually (Li?) Pirates.

It's just that Pirates never buy health medicine.

However, this group only buys health care drugs.

It seems that their purpose is very clear, it should be that some of the members need this kind of medicine.

Director Gu Lan asked: "What is the customer's name?"

Mana replied: "Bing Jack."

"Well, go ahead."

Gülen subsequently reported the incident to the Chamber of Commerce headquarters.

At the same time, Gülen also informed the headquarters of his analysis.

If you want to get a promotion and raise your salary, the point is to have your own judgment.

Gülen made a very correct judgment.

The headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce also set this order to'abnormal' and shared it with the sword force for investigation.

Chapter 294: Sorry, our Chamber of Commerce does not support prostitutes!

Lu Qi and others are now responsible for information collection and processing.

After the Chamber of Commerce headquarters handed over the information to them, Lu Qi and others began to process

Gulen did not make a mistake.

The identity of the other party must be a pirate, and their purpose is very clear, not for other materials, but for medicine.

Obviously, there are patients on the other side's ship who need medicine.

Moreover, it must not be a common disease.

Lu Qi felt that this matter needed to be reported to Lynn.

"Bing Jack? So it was them

So Lu Qi reported the incident to Lin

When Lynn heard the name of Binjak, he thought of Wald.

Lynn is still familiar with the names of the Wald brothers.

In fact, Lynn doesn't think how hateful the Wald brothers are.

Moreover, Wald is indeed very pitiful, a man who tried his best for his brothers and his partners, but was finally betrayed

It's a sad man.

And now Wald 560 is buying medicines for Bin Jack.

To be a brother to this level, Wald did his best

"I will handle this personally."

Lynn then had people prepare medicines, and at the same time, Behemoth was also preparing to sail.

As for whether to notify the Navy?

It all depends on Bundy Wald's attitude.

If Bundy Wald's attitude is stubborn, it is still handed over to the Navy.

Lokty Island

100 boxes of longevity medicine have been prepared.

All the medicines in the longevity medicine are medicaments, which are injected into the body through direct infusion

There are 5 bags in a box.

The effect of the medicine is still good, and it can indeed make people stronger, restore the skin's luster, and increase the cardiopulmonary function.

Strong, improve gastrointestinal absorption and peristalsis.Otherwise, it won't be so expensive.

Blue blue

Blue blue.

The phone worm at the Ketiu service office in Luo (bddh) rang

Operator Mana picked up the microphone.

At this time, the phone worm imitated Bin Jack’s voice and expression, "Our ship is at sea, you

You can see us from the dock."Good dear, we will send someone to deliver the medicine now.""

Mana looked at Glenn.

Gulen took out the phone bug and said, "Boss, they are here."

"I saw them." Lynn put down the phone worm.

At this time, outside Loketiu, a huge pirate ship appeared.

This pirate ship was designed to facilitate Ward's operations.

The power of the Bimomo fruit is amazing.

The huge cannon on the ship is matched with the hundredfold power of the silent fruit.

If the pirate ship cannot withstand the recoil, the entire ship may not be able to hold it after one shot.

This is also the reason why Wald dared to appear in Lokty Bird.

Because even surrounded by the navy, Wald has the guts to fight the navy.

"Anilu, Akin, Bartolomio."

Lynn looked at Ainilu and the others, and then they said: "You are responsible for guarding, there is no mine.

Order not to allow any ships to approach.""understand."

Ainilu and others boarded the battleship next to the Behemoth.

On the deck of the battleship, SWORD's troops were waiting.

Immediately, a mini version of the Behemoth was released on the Behemoth.

Lynn took the mini version of Behemoth and approached the Ward Pirates.

The Ward Pirates saw Lynn's ship approaching.

They thought it was for delivery.

So I approached by the boat

Lynn boarded the ship smoothly, and at the same time, the security guards behind him were still holding medicines


Wald laughed loudly. He has been a pirate for so many years, and this is the first time he has encountered such thoughtfulness.

Delivery service."100 boxes, 10 boxes as a gift, a total of 400 million Baileys."

Nuojigo said to Wald.

Wald looked at Lynn and said, "Little girl, I'm sorry, but I don’t have the habit of paying.

Then we will charge liquidated damages, which are 10 times the purchase price. If you are unwilling to pay,

Nuoqigao replied, "Cash on delivery is our principle.

Let alone 4 billion Baileys, even if it is 400 million Baileys, they can’t get it out.

However, they really didn't want to offend the Lynn Chamber of Commerce.

"Little girl, don't you understand what the old man said? The old man has no habit of paying."

As soon as Bondiwold's voice fell, he saw Nuoqigao turned and looked behind him.

At this time, the security guards separated.

Lin En walked out of the security

"It's Lynn!"

"He actually came in person!"

Bin Jack's heart hung in his throat.

In the war at the top, Lynn showed a monster-like strength.

It's just that Lynn is usually "low-key" and rarely shows off force.

Therefore, everyone paying attention to Lynn is only in his identity as the world's richest man.

Lin En said: "Sorry, our Chamber of Commerce does not support white prostitution."

"You seem to be familiar." Bondiwold looked at Lynn.

Lynn today is wearing a black suit.

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