After Ye Feng and the others walked out of the cave, Lei Zang and Pedro came to meet them.

“Thank you for your help, thank you very much!”

Seeing Ye Feng, Lei Zang with his big head and small short legs slammed to the ground and bowed to Ye Feng.

He had already learned from Pedro, as well as cats and dogs, about Jack being beaten down by Ye Feng on Zou Island.

No matter in every way, Ye Feng deserved his such thanks.

After him, the Cat Viper and the Duke of Inu Lan also thanked Ye Feng together.

“Meow, under the cat pit viper, thank you Mr. Ye Feng for your help!”

“In Xia Inu Lan, thank Mr. Ye Feng, from now on, Mr. Ye will be the eternal noble guest of our fur clan.”

Although according to the development of things, Jack will rush to save Brother Ming, Ye Feng’s arrival still reduces the fur tribe with great losses.

Therefore, for their thanks, Ye Feng accepted it gladly and did not feel any discomfort.

“It’s okay, it’s just a small thing, you don’t have to be so polite!” Nodding, Ye Feng said softly.

“Oh la-la, what a cute cat meow.”

A silver-bell-like voice came from Perona’s mouth, who had flown to the cat viper with Kumas.

After rubbing the head of the cat viper, he pinched his cat ears again.


Be praised as cute, do not float two red clouds on the face of the cat pit viper.

“Hehe, such a big cat is indeed quite cute.”

Robin also praised, she also loves animals and the like.

Well, if the cat viper is a viper, let’s call it an animal!!!

Duke Inuarashi wears sunglasses and looks more serious, while the cat pit viper is fluffy, chubby, and looks more humble.

In contrast, the cat pit viper is indeed more cute.

“Since more than twenty years ago, after One Piece Roger, I didn’t expect that today Zou Island will welcome such a distinguished guest as Mr. Xu, and it is really a great honor to be under it.”

Duke Inuarashi took a deep breath of the cigarette and said in a deep voice, “Sir, looking for the Red Stone, are you preparing to go to the final place?” ”

After speaking, he glanced at Robin beside Ye Feng, and obviously recognized Robin’s identity.

As the only person in the world who can interpret the text of history, Robin’s existence has attracted the attention of many forces.

And fur tribes are also one of them.

The Mitsuki family, the stonemasons responsible for creating historical texts, may have some unknown relationship with O’Hara.

“For Ralph Drew, I am not very interested, after all, Roger has been there, and there will definitely be nothing good left on it.”

After listening to Inu Lan’s words, Ye Feng spoke flatly.

His words are indeed understandable, even if there is something good in Ralph Drew, it is estimated that Roger will not stay after landing on the island.

Moreover, Ralph Drew’s greatest secret should be that he recorded some secrets that could not be known to the outside world.

Therefore, Ye Feng’s interest in Ralph Drew was indeed not great.

However, since Robin wants to pursue these past histories, he will naturally help her realize this dream.

“Doesn’t Sir want to be the new One Piece?” Ye Feng’s words made Inu Lan surprised for a while, “With your strength, you should have this qualification!” ”

With the strongest power in the world, as well as a partner who can interpret the text of history, in the eyes of Duke Inuran, Ye Feng fully has the qualifications and conditions to claim the throne.

But now it seems that Ye Feng is not interested in this at all.

“One Piece is just a name, if you have the strength to surpass One Piece, will you still be interested in that position?”

Ye Feng looked at Duke Inu Lan with a faint smile, with a strong confidence in his smile, and a domineering attitude that looked down on Cangsheng.

Under his gaze, Duke Inu Lan suddenly gave birth to an illusion, as if in front of Ye Feng, he was an insignificant dog cub.

The whole world, as long as Ye Feng wanted to, could be subverted at any time.

This kind of strong feeling could not even be brought by Roger, the pirate king back then, and his imperial lord Mitsuki Onda.

For a while, Duke Inuran’s heart shook, and the few people on Pedro on the side were also unable to maintain calm.

The throne of One Piece is regarded as a lifelong dream pursued by countless people.

However, the man in front of them did not even put it in their eyes at all.

If this is spread, it is estimated that no one will believe it, and even the whole sea will make waves!

And women such as Nami and Robin have a flash of pride in their eyes, this is their man.

There is no lack of domineering in gentleness, and there is no lack of confidence in calmness.

After a moment of silence, Pedro stepped forward and spoke to break the atmosphere.

“Mr. Ye Feng, and all the ladies, in order to express our gratitude, we have arranged for the clansmen to prepare a banquet, and we also invite the gentlemen and others to participate.”

At this moment, Pedro, obviously a cold swordsman, gives people a very gentlemanly feeling.

Perhaps accustomed to death and war, people in this world are very open to life and death.

At this moment, the fur tribe has just experienced a great disaster, and they really need a banquet to dilute this sadness.

This is definitely impossible in Ye Feng’s previous life, if anyone dies, and then holds a banquet, it is estimated that he will be scolded to death.

Of course, it is mainly the different world environment that creates different moral concepts.

But in any case, the dead are dead, and the living are better alive.

After Pedro’s words fell, the three cats and dogs who had returned to God and Lei Zang also sincerely invited Ye Feng and the others.

“Meow, please give face!”

“Everyone, please give us the fur tribe a chance to thank you in person!”

“Please promise, Your Excellency Ye Feng.”

Such a warm invitation from them made Ye Feng and the others a little embarrassed.

After glancing at the women, Ye Feng bowed his head gently: “Then let’s go!” ”



PS: Kneel for subscription! Kneel and beg to book it all! Kneel and beg to customize!! Thank you all for your support!!!

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