Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 294

Lynn stopped the attack.

Barrett's forehead was full of veins.

Lynn floated in front of Barrett from the air, and hovered in front of Barrett.

Lynn asked calmly: "Pleasure?"

Barrett didn't attack Lynn, but replied: "It's been a long time since this experience."

Lynn then asked: "How does my strength compare to Roger?"

Barrett said: "You can't compare with Roger." Although it was a subconscious reaction, Barrett changed his statement: "You have never beaten Luo.

Jie, you can't compare with him."

In the peak period, Roger, who is not troubled by terminal illness, all three-color domineering peaks

Lin En said: "That's right, I really can't judge the strength without having played against it."


At this time, Lynn's voice deliberately paused.

Barrett's attention was completely attracted.

Lynn said: "There used to be two people that Roger could not defeat alone."

"Who?" Barrett asked

Lynn said: "One you might remember his name."

Barrett frowned.

"The boss of the Locks Pirates, Locks D. Gibbeck." When Lynn said Locks's name, Bucket laughed loudly, "He is dead,

Roger killed."

"It was defeated by Roger and Karp. As for whether it was really 890's kill"

Lynn looked at Barrett and said, "You were not on the boat at that time." Barrett is now 45 years old. At that time Roger and Karp joined forces to protect the Valley of the Gods and attacked the Rocks Sea.


Indeed, the result of that battle was only a banquet when he heard Raleigh and others mention it by chance.

Barrett frowned. "You mean he's not dead yet?"

Lynn nodded, "Recently, the Navy and Pirates have had rumors that Lockes will be resurrected."

Barrett asked: "Who is the other one?" Lynn said: "The top of Mary Joa, the king of the world who rules the world, Eim the Dragon,

Even Roger was not sure that he could defeat him, and finally bet his hopes on the new era."

Whether it is Lockes or Eames.

The strength of these two people is unknown to Lynn.

How strong is it?

Someone has to test it.

And Barrett is the best guinea pig, let him try it, maybe there will be surprises.

Chapter 403: The sarcasm from Barrett!

"Although Lockes can really be resurrected, it is still unknown, but Eim is indeed alive, and it is in Mary Joa."

"If you can beat Eim, you can do what Roger can't do."

"Only in this way can we truly surpass Roger and become the strongest One Piece."

Lynn's words are deliberately guiding Barrett.

Let Barrett go to Eim.

Barrett was once framed, cultivated his country, deceived him, even wanted to kill him

However, Barrett didn't care about Lynn's provocation and instigation.

If Eim is really so strong, then Barrett does have a goal.

Kill the four emperors and all the generals.

Compared with defeating Eim.

It seems that defeating Eim is more valuable.

Because Roger surrendered to usher in a new era, his purpose was to subvert the world.

"You are right, defeating Eim can surpass Roger."

Barrett agreed with Lynn's words, but he looked at Lynn again, "So, what are you using to me? Do you want to defeat Eim?"

Seeing Lynn's intention to entice him, Barrett still considers Im as the target.

Lynn asked, "Isn't this what the strong should do to defeat the strongest and prove yourself? And I haven't beaten him yet, so let you try his strength first."


Barrett laughed triumphantly after hearing Lynn's answer, "Then you may not have a chance, I will defeat him personally, and then defeat you, to prove that I am the strongest~"

Barrett believed that Lynn was not lying.

Lynn smiled and said, "Then, I wish you can beat him."

Barrett met Ace.

Ace did not look very much like Roger.

Even the aura shown by Ace is not as good as Roger.


Barrett's fist slammed into Ace.

No domineering, no ability to use devil fruit

It's just power.

Ace also didn't use the power of devil fruit, and greeted him with his head up.

The moment the fists collided, the vigorous impact of the birth shook the ground under both of them to crack.

"Is it only this level?"

Barrett looked at Ace and said calmly.

This guy has so much strength!

Novel Network

Ace can feel Bart's power, obviously above him.

"Roger used his life to start a new era. Whitebeard sacrificed himself in exchange for your life. If they pin their hopes on you, it would be better to let me kill you all.

After Barrett finished speaking, he started banging his head continuously.

Ace gritted his teeth and bit his scalp to fight back.

Bang bang bang!!

Raining fists fell on each other

However, Ace clenched his teeth.

However, it was Ace who was eventually knocked off.

In terms of strength, the gap between Ace and Barrett is not small.

"You'd better spend your time and energy on cultivation. You are too weak now.

Barrett's evaluation of Ace can only be described as'low'.

He was disappointed.

Barrett and Festa leave in a submersible

Although Ace disappointed him a bit, when Ace and him head-to-head, the bones were obviously broken.

Yes, and gritted his teeth.At this point, he looked like Roger.

Roger in the past, no matter how desperate he faced, he would face it head-on.

And after Barrett left.

Lynn also met with Ace and others

"He used to think he was the closest person to Roger and the only one who could surpass Luo.

Jie's person."Lynn looked at Ace and said to Ace

At this point, Ace was already in treatment.

Lynn continued: "However, his judgment is not wrong. Your strength is really not enough."

Ace was silent.

"Well, thank you for your help this time."

After Lynn finished speaking, he soared into the air and flew to the Ark Proverbs.

After Ark Proverbs left, Ace clenched his fists.

Is the strength not enough?

Just now Barrett's words still echoed in Ace's ears.

Baibeard used his life in exchange for Ace to survive.

Ace doesn’t care if he can surpass Roger, he just doesn’t want Whitebeard to be despised by Barrett.

In Ace's heart, the white beard is his reverse scale.

Barrett will definitely go to Eim.

Lynn only needs to complete the layout, and then quietly wait for the opportunity.

However, Lynn was worried about one thing.

Draco (Chaannoc) shield in CPO.

Those who haven't shown up so far are the greatest sages who rely on the safety of Tianlong people.

Maybe Barrett would blow them out when he attacked Mary Joa.

If Barrett can also test the strength of these people by the way, then Barrett will die even if he is dead.

Value for money.

Of course, Lynn will not just wait for Barrett to be a good guinea pig.

However, the Revolutionary Army is now being watched by the Navy.

If the Revolutionary Army attacked Mary Gioia, the navy powerhouses would not be a display.

One thing Lynn needs to do is to spread them away.

Only in this way can we give the revolutionary army more airborne.

And Lynn's other object of use was Blackbeard.

Chapter 404: Act according to the law!

Although Lynn had been hitting Blackbeard, the hit went back to the hit.

Lynn still had expectations for Blackbeard.

If Blackbeard is really related to Locks, and even the key to Locks' resurrection, then he has the expected value.

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