In the evening, above the ruins of the ruins of the city, a grand banquet begins.

All the surviving fur tribes gathered, and the joyful song and dance diluted death and blood.

Ye Feng sat with cats and dogs and others, accepting their toast, and after a few glasses of wine, the relationship between everyone seemed to be much closer and more open.

As for Nami and other women, they happily exchanged their experiences with the female members of the fur tribe.

“Hahaha, everyone, let me perform ninjutsu and wish everyone a good time.” Drinking to the end, Lei Zang shouted with a red face.

Then, out of nowhere, he took out a scroll, first put it in his mouth, and then made a gesture of sealing with both hands.

“Ninfa, Smoke Escape Technique!”


A puff of smoke dispersed, and when everyone’s sight recovered, Lei Zang’s figure had disappeared.

“Hey, the people are really gone!”

“It’s so powerful, there really is ninjutsu in this world!”

“Although Mr. Leizang is ugly, this juggling is still quite interesting!”

Leizang, hidden in the tree, was originally overjoyed to listen to the praise around him, but when he heard the last sentence, he almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood.

Fortunately, his endurance has been honed for a long time, so he can bear to not fall from the tree.

“Endure, endure, endure, only by forbearance what ordinary people cannot endure, keep a calm mind, and train a tough heart can you become a strong ninja.”

These words were Lei Zang’s ninja, and after a hypnotic self-comforting sentence, his state of mind immediately returned to stability.

“This kind of simple trick, Naruto World casually comes over and a subordinate can perform better!”

Ye Feng glanced at the place where the thunder was hiding, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

The so-called smoke escape is just Leizang using smoke bombs to avoid the sight of others and quickly move to other places.

It is very different from the Shinobu of the Hokage World.

But from the point of view of appreciation, it is still very good.

If Lei Zang knew Ye Feng’s thoughts, he didn’t know if he would be ashamed to want to commit suicide.

At this time, he was preparing to perform a new ninjutsu.

“Ninjutsu Doppelgänger Art!”

Bang bang, bang bang、、、

After several consecutive gas explosions, at the banquet site, several thunder caches suddenly appeared.

“There’s a Mr. Leizang here!”

“I have it here, too!”

“There’s 、、、 over here too”

With the doppelganger technique that Lei Zang performed, one exclamation after another sounded.

This move is indeed more amazing than before, making everyone a little side-eyed.

“Leizang, this guy, is it a Devil Fruit ability?”

Ye Feng easily found the true body of Leizang when he heard the appearance, but he was also a little curious about how these doppelgangers Leizang came out.

As far as he knows, there is no real ninjutsu in the pirate world, and the biggest possibility is that Leizang is actually an ability.

This is more likely.

Boom, boom, boom,

After a burst of explosions, all of Lei Zang’s doppelgangers turned into white smoke, and finally merged into one place, leaving only one real body.

“Hana no Shuriken Technique!”

With a light drink, I saw Leizang jumping up, and a shuriken suddenly appeared in his hand, shooting forward rapidly.

Duoduo, Duoduo!!!

With a sound of breaking air, and a series of crisp blows, a ‘Shinobi’ character composed of shurikens appeared on the wall.

“That’s awesome!”

“Ninjutsu is so cool!”

“Mr. Reizang, can you teach me ninjutsu?”

“And me, and my 、、、”

After Leizang landed, there was a burst of cheers all around, and several young people from the fur tribe stepped forward to surround him.

Unable to stand the enthusiasm of everyone, Lei Zang had to use the Smoke Escape Technique and fled back to Ye Feng and the others.

“Hahaha, Leizang, your ninjutsu is still as powerful as before.”

The cat viper took the wine altar and poured it cheerfully.

“Where, in front of a few, in the next is just an ugly offering.” Although he was happy in his heart, Lei Zang said modestly.

In fact, he didn’t like to show ninjutsu in front of people, but he chose to do it in order to cheer up the atmosphere and stir up the atmosphere.

After all, the fur tribe suffered this crisis in order to protect him, which made Leizang’s heart full of gratitude and guilt.

This way is also his insignificant small return.

“It’s the first time I’ve met a ninja from Wano Country, but I’ve met a samurai from Wano Country before.”

After drinking a cup with the cat pit viper, Ye Feng said casually.

His words immediately attracted the attention of several people, and Lei Zang was even more excited, and couldn’t wait to say:

“Your Excellency Ye Feng, may I ask if the samurai you met is called Jinweimon or Kanjuro?”

Taking another sip of wine, Ye Feng returned: “That’s right, it’s Jinweimen, and there is a little ghost named Momonosuke.” ”

In a good mood, he casually told Lei Zang and the others the news, anyway, it had no effect on him.

Contrary to his blandness, Lei Zang and the others all became excited after learning the news.

Especially when he heard Momonosuke, there was a touch of ease in his eyes.

“Whew, if the young master is fine!”

Lei Zang and the cat and dog looked at each other, both showed a happy expression, and then looked at Ye Feng respectfully:

“Thank you Your Excellency Ye Feng for informing you of the news, Jinweimen is a lost partner, I don’t know where you met him?”

“If you want to go to him, you don’t have to.” Without waiting for Lei Zang to ask, Ye Feng continued, “If there is no accident, they can reach Zowu Island in a few days. ”

“Really, great!”

As Ye Feng informed Ye Feng of the good news, the Cat Viper, the Duke of Inulan, and Lei Zang, the three of them toasted Ye Feng one after another.

They suddenly felt that Ye Feng was their lucky star, not only defeating the invading Jack, but also bringing such good news.

Along with their enthusiasm, the atmosphere of the banquet also rose.

After dawn, Ye Feng and the others said goodbye to the retention of the cat viper and the others, and embarked on a new journey again.

PS: Kneel for subscription! Kneel and beg to customize! Kneel and beg to book it all!! Thank you all for your support!!!

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