Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 231

However, the land on Capital Island is too expensive.

For civilians, it is simply impossible.

Making money can't just make money from the rich.

If you want to suck blood in the world, the poor can't let go of their money.

Therefore, Lynn intends to plan the "round the island" plan.

The so-called roundabout, as the name suggests, is to surround the capital island with four islands.

Lynn's devil fruit ability can perfectly accomplish this plan.

Kajanglin Island is a deserted island located in the southwest corner of the East China Sea.

remote.There are no valuable resources on the island except for the big beasts of meat.

"Clean up this island."

Under Lynn's order, the sword forces began to clean up the island of Khajunglin.

Hunt all the big beasts on the island.


Under the influence of the floating fruit, Kajarin Island floated directly.

Later, Lynn found three deserted islands in the windless zone.

Lynn asked the sword troops to clean up the beasts and flying insects on the island.

Finally, Lynn used the ability of floating fruits to float the three deserted islands.

The area of ​​the four deserted islands is about the same as the capital island.

Lynn distributes the four islands around the capital island in a diamond shape

In the future, Lynn intends to connect the four islands with the capital island by using a water train.

Lynn is actively developing the round-the-island plan. At the same time, he is preparing to sell the real estate and land on the round-the-island.

Desert island turned waste into treasure

However, the world has not become better because of it.Because of the sacrifice of the Basolomi bear, the revolutionary army also obtained a sample of pacifists

The pacifists are not completely mechanical.

It's the'closing body' of the Basolomi bear.

Using pedigree factor technology, the body of the Basolomi bear was overcome.

Then through the blood factor technology, the yellow ape's shining fruit ability was obtained.

Nowadays, the world government has upgraded this technology and has achieved full mass production.


This virtually put tremendous pressure on the revolutionary army.If they can’t overthrow the world government as soon as possible, then wait until artificial weapons appear on the battlefield.

At that time, it was a disaster for the revolutionary army!

Dorag knew what would happen.

Therefore, he needs help.

On a desert island

Lynn and Dorag meet.

They haven't seen each other for a long time

After all, Dorag's identity is very sensitive.

After meeting, Lynn said: "It must be very troublesome to find me so anxiously."

Dorag said, "You and Zefa are familiar, right?

"Yeah." Lynn did not deny it either.

He has been providing supplies and warships to Zefa.

If it were not for Lynn’s support behind the scenes, the NE Navy of Zefa would not have the current regulations

Today the NE0 Navy has nearly 10,000 people and ten large warships.

In the new world, the pirates are not willing to encounter this group of lunatics.

"Have you seen this picture?"

Dorrag took a photo from his body and gave it to Lynn.

Lynn glanced at the photo.

Pacifist, model PX-Z.

This is the masterpiece of Zefa's subordinates and mad scientists.

This scientist has worked with Bergapunk.

Like Caesar, he has mastered part of the technique of blood factor.

PX-Z can also emit laser light waves, eliminating pirates who have offered a reward of over 100 million.

Lynn said: "I saw this model for the first time, is it made by Zefa?"

Lin En asked knowingly.

Dorag nodded and said, "I want to see its maker."

The artificial weapons of world governments are becoming more advanced and powerful.

The revolutionary army needs the means to counter it.

However, it is difficult to find Begapunk and win him over.

Even if Begapunk supports the revolutionary army.

However, the world government will not let Begapunk join the revolutionary army.

So Dorag wanted to find a mad scientist through Lynn to obtain the production of artificial weapons


"This is troublesome." Lynn said, "The scientist who can create xZ, Zefayi

It will be tightly protected."I know it's difficult.""Dorag said: "The speed of the world government in the development of artificial weapons

, Far beyond our imagination, if they appear on a large scale, the battlefield will only be a massacre. I know you have your position, but I hope you can help us."

Dorage looked at Lynn sincerely.Lynn hesitated for a while, and said, "I will do my best." Lynn and Dorrag separated on the desert island.

Artificial weapons are an important bargaining chip in the hands of world governments.

If it appears on the battlefield, it is indeed very detrimental to the revolutionary army.

However, Lynn didn't plan to hand over Zefa's estate to Dorag.

Lin En has already made arrangements in advance and is also ready to accept Zefa's legacy.

Now Lynn just needs to wait for Zefa to do it.

Zefa prepared the PX-Z and possessed the warships and supplies supported by Linn.

The next step is to capture Bomb Yanxi.

Chapter Three Hundred and Eleven: Supply Ship!

Zefa trained the current navy.

From Marshal Red Dog, General Yellow Ape, Lieutenant General Fire Mountain Ghost Spider, Doberman, Flying Squirrel, Smog, Tina, etc.

All are his disciples.

Now the navy is in charge of them.

Therefore, as long as Zefa doesn’t overdo it, all they do and learn are with one eye closed

Otherwise, it is not easy for Zefa to make PX-Z.

The navy headquarters almost tacitly approved Zefa’s PX-Z production.

Bijing PX-system also deals with pirates

New World, Praen Island

PX-began to attack on the island."April 20"

The system he carries can distinguish civilians from pirates.

If the opponent is found to be a pirate, it will attack.

At this time, the target of the PX-Z attack is the Kidd Pirates

More than a year ago, Kidd and others escaped from Push City.

After escaping to the New World, Kidd and others did not immediately retaliate against the Lynn Chamber of Commerce.

Because Kidd had an understanding of his own strength during his more than a year in prison.

The Lynn Chamber of Commerce is very powerful and a terrifying existence.

Therefore, Kidd dare not provoke for the time being.

If you want to deal with Lynn, the best way is to develop and grow.

Therefore, after Kidd entered the new world, he quickly expanded his power.

Praen Island has been occupied by him for nearly two months.

In the new world, being able to occupy a place is not easy

The territory of the New World, except for those not occupied by the Four Emperors.

The remaining turf is enough to be divided by the major underground forces, which can be described as a separatist rule.

In a game of separatist rule, if you can not be eliminated, you have already proved your own strength.

Kidd is really strong.

Until now, his personal strength has been increasing along with the reward.

Now, Kidd is offering a reward of 565 million Bailey, which is a big thief.

Kidd wants to go further, he needs to challenge a stronger opponent.

"It's the NEO Navy."

"Boss, retreat."

NEO Navy, a name that neither Kidd nor Kira can forget.

Peacekeeper PX- launches laser light waves.

call out!

As the light wave exploded, the pirates who were in charge of guarding the pier were directly blown into flight.

Behind the defenders of peace, there is a group of NEO navy soldiers wearing black clothes and steel helmets.

The NE navy began to move forward rhythmically

The enemy is so few!

Kidd took a deep breath, "Retreat.

Life in prison made him no longer reckless.

Ayn and Binz watched the pirates who were defeated, and immediately commanded the entire army to sweep them.

"Search the village to find the hidden pirate."

At this time, a PX-Z and a team of NEO naval soldiers entered the village.

The roofs of the houses in the village are all made of banana leaves.

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