Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: The Dark Capitalist Chapter 220

I was just among the security guards, because the security guards are all wearing black suits, so he is not very obvious

"Wald, he is Lynn! King of the Utopia Kingdom, president of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce!"

Bin Jack hurriedly reminded.

Chapter 295: You are too slow!

"No wonder it's so familiar."

Although Lynn is not on the wanted warrant, Lynn has indeed made a splash recently.

There are many reports about him in the newspapers.

Lynn's views on current events and his criticism of certain social issues have been sought after by a group of people.

Of course, in addition, Lynn's money making experience is worshipped by countless young people.

"I know who you are." Lynn looked at Wald.

Wald laughed loudly, "Then you are not here to deliver the goods."

Lynn said, "I admire you very much."

"Appreciate the old man?" Wald laughed loudly, then drew his knife directly.

The blade pointed at Lynn.

However, Lynn did not blink.

Guina, Noqi High and the others are ready to fight

Naqin, Gayram, Bastian and others are also ready to fight."

Lynn said: "I admire your personality and think you can be my fellow traveler.

"The old man will not be anyone's subordinate."

Wald said coldly with a hideous expression on his face.

Lynn said: "I didn't ask you to be my subordinate, but you can accept my opinion and occasionally help me deal with some things. In exchange, I can also provide you with information and the materials you need."

It's the same as Shark Rockdale and Bucky

Lynn wanted to make Wald his'beater' who could handle some things for him when it was inconvenient for Lynn to come forward.

As for subduing Wald?

Lynn didn't think so, and didn't need to.

Wald said coldly: "Do you think the old man will agree?"

Lynn replied: "If you disagree, then I will contact the Navy."

"Do you use the navy to threaten the old man? The old man is not afraid of the navy."

Wald said disapprovingly.

He really is not afraid of the navy. He was not afraid 30 years ago, and he is not afraid of it 30 years later.

Lynn looked at Bin Jack and the others, "I know you are not afraid, but what about them?"

It is true that Bingjieke and others left Wald but, Wald and Bingjieke are brothers, and Wald will not leave Bingjie alone.

And Bingjieke and others have been waiting for so many years, still waiting for Wald to return.

Wald had resentment in his heart, but he was also concerned about them.

Otherwise, Wald would not be with them after he escaped from prison.

Bin Jack looked at Wald and said worriedly, "Wald, we can consider President Lynn's suggestion."

Binjak does not have the excellent body of Wald.

He has been weak since childhood.

Therefore, Bin Jack knows how to think.

Over the years, when Wald was no longer there, he still maintained the operation of the Ward Pirates.

It was not annexed by other pirate groups, nor was it defeated by the navy.

It all depends on his mind.

Binjak could see that Lynn was not hostile.

Moreover, the conditions that Lynn proposed were indeed good.

"I won't trust anyone anymore!"

Wald glared at Binjack coldly.

These words made Bingjieke and others very uncomfortable.

They are indeed very guilty.

When it was designed by the Warring States Period, it ran away regardless of Wald.

Lead to Wald's arrest.

Now Wald hates them as they should.

"It's really embarrassing. Well, the negotiation fails. I will notify the Navy and let them deal with you."

After Lynn finished speaking, he turned around to leave.

"Do you think the old man will give you a chance?"

Wald slashed at Lynn.


The cold light of the knife dazzled Wald's eyes.

So fast speed!

Lynn said: "I don't like to use force, but that doesn't mean I'm not good at it."

Afterwards, Lynn said to Guina and others, "You go back to the boat first."

Guina and others returned to the boat

At this time, Wald's right hand holding the knife began to exert force.

Wald said: "You are quick to shoot the knife, but the old man is faster."

The voice just fell.

Wald used the hundredfold cut of Momo Fruit.

In an instant, the knife in Wald's hand became a hundred times larger and slashed down.

Lynn cleverly removed the knife's slash, and then jumped up.

"100 times shot!"

Wald increased the size of the bullet fired from the left-hand pistol by 100 times, and the speed of the bullet was also increased by 100 times.

However, Lynn's body moved laterally to the left.

"This can be avoided!"

The bullet flew past Lynn's profile

Naiqin, Guy Ram and others all looked at it

However, Lynn's counterattack also began.

"you are too slow."

When Lynn spoke, he swung his knife at Wald.

Bondiwold’s Momo fruit can indeed amplify the speed and quality of the objects it touches by a hundred

However, Bundy Wald's own speed cannot be accelerated.

And Lynn's seeing, hearing and color' saw Wald's attack.

And after avoiding it perfectly, he immediately counterattacked.

"Reverse Slash, Back Flow!"

The majestic sword energy chopped out.

Wald raised the knife, his knife was like a giant shield.

At the same time, the armed color domineering wrapped around the knife


Sword wave hits the shield

The deck around Wald shattered and turned into sawdust

The entire pirate ship was instantly destroyed by half

Chapter 296: His armed color is so domineering!

"You are stronger than I thought."

Lynn's voice reached Wald's ear

The knife in Wald's hand was restored.

Next second.

Lynn swung the knife and slashed again.

This time, slash at close range.

Wald leaped back, avoiding the chop.

"Good reaction, it seems that you have experienced a lot of fierce battles in the past."

When Lynn speaks, his armed color is poured into the blade

Huang became even sharper under the blessing of armed domineering.


In an instant, Lynn scored thirteen knives.

The sword spirit is close to Wald.

Wald wrapped his arms all over his body and put his hands on the knife.

Enlarged the knife again and turned it into his own shield.

when!when!when!When "Five Six Zero"

It's like hitting a bronze bell.

This strength!

The impact from the sword energy made Wald feel Lynn’s power

Wald underestimated Lynn.

He didn't expect Lynn to be so strong.

"Reverse Slash·Galaxy!"

After thirteen dollars.

Lynn took a deep breath and charged a knife.

This time, Lynn’s knife slashed directly on Wald’s blade

Wald's knife is also a famous knife.

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