Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 281

Kanjuro was shocked and hurriedly swung his knife to resist.

Armed color domineering cohesion

His response is not slow



Kanjuro was blown out by the sword spirit.

puff!A mouthful of blood was spit out from his mouth. When he landed, he was covered with blood and his clothes were damaged.


At this time, Lynn retracted the knife, sat back in the car and drove

Chapter 384: Kill the Black Charcoal Serpent!

No matter how refined Kanjuro's painting skills are, how high the restoration of the paintings he draws.

Even if it can be fake.

However, in the face of absolute power, his paintings are so fragile.

"Master Orochi..."

Kanjuro tried to get up

It’s just that Jinweimen and others have already passed him

Everyone stopped looking at Kanjuro when they passed by.

The black charcoal snake's horse disappeared

With Kanjuro's death, his abilities also disappeared.

After losing the horse, the black charcoal snake ran forward on two legs.

However, the Asura boy and others have already caught up.

"You can't run away!"

Asura Boy and others surrounded the black charcoal snake.

In the heavy siege, the black charcoal snake is in crisis

There are no more people around

In fear and anxiety, the black charcoal snake transforms into a Yaqi Orochi

Each head of the Yaqi Orochi has its own consciousness.

The eight heads are green, and the middle head is darker, with the appearance of a black charcoal snake

, The remaining ten heads are all similar to dragons.In this form 860, the black charcoal serpent can attack from various angles at different speeds and ranges.

Hit the enemy.Snake Snake Fruit · Yaqi large snake form.

Lynn's car also approached at this time.

"Kaido will be here soon!"

"You will all be killed by Kaido!"

Black Charcoal Orochi is still warning the samurai, trying to push them back.

"What if Kaido comes?"

Although the Asura boys know that Kaido is strong, but now they have Lynn’s support behind them.

The samurai slowly gathered around.

Watching the samurai gradually approach.

The seven heads of the black charcoal snake immediately attacked the surrounding area

The snake head bit a warrior's arm fiercely and snapped it off in one bite.

Later, another snake head also bit the abdomen of a samurai.

However, the attack of a snakehead looked fierce.

However, there are as many as thousands of warriors surrounding the black charcoal snake.

Even though he bit several people, and even killed several people.

However, the samurai did not stop the attack.

Fight against stubborn resistance and trapped beasts

As a result, the samurai entangled the domineering sword and smashed the black charcoal snake

Although the Yaki Orochi’s skin is thick and thick and the scales are very defensive, no matter how strong the defense is, it will be

With such intensive and high-frequency chops, there were dozens of wounds on the body.Blood came out of the wound.


The black charcoal snake roared in pain.

At this time, the crowd separated quickly, and the crazy dead man stepped forward.

Black Charcoal Serpent also saw Kuang Si Lang, he angrily said: "Kuang Si Lang, you dare to betray me!"

"I have waited for this day for more than 20 years."

Shi Lang quickly rushed to the black charcoal snake.

The head of the black charcoal snake immediately rushed towards the crazy dead man.

It’s just that the speed and response of the crazy man is extremely fast

The snake's head kept biting the turf on the ground, but it didn't hurt the madman.

At close range, Kuang Si Lang suddenly drew his sword.


The knife flashed across.

One head of the black charcoal snake was cut off.

As the snake head flew up, blood spurted out like a bursting faucet.


Accompanied by the scream of the black charcoal snake.

Ah Xiu (aieg) Luo Tong slammed his knife closer and made a cut.

Jinweimen also leaned closer and slashed at the black charcoal snake.

The cat viper waved its fork and put it on its head.

Lord Inuran stabbed the snake's head with a sword.

This is the execution

The hatred that had accumulated for more than 20 years broke out at this moment.

The samurai also followed.

A group of people swarmed up and chopped down.

At this time, Lynn took Guangyue Rihe’s hand and led her to the black charcoal snake.

The black charcoal snake has already suffered thousands of knives.

At this moment, it was already dying.

The crown on his head had already fallen to the ground.

He was lying on the ground with less air intake and more air out.

Lin En walked to the black charcoal snake

The Black Charcoal Snake looked at Lynn and Guangyuerihe beside Linn.


The Black Charcoal Snake laughed horribly.

Lynn pulled out Yan Mo.

Guangyue Day took Lynn's hand.

As Yan Mo lifted up, the two of them cut off the head of the black charcoal snake as if cutting a cake.

As the black charcoal snake died.

Yaqi Orochi disappears

Lynn raised the head of the black charcoal snake and handed it to Guangyue Rihe.

Guangyue Rihe grabbed the head of the black charcoal snake and held it high.

"The Black Charcoal Snake has been attacked!"

Guangyueri and tears in her eyes, at this moment her heart is excited and excited, waiting for more than 20 years of hatred

Hate, the moment I finally got revenge.With her shout.

"Long live your Royal Highness!"

"Long live your Royal Highness!"

"Long live your Royal Highness!"

The samurai also shouted.

The black charcoal serpent died, Guangyue Sun and the bloodline of Guangyue’s family naturally wanted to inherit the position of general

The samurai also knew that allegiance now means more benefits.

Of course, they also understand that the light moon day is actually the same as the black charcoal snake

The black charcoal snake is Kaido's puppet

And behind Guangyue Rihe is Lynn.

Without Lynn’s support, it wouldn’t be possible for Kwangyueri to reconcile, or even samurai

Is Kaido's opponent.

Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Five: Give Kaiduo a thumbs up!

Ace and others have successfully sneaked into the ghost island.

"Ace, why are you here?"

Yamato and Ace meet again.

Ace said: "I am here this time to rescue Nicole Robin."

"Oh." Yamato nodded, "Then-come with me."

"Should we not be more careful?"

At this moment, Usopp interjected

"Don't worry, they have all gone to the flower capital."

Yamato said disapprovingly

Kaido is about to clashed with Lynn, this time taking away most of the combat power.

There are not many guards left on the ghost island.

Therefore, even if they are found, they can escape smoothly.

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