Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: The Dark Capitalist Chapter 275

To ensure the success rate.

Black Charcoal Orochi has contacted Kaido.

Kaido also sent Che Yin to fight with many real people.

Chapter 376: Shanks' request!

The Behemoth was flying in the air.

At this time, the Behemoth was heading towards the country of Wano.

According to the plan agreed upon by Lynn and Kaido, he will play a play with Kaido.

Moreover, the main role must be played by Kaido.

Kaido needs to break with his daughter Yamato in a natural situation.

Let Yamato successfully board the Straw Hat Pirate Ship.

This process requires many details to consider.

Compared to Charlotte Lingling, Kaido is obviously more difficult.

Because Brin is a born actor.

Kaido needs to deceive Yamato with his acting skills

Behemoth aboard

Including Nuoqi Gao and others, they all did not know that Lynn, Kaido, and Charlotte Lingling had reached an agreement on "April 13".

I don’t even know that this time I went to Wano Country to cooperate with Kaido

Xiao Zi at this moment has a difficult mood

She wanted to tell Lynn her true identity.

Maybe, we can take this opportunity to let Lynn help her avenge her, and at the same time establish a country

Lin glanced at Xiao Zi from the corner of his eye.

Xiao Zi's reaction was within Linn's expectations.

This time to go to the country, Lynn did have to do something.

Momanosuke is dead.

Dayi will come at any time.

Lin En is also ready to take over Wano Country.

Of course, the so-called takeover still requires Xiao Zi as Linn's puppet.

Blue Blue...

Blue blue

At this time, the phone worm called.

Lynn glanced at the phone bugs on the table and muttered, "It's Shanks."

Pick up the phone worm's microphone.

The phone worm imitated Shanks' voice and expression.

Lynn asked, "Anything?"

Shanks said, "Can you do me a favor?"

Lynn said: "Your request makes it hard for me to refuse."


Shanks laughed for a while, then his expression became serious: "I hope you can protect Luffy and Ace and let them leave the country safely."

Lynn asked, "Why don't you come in person?"

Shanks replied, "I still have things to deal with.

Lynn was silent for a while, as if thinking, and said, "They also sent me a request. However, I have an agreement with Kaido. Some things are not convenient for intervention."

Shanks said: "As long as their safety can be guaranteed."

Shanks also didn't let Lynn help Luffy and the others to defeat Kaido.

In fact, Luffy and Ace carry hope.

Shanks saw Roger's appearance on Ace.

Now Ace is more and more like Roger.

However, Ace had no idea.

Instead, it’s Luffy, maybe it can bring changes to the world

Perhaps Luffy is the person in the prophecy.

Lynn said, "Well, I will try my best."

Shanks said, "Sorry for embarrassing you."

Lynn said, "They were also the ones I grew up watching and I can't just let them die."

"Well, with your words, I'm relieved."

Shanks finished speaking and ended the call.

Xiao Zi listened to the conversation

The agreement between Lynn and Kaido was an obstacle in front of Xiao Zi.

Xiao Zi's time with Lynn isn't too short

Xiao Zi knows Lynn's character very well.

Lynn is a person who values ​​the spirit of contract.

However, Xiao Zi will not give up, because this time there is a turning point.

Thousands of warriors are being held in Raksha Town

At this time, including the town of Rakshasa, as well as the entire flower capital, are now temporarily handed over to the madman.

Li 0 Heitan Orochi led a large army to go out to Baiwu.

Before leaving, Black Charcoal Big Snake handed over the management of the Flower City and other places to Kuang Si Lang.

And Kuang Si Lang had long been thinking of thousands of warriors.

As soon as the time comes, he will release thousands of warriors from the Raksha Town Prison and let them join the crusade

At this moment in the team of Heitan Orochi and Kaido, Kuangshilang's hand came down to Kuangshilang.

"A suspicious person was found on the street."

Kuang Shi Lang's subordinates are currently the most powerful gang in Wano Country.

In the towns of Wano country, as long as a suspicious person appears on the street, he will be found

And, in a very short period of time, the crazy dead man will be reported

"I know."

Kuang Si Lang immediately got up.

How many years have passed, will the suspicious person be them?

The people Kushiro was waiting for were Jinweimen, Kanjuro and others who were also Red Swordsmen.

Quinn brought Drake and others to Bai Wu.

They have joined the black charcoal serpent.

However, they were all stopped outside of Bai Wu's boundary monument.

There are road cards on the main roads of Baiwu.

0.3 cargo and personnel entering and leaving Baiwu need to be inspected.

At this time, the decent person negotiated with the Lynn Chamber of Commerce.

The content of the negotiations is that Quinn enters Bai Wu to arrest people.

Only with the permission of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce, will the entry and arrest be approved.

Because it was very uncomfortable, this place was originally the country of He, a place where a group of beasts and pirates run wild.

However, now this area has become an overseas territory of the Utopian Kingdom

Lynn and Kaido signed a non-aggression agreement

Therefore, Quinn must wait.

The agreement is based on a peer-to-peer situation.

The strength of the Linn Chamber of Commerce is not weak, they do not need to increase the enemy.

Chapter 377: The territory of the Utopian Kingdom is sacred and inviolable!

Kinweimen, Kanjuro, and Zang act separately, looking for their lost partners.

Naturally, they were not open and honest, and left from the road.

Instead, they left Bai Wu from the waterway the stowaways took.

Jinweimen went to the back, Raizang went to the flower capital, Kanjuro went to the rabbit bowl.

Linghou and Ximei and other places, they also go back

at this time

Within the capital of flowers.

"Where did he go!"

"Have you seen him?"

"Damn it, let him slip under his nose!"

Kuang Si Lang's men are chasing Lei Zang.

Lei Zang went into hiding immediately after being discovered.

In fact, this is Kuang Si Lang's way of protecting Lei Zang and others.

Kuang Si Lang deliberately made a big move, just to tell Lei Zang that their whereabouts had been leaked.

In Hezhi, the eyeliner of Black Charcoal Orochi and Kaido are everywhere.

If you want to start operations, you need to be more concealed and cautious.

The Behemoth arrived at Wujian Port.

"Welcome to the great 08!"

"Welcome your great majesty!"

At the wharf, the local gentry in Wubian Port, with his wives and clansmen, raised the flag.

The banner says'Welcome to our great king

These local tyrants really regard themselves as citizens of utopia.

However, Bai Wu is already regarded as an overseas territory of the Utopia.

It's just that these guys really have the potential to be two devils.

I forgot my country so quickly and turned to utopia

In fact, it is natural to yearn for the Utopian Kingdom.

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