Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 276

The Utopian Kingdom is very powerful and has the strongest economic power in the world. As for military power, four

Neither the emperor nor the navy will provoke the utopian kingdom.Compared to Wano, which is poor and abandons swordsmanship.

The Utopian Kingdom is the real power.

"Uncle Lynn."

Usopp was also on the dock and waved vigorously at Lynn.

Lynn also saw Ace and Marko on the dock.

Lynn waved at them.

At this time, the Wano country branch of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce.

The building of the Wonokuni branch is very special.

The architectural style of Wano country is still preserved here.

However, the architectural layout is bigger than the city of the black charcoal big snake

Mainly Lynn Chamber of Commerce has money

Without Lynn’s order, the branch prepared a grand banquet.

Lu Fei, Nami and others also attended the banquet.

At the banquet, everyone ate and drank, and the atmosphere was relaxed and happy.

"President, Kaido's subordinates, and Black Charcoal Orochi want to enter the White Dance."

At this time, Kenta Ohara, the head of the branch, said to Lin En.

Kenta Ohara was just promoted recently

At the same time, he also obtained the citizenship of the Utopia State.

Although he used to be from the country of Wano, he has completely regarded himself as a Utopian country

Yibei And, Ohara Kenta's dress has completely changed.

Now he is dressed very gentlemanly.

The appearance of the nationals of Wano country is completely gone.

No longer wearing kimono, no longer eating food from Wano country.

All the food I eat is imported, and the water I drink is also imported water.

Of course, the food and water in Hezhi's country are indeed unclean.

However, Kenta Ohara already disliked Wano Country from his heart.

His biggest dream is to emigrate to the Utopian Kingdom.

Lynn said: "This is Bai Wu, an overseas territory of our utopian nation. I don’t welcome it.

violence."Yes, the territory of the Utopia is sacred and inviolable" Ohara Kenta also thinks so

Cat Viper and Duke Inu Lan frowned subconsciously when they heard this.

What's the matter with the people here?

How could you betray the country so easily, and even forget your ancestors?

Quinn waited for a few days at the boundary monument of Bai Wu.

Just when he was a little impatient.

Ohara Kenta came to the world with a group of people in suits, top hats, and leather boots.

At the monument.

"Sorry, we cannot approve you to enter. Our utopian kingdom does not welcome violence." When speaking, Ohara Kenta was proud and confident.

We're Utopia' also emphasized.

Hearing this in the ears of the black charcoal snake, why is it so strange!

Black Charcoal Orochi is very upset, obviously this is the country of harmony, and he is the ruler of the country of harmony.

Quinn was also very upset at 830, he even wanted to break through.

However, at this time a group of soldiers ran over.

These soldiers were originally samurai from Wano country.

The samurai's hands were all pressed on the hilt.

"let's go!"

Seeing the conflict is about to happen, the car can only take people away temporarily.

Not because of these samurai.

But behind the samurai, followed by a ship

The boat floating in the air.

On the Ark’s Proverbs, there stood Ainilu and the priest's troops in Ainilu.

Behind Anilu, the strange monk Uerji looked like he was about to do something.

Although Lynn and Kaido have a tacit understanding, but the two subordinates conflict, then both sides will need


This is meaningless action.Quinn didn't want to cause trouble to Kaido.

Seeing Quinn lead people away, the black charcoal snake is no longer dependent, and can only lead people away.

"Huh." Ohara Kenta was even more proud.

He now has a stronger sense of superiority.

He is a citizen of utopia.

There is a powerful utopian kingdom to protect.

Even Kaido and Black Charcoal Orochi couldn't help him.

Chapter 378: Bad news that should come sooner or later!

The so-called balance of the four emperors is based on a tacit understanding between the two sides but conflicts may break out at any time.

Harmony with each other is just appearance.

This is what the world government wants.

And between Lynn and Kaido, this time a small conflict broke out.

It is not only reasonable, but also in line with the plan of Lynn and Kaido.

However, the black charcoal snake is very upset.

He is upset by those untouchables

Actually claim to be a citizen of the Utopian Kingdom.

Are Utopia citizens great?

Even dare to be rude to him!

Really bullshit!

However, the black charcoal snake does not dare to provoke Lynn.

I can only suppress this anger temporarily

In the courtyard of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce.

Ace and Marco sat in front of Lynn.

Mu En said: "Shanks just contacted me. He hoped that I would protect Ace and Luffy’s safety.

When Ace heard this, he couldn't help frowning.It sounds like it makes him feel like a child and needs to be protected

Of course, Ace is an independent person.

"I know what you think." Lynn looked at Ace and said, "However, I hope you can

More mature."

Ace nodded in response to'um'.Lynn went on to say: "Neither revenge nor realizing ambitions require strong power as a

Guarantee, you can’t relax now, and don’t underestimate your life, because your body

On the back, there are too many hopes."It's like preaching. Changing to the old Ace will definitely be impatient.

But now Ace can hear it

Because white beard changed him

Because it was Baibeard who used his own life in exchange for Ace's life.

At this time, Lynn looked at Marco, "I have my own position, so in many things,

I can’t help you directly, but I hope you can keep going and bring the white beard Ren

Pass on the righteousness~.Marco nodded seriously. He was also grateful to Lynn.

Because of Lynn’s help, the White Beard Pirates kept as much as possible.

The black charcoal snake left behind and continued to look at the white dance.

Afterwards, Black Charcoal Big Snake returned to the Capital of Flowers with an angry stomach.

When the black charcoal snake came back, there were many more prisoners in Raksha Town.

Among the prisoners, there are not only profiteers, but also gamblers.

He was in the Flower City, around the Flower City, and made the decision to arrest the suspect indiscriminately.

In order to protect his companions, Kuang Si Lang made a "Ning catch the wrong, don't let it go."

Such a random catch can effectively protect potential comrades.

Even if they are caught by mistake and get caught in the crowd, they can avoid being noticed.

It’s just the result of such random arrests, which will lead to overcrowding in Raksha Town Prison

Moreover, Kuang Si Lang's men are still arresting people.

Now the chickens and dogs in the flower capital are restless.

When Black Charcoal Orochi returned to the Flower City, he could clearly feel the changes in the Flower City.

The streets are empty.

People are gone

Where are people?!

After careful questioning, the Black Charcoal Big Snake knew what Kuang Si Lang did.

Of course, this is a sign of loyalty.

Just doing this is too extreme!

"I have conducted a rigorous interrogation, and I will never miss anyone."

After seeing the black charcoal snake, Kuang Si Lang explained his recent work.

The Black Charcoal Snake came back with anger, but the crazy dead man’s work attitude made him disappear instantly.


"No, that's not necessary."

Black Charcoal Orochi also felt that Kuang Si Lang had done too much.As a general, the capital of flowers should also be alive, looking glamorous.

The residents of the Capital of Flowers were afraid to take to the streets after being engaged by Kuang Si Lang.

Compared with Bai Wu, the City of Flowers is like a dead city without air.

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