Pirate: Dark Capitalist

Pirate: Dark Capitalist Chapter 295

But whether it's Lockes or Barrett.

They are just chess pieces.

What Lynn is really here is his own strength.

Not just personal power

It's the change and influence on the world.

Let people change their thinking, from obedience to power to obedience to money, and gradually become slaves to money.

"Barry, no more, I'm going to withdraw."

A boatman said to Barry.

The price rises, falls, and the continuous fluctuations have almost scared him out of a heart attack

And Barry comforted: "Don’t worry, it will rise. This situation has occurred during this period.

It's been over ten times. What is this called? Yes, normal shocks are within a reasonable range."Another boatman said: "Barry, if I don't sell it again, I will definitely lose this house.

"Trust me, it will rise

Barry now has a mysterious confidence.

During this period of time, the ups and downs and the ups and downs, the ups and downs 890, and he has survived.

And he has resigned now.

Become a full-time futures investor

Now he basically lives in a futures trading house

Esbagu advised him many times, but Barry didn’t care.

He believes that he can set the scale.

Last month, Barry made a full 20 million Baileys.

Earn more money in one month than in some poor areas in ten years.

Therefore, he has recently become addicted.

Affected by Barry, more and more people are involved in futures trading.

At present, the boatsmiths at the Shipyard in the Capital of Ten Waters, as long as they have some savings, they throw them into the futures trading house

City of Seven Waters

A large beach stage is under construction.

This is a stage specially prepared for Bai Xing.

Although he has not yet reached the final, Bai Xing will travel to various places to participate in the tour.

The starting price of a ticket is 800,000 Baileys.

Moreover, there is still no market.

Now if you want to buy a ticket, you have to look for a scalper agent.

And near the beach stage.

The newly planned night market is now available for rent.

Not only rent, but also advertising space.

Even within the Lynn Chamber of Commerce, competition is based on strength.

If you want a better advertising space, then pay for it.

In these advertising spaces, photos of contestants will be posted to increase exposure.

Some wealthy businessmen paid a lot of money this time for their daughters to gain higher exposure.

Winning means more than just being able to qualify as a spokesperson.

Moreover, you can get close to Lynn.

Over the years, Lynn has never been married, at least there is no news of the marriage publicly.

Single, rich, and powerful men make women flock to them.

At this time, Lynn was being interviewed by reporters near the beach.

"Your Majesty Lynn!"

"It's Your Majesty Lynn!"

"Your Majesty Lynn! Your Majesty Lynn!"

The surrounding young men and women wanted to approach, but they were immediately stopped by the security forces.

Lynn smiled and waved at them.


The girls let out a burst of excitement.

At this time, a reporter came in and asked: "My Majesty Lynn, what do you think of the Chamber of Commerce

People are squeezing labor."

Her voice was sudden.Lin (aieg)en said: “We respect the workers and formulate and

Improve employee welfare, pay labor compensation, well, the next question."

The reporter continued to ask questions, but the reporter who was dragged away by the security guards started asking questions about human rights in various countries.

Compared with the excitement of the beach.

At the pier after nightfall, after a cargo ship arrived in the port, the sailors on the ship opened the cabin impatiently.

"Hurry up, come out quickly."

The cabin was full of people.

These people all escaped from their hometowns.

They are like pigs, crowded in cramped and dirty cabins.

The current Seven Rivers City has restricted the entry of illegal immigrants.

Therefore, if you want to enter the capital of ten waters, you can only smuggle.

The cost of smuggling requires a year of hard work to earn back

However, even after a year of hard work, the stowaways on the ship are willing to

"We have finally reached the capital of ten waters."

Coming out of the cabin, the men and women were very excited.

The sailor warned the stowaways: "You come with me, don't run around, if you are caught by the patrol

Yes, then you just wait to be repatriated."

"Mom, mom, we're here, mom...

At this time, a girl in the cabin pushed her mother hard.It's just that her mother never woke up again.

Their mother and daughter smuggled over from Pulheina and kept hiding in the cabin.

As a result, the mother's health was so bad that she contracted an illness and died on the way.

A sailor came to check.


The sailor said to his companion.

Afterwards, the sailors packed the girl’s mother’s body in sack, then tied stones and threw it in

Into the sea.

The girls watched all this, and then urged by the sailors to walk towards the happy country they longed to arrive.

The smuggling group has an agreement with the local factory in the capital of seven waters.The smuggling group will send workers to the factory.

These workers are all illegal immigrants and cannot be found after leaving the factory without identification


Therefore, they can only accept 180,000 Baileys a month.

Work is high intensity and long time.They need to work 16 hours a day, and the living environment is extremely refined

Chapter 405: Lynn is a hard-core supporter of the law!

"This dress is so beautiful."

"The price is pretty cheap."

"Da Siqi, do you want to try it."

"Too, too revealing."

"No, it looks sexy."

"Tina also thinks it's very beautiful."

Taotu, Tina, and Da Siqi are shopping in the City of Seven Waters

They are not on vacation, but on official business.

They are here to receive a batch of warships.

This batch of warships will be added to the G5 branch.

Because the green pheasant left the navy, Smogg lost his backing.

If you want to add new warships, you have to wait for the headquarter to arrange.

Of course, according to the process is like this.

However, warships are good things, and every unit needs to be supplemented.

What's more, Smogg has always liked to go through the back door

Fortunately, Tina, Taotu and others still take care of Small.

At this time, the new warship is being debugged and will be officially delivered to the navy only after a few days of testing.

In the past few days, Taotu and others regarded it as a holiday.

Women, get together to shop for clothes, pick cosmetics, and eat together.

This is a natural thing.

At this moment, a group of men in suits and armbands came over.

These people are obviously not the security forces of the Lynn Chamber of Commerce.

"Water City Security Committee?"

Da Siqi looked at their armbands and muttered.

The owner of the clothing store explained: "This is a newly established specializing in catching illegal immigrants."

"Catch illegal immigrants? Why?" It was the first time that Da Siqi heard the term illegal immigrants.

"People who come here from other places secretly work without permission. This will rob our locals from job opportunities and cause public security problems, such as theft and robbery."

The clothing store owner explained.

"So it's like this." Da Siqi seemed to understand a little bit.

The clothing store owner added: “The Judicial Island has also introduced corresponding laws. If illegal immigrants are caught, they will not only be deported, but also have to go to jail for one year.”

Da Siqi asked, "Does anyone dare to come?"

"It's a lot. Not all places in the world are the capital of ten waters. We have the world's largest shipyard here, and the Lynn Chamber of Commerce has invested a lot of money here. In terms of economy, environment, and public security, it is nothing else Comparable." Small

When the clothing store owner answered, he was a little proud.

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