Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 279

"If I marry Xiao Zi... Ah wrong, now Xiao Zi has been snatched away by Lin!"

"She was obviously my first."

"Wait, what am I thinking! This is not the time to think about this."

The black charcoal snake began to feel restless and all kinds of conjectures amidst anxiety.

Afterwards, Black Charcoal Big Snake said to Fu Lu Shou: "Don't let any of them go, so is Xiao Zi!"

He was still cruel and wanted to kill Xiao Zi.

Fu Lu Shou said, "However, Guangyue Ri and in Lynn's car."

To attack Xiao Zi, he must attack Lynn's car.

That's Lynn

A strong man as terrifying as Kaido.

Fu Lu Shou has a compelling number of his own strength, he dare not challenge Lynn at all

The black charcoal snake roared into the microphone: "Kill me Xiao Zi, either by assassination or poisoning, whatever you want."

"I know."

Fu Lu Shou ended the call.

"Long live your Royal Highness!"

"Long live your Royal Highness!"

At this time, Sword's troops on the street began to shout in unison.

These five hundred people are samurai

Now they follow Linn's order to cooperate with Guangyue Rihe.

On the street, the samurai and passers-by who ate melons woke up from their dumbfoundedness.

Those wealthy businessmen who have immigrated to the Utopia Kingdom also shouted at this time

"Long live your Royal Highness!"

"Long live your Royal Highness!"

They are the grass on the wall, they like to see the wind.

Xiao Zi stood in Lynn's car, proving that Lin was supporting Xiao Zi.

Behind Xiao Zi is Lynn, and they support Xiao Zi while standing by Lin En's side.

And Xiao Zi is Lynn's woman.

In this way, the future Wano Country is Lynn’s territory.

The reason is simple and easy to understand.

The merchants quickly figured it out.

As the merchants turned their backs, more and more people who ate melons began to shout long live the princess

The situation is about to get out of control.

"Do you want to act?" Daguo asked Fu Lu Shou.

Fu Lu Shou shook his head, "Wait until they attack the city, they are doing it."

Take in chaos.

Royal Court Fanzhong is good at assassination, and assassination is divided into many situations.

Shot a deadly poisonous needle in the crowd, either with a shuriken or Kunai

"The black charcoal serpent colluded with Kaido and poisoned the country of harmony, causing the people of harmony to not talk about cows...

At this time, Guangyue Rihe began to read the accusation of the black charcoal snake.

"We want clean water!"

"We want clean food!"

"We need money to support the family!"

"Let's not be hungry!"

"We don't want tyranny!"

"Abolish the waste knife order!"

Guangyue Day and began to announce the exit number.

This was all prepared by Lynn for her.

The people were driven by Guangyue Sunhe.

"Follow me to fight the Black Charcoal Big 4.6 Snake!"

As the car began to move, thousands of warriors and tens of thousands of people gathered in the streets of the flower city began to move towards the settlement of the black charcoal snake

The regalia fans also mixed in the crowd, waiting for the opportunity

The black crowd arrived outside the city of the black charcoal snake.

The most luxurious residence in the Flower City.

The past symbolizes absolute power.

No one dares to resist the tyranny of the black charcoal snake.

Totally changed today

It's not just because of Guangyueri and taking the lead.

Even more because of Lynn as the backer

The man who lives in the city and is responsible for guarding the city gate is the dead man.

The soldiers guarding the city have raised their guns and aimed at the people below

Chapter 382: Escalation of Conflict!

On the castle tower, the black charcoal snake is looking out of the city.

His residence was built on the hill.


At this time, the mountain was black.

Among thousands of warriors, Ashura Boy and others have appeared.

"Shooting, why didn't Crazy Death order the shooting!"

The black charcoal snake is a bit irritable

In fact, a large number of artillery have been set up in the city where the black charcoal snake lives.

These artillery are made in Kaido’s arsenal

The power is large enough, and the number is also large enough.

However, Kuang Si Lang did not order the shooting for a long time.

At this moment, Kuang Si Lang drew his sword.

Then, under the eyes of everyone who could not believe it.

The soldier closest to him fell to the ground instantly.

"This, what's going on!"

The black charcoal snake was stunned.

The same goes for Kuang Si Lang's men

Began to slash the soldiers in the city.

The soldiers on the tower did not have any defense against Kuang Shi Lang's men.

At this time, they were attacked first, causing a lot of casualties.

At the same time, the city gate was opened directly.

"Into the city!"

Guangyue Rihe used her loudest voice.

"Get in!"

"Kill the black charcoal snake!"

The warriors could not wait long ago. The gate of the city was already open. They swarmed and rushed towards the city.

At the same time, Fu Lu Shou and the others were a little bit choked.

They can only quickly kill Guangyue Rihe.

Therefore, Fu Lu Shou asked Daguo and others to prepare.

In the crowd, Yu Ting Fanzhong quietly approached the car.

Among them, some even prepared explosives to directly blow up the car.

Only when they were about to launch an attack, Guina attacked first.

"Ihe·Star Flash!"

The knife was drawn in an instant, and the light of the knife flashed across like a meteor in the sky.

In an instant, there was a blood stain on Daguo's neck.

Daguo didn't have time to react, and he fell down.

The rest of the Royal Court Fanzhong is the same.

As soon as they were about to do it, they were directly killed by Akin and others.

The information about the Royal Court Fanzhong has long been sold by Hell Biantian.

And Lynn's car is the safest place around.

Even if they do launch an attack, Bartolomio will use the barrier fruit to block their attack.

Although Dongli and Broki didn't do anything, the two of them just stared at Zhou with a murderous look that scared ordinary soldiers from approaching.

The Lynn Chamber of Commerce did not take the initiative to attack.

It is'defense'.

But even in self-defense, the morale of the samurai increased greatly.

The samurai rushed into the city, and soon fought with the defenders in the city.

"Welcome your Royal Highness the princess."

At this time, Kuang Si Lang led people to the front of Guangyue Rihe.

The samurai were stunned, especially the samurai lurking in the flower city

In their usual memory, Kuang Si Lang has always been the running dog of the black charcoal snake

Guangyue Rihe introduced Kuangshi Lang to everyone, "He is Chuanjiro, one of the Chisao Knights, and a retainer of the Guangyue family."

"You are Denjiro!"

Kinemon was taken aback. He did not expect that the true identity of Kushiro was actually Denjiro.

Kanjuro was shocked.

Kuang Si Lang is undercover by Heitan Orochi, and Heitan Orochi still trusts him very much.

Worried about the safety of the black charcoal snake, Kanjuro quickly approached the Tianshou when everyone was not paying attention.

The soldiers in the city surrendered in groups.

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