Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: The Dark Capitalist Chapter 280

The trend is over.

Unless Kaido's support can arrive quickly.

In fact, the Black Charcoal Serpent did ask Kaido for help.

at the same time.

Ghost Island

Kaido saw Ainilu who came to deliver the letter.

Anilu is the person next to Lynn.

Kaido had some impressions of Ainilu.

At this time, Ainilu handed Lynn's letter to Kaido.

The content of the letter is that Lynn promised Xiao Zi to help Xiao Zi kill the black charcoal snake

Of course, Black Charcoal Orochi is Kaido's ally.

Kaido can't leave it alone.

However, Lynn also mentioned another thing in the letter.

The black charcoal snake can be used as a point of conflict.

Temporarily triggered an internal conflict between the Lynn Chamber of Commerce and the Beast Pirate Group.

According to Lynn's arrangement, Ace will come to find Yamato and let Yamato rescue Robin from the chaos.

In this way, Robin can be reasonably sent out of 847 Ghost Island.

Robin cannot stay on Ghost Island for long.

This is already a consensus reached by Kaido, Charlotte Lingling, and Lynn

Just how to do it has always been arranged by Linn.

Now Lynn revised the plan, but it would be more'reasonable' to do so.

"I know."

Kaido stood up impatiently, and then said to Jin, Li Yin, Jack and others: "Go to the flower

All."In the eyes of others, Kaido didn't want to accept Lynn's proposal.

Anilou said, "Then I will go back first."

Immediately, Ainilu turned and left.

The Ark Proverbs soared into the sky and left the ghost island.

When Ark Proverbs left, Ace, Marco and others were already on the sea beyond the ghost island

They are riding in a submersible.

When they saw the Ark Proverbs leaving, they knew that the opportunity was coming.

Sure enough, the warships of the Hundred Beasts and Pirates gathered together and sailed to the country of peace.

At the same time, Kaido turned into a dragon, and Jin turned into a pterodactyl, followed by a group of flying givers.

Chapter 383: Kanjuro's loyalty!

Kanjuro drew a bird, and sat on the bird and came to the castle tower

At this time, the black charcoal snake was trapped under the city.

"Master Orochi, leave here with me."

Kanjuro doesn't care about revealing his identity now, he is a branch of the Heitan Family.

At this time, it is natural to protect the safety of the main house

"Good, good."

Under Kanjuro's protection, the Black Charcoal Orochi sat on Asuka.

Afterwards, Kanjuro drew another black charcoal snake and let him stay on the castle tower

I hope the fake black charcoal snakes can buy them some time

However, they were still discovered.

"Look at it!"

At this time, the samurai below also found the Asuka on the castle tower.

"Drawing of Mo Yun·Floating World Shower!"

Kanjuro drew a black ink cloud with his hair, and then released countless sharp ink arrows from the cloud

The arrow of ink began to shoot at the samurai below.


Many warriors fell to the ground with arrows.

Jinweimen looked up angrily.

He couldn't believe that Kanjuro would turn against him.

"Kanjuro, what are you doing!"

Kinemon yelled in confusion.

Kanjuro's sudden defection is hard to understand.

Just as Hei Tan Oro does not understand why Kuang Si Lang wants to betray him.

In the eyes of Kinemon and others, Kanjuro is a kind and selfless person.

In order to cover the escape of his companions, he bravely sacrificed himself.

Seeing that everyone has difficulties, no matter whether they ask him for help or not, they will not hesitate to use their abilities to help people who do not know each other.

At the same time, like all samurai, he has a strong sense of honor.

However, everything is in disguise

Kanjuro laughed and said, "I am me, my name is Kurotan Kanjuro. Although I would like to continue acting, but it seems that it is not working~"


Kinemon turned from doubt to anger.

Kanjuro said coldly, "It's a pity that I can't send you to death by myself."

As the separated offspring of the Heitan family

Because the black coal family failed in their rebellion, the black coal family became the targets of random persecution by the people of the country.

Kenjuro’s parents were originally actors in a theater troupe, but they were killed while laughing at random during a performance.

Kenjuro's personality is also distorted, and he will only continue to play others to survive.

"It turns out that the undercover among us is you!"

Kuang Si Lang has long suspected that someone betrayed Mitsuki Mitian

"Yes, it's me."

Kanjuro no longer hides it.

The Black Charcoal Snake found him, gave him Devil Fruit, and commissioned him to join Guangyue Mitian’s staff to lie down

Kenjuro succeeded in approaching Mitsuki Mita as a "Nozomi Demon" and became his retainer.

Since then, Kanjuro has been secretly passing confidential information to Orochi.

When Da She came to borrow money, he was given twice as much money, causing Jiuli to become increasingly poor.

Five years after Mitsutsu Mita returned to China for the second time, on the night Mita was preparing to attack Kaido at night, Kanjuro notified Osamu, which caused the plan to fail.

At this time, the birds flew farther and farther.


At this moment, Guangyue Rihe suddenly threw out the deformed leaf.

"How can Xiao Zi know sorcery!"

The black charcoal snake was shocked.

The deformed leaf became like Ainilu and Akin


A blue and white lightning fell.

It happened to hit the flying bird in the air, Kanjuro on the flying bird, and the big snake.

The bird fell rapidly from the air.

Catch them!"

Asura boy and others chased after him

"What a farce."

Lynn watched all this silently.

Xiao Zi's performance is pretty good, and she is quite proficient in her ability

Kanjuro and Heitan Orochi fell heavily to the ground.

Kanjuro himself has strong strength.

The black charcoal snake itself is also an animal demon fruit capable person.

Therefore, although the two are choking, they are not dangerous.

Kanjuro endured the pain and drew a horse.

The horse is painted like a cow.

""Hurry up."

After Kanjuro sent the black charcoal snake to the horse, he did not draw another horse.

He knows he can't escape

Since you can't escape, stay and buy time for the black charcoal snake.

Although he is a traitor, he will not betray the black charcoal snake

When Kinemon and others chase

Kanjuro has drawn a lot of monsters'

These monsters are all legendary monsters.

Under Kanjuro's orders, the monsters blocked the road and began to attack the samurai who came after.

"It's loyal."

Lynn watched all this.Unfortunately, Kanjuro's loyalty was only given to Black Charcoal Orochi.

(Money did it) "As long as I'm alive, you don't want to catch Lord Snake."

Kanjuro is still painting.

There are more and more monsters, and the number is amazing.

He has confidence in his own strength.

Just one

A majestic sword gas rushed.

The sword energy instantly split all the monsters in the way.

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