Galtino sat up straight, with a look of horror on his face, and said in disbelief: "The identity of the president is so terrifying, this is incredible."


His eyes were fixed on the phone bug, without blinking, he couldn't believe it: "Baroque work club, there is such a big background, it really scared me to death."

Mikita covered her mouth, let out a sharp laugh, and said something very happy.

"That's great, it turns out that the organization I am in belongs to the Seven Wuhai under the king, hahaha"

Dazbonis stood up, his face was serious, and he said indifferently: "I used to be a bounty hunter in the West Sea, and I have seen all the photos of Qiwuhai."

"I can confirm that the identity of the president is indeed the king's Qiwuhai."

Feng Kelei landed on one foot, continued to dance the ballet, and said with a smile: "It turns out that the boss of the slave family is so powerful, it's really amazing."

"Following such a powerful boss, the slave family will be very relieved in the future, hee hee..."

Sarah took a breath and shook her head gently, with a look of emotion on her pretty face, and murmured, "Your identity, President, is really scary, it scares us all."

"This is the Seven Martial Seas under the King. It is the top pirate, and everyone knows about it."

"What does it mean to be famous all over the world, your identity, president, is genuine.

It spread all over the sea, it's really amazing."

The other cadres nodded hurriedly, each with a look of horror on their faces, and at the same time full of smiles, all feeling that they would definitely be able to stand out in the future.

Guys, above is a picture of Sarah.

This... slender body, delicate and beautiful face, is really a beautiful woman.

It's a pity that in the anime, she is a dragon role, and she has no chance to appear at all, speechless.

167: Hit the cadres, and then hit Crocodile the Sand Crocodile! (for automatic subscription)

For the shock of the cadres, Crocodile was very useful, which made him feel very proud, and became more and more arrogant and arrogant.

"This time I called you all for one purpose, that is to get rid of the Chris Pirates."

"According to the information, this group of people is crossing the desert and rushing to the rain from the south."

Crocodile took a breath, and said with a look of disdain: "You immediately.

Go and kill these little devils before they enter the rain."

"Remember, these... Although the kid has a high bounty, they are all newcomers who have just entered the great waterway, and their strength is not much stronger."

"I'll rush over in person later, I hope you won't let me down."

The cadres didn't dare to hesitate, nodded quickly, and respectfully agreed, "Yes, president, promise to complete the task!"

At this point, the call ends.

Crocodile stood up, walked to the pool, looked at the banana crocodile inside, with an angry expression on his face.

"Damn Nico Robin, how dare you betray Lao Tzu."

"You stupid woman, do you really think that the identity of Laozi Qiwuhai is a decoration?"

"When I take down this kid Chris, I will find someone to concoct you and let you know what the fate of betraying me is."

"And the Chris Pirates, don't even think about running away, all of you should be the food for the banana crocodile, hahaha..."

Suddenly, remembering something, he clenched his fists and cursed angrily: "And the damn navy, the damned Warring States."

"I actually advised me to leave the kingdom of Alabasta and avoid these.... kid, let me be a tortoise with a shrinking head."

"Wait, goddamn navies, I'll let you know, you're all blind, you're all rubbish."

Throwing away the cigar in his hand, he strode to the door, looking very pompous and like a boss... Spider Bar.

Seeing that the phone was hung up, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, there was not so much pressure, and they could chat freely.

"Finally the call is over, I was really nervous just now."

Galtino leaned back in his chair, sighed, and said helplessly, "I was so frightened that I couldn't breathe when I heard the identity of the president, alas."


Shrugging his shoulders, with a depressed look on his face, he followed: "I wanted to show it, but facing the identity of Qiwuhai, how dare I say anything more."

"But it doesn't matter, knowing the terrifying identity of the president, I am really full of motivation now, and I feel that the future is bright, hehe..."

Mikita held an umbrella, let out an exaggerated laugh, and said something.

"Yes, yes, in the future, the old lady will be... Qiwuhai's subordinate, a real big man."

Feng Kelei put his hands on his hips and said with a grin: "The slave family is the happiest one, who will dare to underestimate the slave family in the future, hee hee"

Dazbonis glanced at them, as indifferent as always, "Since the president has given an order, then hurry up and solve the Chris Pirates as soon as possible."

"This is the first time the cadres have cooperated. If anyone dares to be negligent, I will never let him go."

After speaking, he was very decisive and walked directly to the door.


Holding the sword target, with a cruel smile, he said happily: "The opportunity to make meritorious deeds has come, and through this battle, Lao Tzu will definitely be ranked higher."


He said slowly, "Since they have just entered the great waterway, their strength must be rubbish, and they can be solved in minutes."

Sara walked out from behind the counter, with a slender figure and a great swing, she smiled and said, "The bounty of the Chris Pirates is indeed very high."

"But it doesn't matter, the president is Shichibukai, the most powerful pirate."

"With the president here, you don't have to worry about anything. This feeling is really great."


He laughed loudly, and his tone was very certain, "Don't say it's a newcomer, it's the same... an old man who has been in the Great Waterway for a few years."

"As long as you encounter Qiwuhai, everything will be finished. It is impossible to be an opponent of these big men."

"Our president, once he takes action, no one in this world can stop him, hehehehe."

The other cadres nodded one by one, smiling confidently, admiring Crocodile to the extreme.

In their opinion, Qiwuhai is... the strongest existence, and the one who defeats it is simply powerful to the extreme.

The deterrent power of Qiwuhai can be seen in one! ...... The desert outside the rainy land.

I don't know when it started, a huge dark cloud appeared in the sky, blocking the sunlight, making the desert become: dark.

This time, the weather will not be so hot, everyone feels a lot more relaxed, and the walking speed naturally speeds up a lot.

At this moment, no one knew who made a roar.

"I saw the city, hahaha..."

Hearing the voice, everyone quickly cheered up and looked forward one by one, and sure enough, they could vaguely see the shadow of the city.

This is the destination of their trip, Rain!! Ikalem is very familiar with Alabasta, nodded and said with a big smile: "Yes, there is Rain, we are almost there."

"Te mother, after walking for so long, it's finally time to get out of the desert, grass!"

Bassas wiped the sweat from his forehead and cursed.

Akin showed a rare smile, "The rest is not important, I just want to fight Crocodile, the sand crocodile."

Van Oka tapped his gun on the shoulder, and said with a blank face: "Today is destined to be a fork in fate, there is no doubt about that."

Chloe's face was serious, but he was still so rational, "There is no problem with Crocodile."

"What we need to pay attention to is the threat from Lieutenant General Ghost Spider."

"If nothing else, he must be coming to the kingdom of Alabasta, ready to start arresting us."

Lafayette turned his cane, smiled slightly, and said politely: "The threat of Vice Admiral Ghost Spider is indeed much stronger than that of Crocodile.

"However, it's not a big deal.

If he dares to play tricks with the captain, then his end will not be much better."

"Lieutenant General, our captain will not take it seriously."

Top of giant scorpion.

Karina glanced at the sky and saw dark clouds covering the sun, and the shadow of the town appeared in front of her, which made her very happy.

With a smile on her pretty face, her eyebrows curved and she said, "That's great, we're finally leaving the desert, hee hee."

Nami brushed her hair, her smile was pure and sweet, and she said carelessly: "Yes, just rush forward and go straight into the rain, haha!"

Al Rita was carrying a big iron rod, her beautiful eyes stared at the front, and she said something with a smile.

"The battle that will take place will be held there. I'm really looking forward to it."

The Sweetheart Queen nodded lightly and laughed, "Naturally, it is a rust fruit, and it has the ability to change into sand, which is really interesting."

Betty took a breath and said calmly, "It's really not easy to wait for this day since we went to sea."

Princess Weiwei clenched her jade hand tightly, a dignified expression on her face, and said firmly: "From today onwards, the people of the nation will definitely be able to live a good life."

"My country will no longer be poisoned by drought, and everything will get better and better."

"Damn Crocodile, you bastard will be punished today!"

Robin patted her shoulder, intellectual and generous, and said with relief: "Don't worry, Crocodile will definitely fail."

"The establishment of a branch here in the future will only make your country more and more prosperous, and the citizens will live a happy life."

"After all, Chris is not ordinary."

Rasha has black and shiny hair and a small umbrella on her head, which looks very interesting.

She smiled lightly, looked at Weiwei and said, "Princess, you don't have to worry, everything will only get better and better."

"That bastard Crocodile, as well as the members of the Baroque Society, will be knocked down one by one."

It turned out that during the previous desert walk, Lasha encountered a large lizard and encountered fatal danger.

Coincidentally, Chris and others appeared and saved her life.

After that, just like everyone else, it was logical to join the Chris Pirates.

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