Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: The Dark Capitalist Chapter 230

I hope you guys can help me."

After hearing Lynn's words, Duke Inulan was silent.They are the retainers of the Guangyue family, this is something that cannot be changed in a lifetime

Lin En said, "I know you are hesitating, and I know that you were once the retainers of Guangyue Mitian.

However, I will not force you to serve me, I just hope to get your help to fulfill the dream of founding a country

miss you.Duke Inulan took a deep breath and said, "I want to talk to the old cat.""The fighting power of Cat Viper, Duke Inuran, and the Nine Heroes of Red Sheath is not weak.

As long as Momanosuke is gone.

The only object of their allegiance is Xiao Zi.

And Xiao Zi was by Lynn's side.

With Xiaozi, the Guangyue family princess, the samurai who controls the country of Wano, and the Chisao Lixia is not


Since Guangyue Mitian's death, Duke Inuran has fallen out with the cat viper.Now that we meet again, Cat Viper didn't give Duke Inulan a good face either.

"Chairman Lynn is a disciple of Shuangyue Kosaburo."

Duke Inuran said to the cat viper

Cat Viper asked back: "Do you believe him?"

"I believe it." Duke Inulan said.

Cat Viper looked at Duke Inulan with contempt: "Then do you want to betray the master? Do you want to serve him instead?

Since they met Mitsuki Mita, their character has changed.

They become powerful.

At the same time, they also gained recognition, were accepted, and gained the honorable status of samurai.

"Master's dream, do you still remember?"

Duke Inulan asked.

"Of course I remember," said Cat Viper.

Duke Inulan said: "It is regrettable that the owner did not complete it when he was alive.

Finished in his hands."

"You really want to betray the master!"

Cat Snake sneered.Duke Inulan said: "If the dream of founding a nation can be realized, the master will definitely

Very happy (Wang Zhao Zhao)."

"Humph." Cat Viper was too lazy to talk nonsense with Duke Inulan.

Duke Inulan said: "I decided to assist him. At the same time, I also hope to use his power to avenge my master."


When hearing these two words, the cat and snake fell silent.He will never forget the death of Guangyue Mitian in his life.

However, Kaido and the Hundred Beast Pirate Group are too powerful!

Duke Inulan stretched out his hand to the cat viper, "Join me again, for the owner’s dream,

Revenge for the owner."

Dream, revenge.

Looking at Duke Inulan.Cat Viper stretched out his hand and slapped Duke Inuran's hand vigorously, "I will join the battle of revenge,

I don't care about other things."

Chapter 309: Founding Ceremony!

Although Cat Viper and Duke Inuaran still have differences, they still reached a consensus.

Revenge for Guangyue Mitian and fulfill Guangyue Mitian's dream at the same time.

After the two reached a consensus, Lynn summoned them.

"I hope you send someone to join my army."

Lynn still recognized the fighting power of the fur clan.

Drought Jack took to the givers, and suffered a lot from attacking the fur clan.

"Yeah." Duke Inulan nodded in agreement: "I will send a gun team."

Lynn shook his head and said, "It's not enough for the Musketeers."

The combat power Lynn needs is not only elite, but also quantity.

Lynn said: "I hope that the furry kingdom will send more young people to conduct systematic training.

Duke Inulan thought for a while, but agreed.

As for the cat viper.

Cat Viper said: "The knight group will also send people to participate."

After the negotiation, Lynn did not stop at Zowudo for 370 stay.

The Duke of Inuran sent Sicilian, Kida, Garrot, and fifty musket teams, as well as 150 fur youths

Cat Viper sent Perod, Black Buck and others.

As for Duke Inulan and Cat Viper, they still stayed in Zuow, waiting for the opportunity to counterattack.

Haiyuan Calendar June 1521

The Utopian Kingdom held its founding ceremony and at the same time carried out the first batch of immigrants.

After the first phase of real estate sales, the first batch of residents finally got the keys and moved into the Utopian capital as they wished.

As they expected

The Utopia Kingdom has beautiful mountains and clear waters, and the greening has achieved the ultimate.

Entering the island requires immigration inspection.

At the port of entry, ten giants stood guard.

These giants wore heavy armor and ate great axes or great swords in their hands.

Do not be angry, increase the majesty of the port of entry.

At the same time, warships are moored in the military port.

These warships are no different from navy warships in appearance except for color and painting.

This is demonstrating military strength and security.

Every ten minutes, soldiers wearing black camouflage uniforms and berets pass by on the island.

These soldiers still have the '1yn' logo on their hats and swor on their arms

The armband of d proves that they are SWORD troops of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce, but they just changed their outfit

In addition, Lynn also invited Akakinu, Fujitora, Sengoku, Karp, and the Navy

Lieutenant General.Even Smogg was invited.

The navy ships parked in the open sea, it is quite spectacular.

In addition.

Wu Hai's boat also stopped at the pier.

Doflamingo, Moonlight Moria, Boya Hancock, Hawkeye Mihawk and others also accepted Lin

Gracious invitation.It's not so much the founding ceremony as it is a show.

A big show inviting many stars.

The singing of Karina and others brought the founding ceremony to a climax

Under the leadership of the staff.

The rich and nobles took their families to visit the zoo.

In order to increase entertainment and viewing.

Lin En sent someone to Zhen Beast Island, (aifa) caught all the rare and exotic animals on the island

Capital island.In addition, schools on the island are also open to visit.

Scholars from all over the world visited the world’s top laboratories and libraries

You can own everything if you have money.

Lynn spent a lot of money to buy books from all over the world, preparing to build the world’s most

The big library."It will definitely exceed O'Hara in scale."

In front of the reporters' cameras, Lynn told his plans for the library.

The capital island of Utopia should highlight both security and science.

On the one hand, it attracts the rich and aristocrats, and on the other hand, it attracts scholars.

Lynn has built separate luxury apartment buildings for scholars.

Although the size and luxury of the apartments are not comparable to the rich and nobles, they are all free.

In the utopia where every inch of land is rich in money, Lynn offers scholars this kind of treatment, which is already very unreasonable

Wrong Robin looked at the newspaper and murmured: "If O'Hara could have such an environment then."

Although Robin did not agree with Lynn’s approach, he accepted Dorage’s inspiration

Robin also began to accept.

The world did not get worse because of Lynn.On the contrary, under the influence of Lynn, the world began to move towards the good side.

In the newspaper, scholarships of various colleges and professional fields were mentioned.

It covers technology, art, history, etc.

Lin En provides a good platform and environment for intellectuals who want to learn and research.

Not only provides free accommodation, but also provides high monetary rewards.

After letting Robin read Utopia's policy, he had to admire Lynn.

"Hey, look, is she Nicole Robin?"

At this moment, someone on the street paid attention to Robin.

"Be quiet, don't be seen by her."

Robin's reward now increases again.

Moreover, not only the world government and navy, but also the ambitious people in the world, all want to find

To Robin.

Robin quickly fled into the alley. Behind Robin, two men chased in.

Robin hides in the shadows.

Later, she used the power of Huahuaguo to break the necks of the two men.

Chapter 310: Pacifist px-z!

The land on Capital Island has been planned.

The sales of the second and third phases also further increased the transaction volume due to the holding of the founding ceremony

Real estate speculation is always the most profitable means.

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