But there is a small problem here....

Lasha always thought that the status quo of the kingdom of Alabasta was due to the inaction of the king, which caused the people to live a miserable life.

So at the beginning, she was full of hatred for Princess Weiwei, and she hated it very much.


After some detailed discussion, I realized that all this was done by Crocodile, and naturally I reconciled with Princess Vivi and became good sisters.

At this time, Broki carried the giant axe and said with a big laugh: "That baroque working club, those...members have already appeared and are ready to fight with us, Kapapapapa. …”

Dongli nodded and laughed, "It's really naive for the mere cadres to try to stop us!"

"That's fine, hit the little one: here comes the old one.

Beat the old, then beat the ancestors.

Just keep going like this, ya ya ya”

Luo held the demon knife and cried, and said coldly as always: "Crocodahl is indeed an arrogant and arrogant person, and he only sent cadres here."

"It seems that this guy is used to the Qiwuhai, and he has swelled to the extreme."

Hawkins' voice was low and he agreed: "After becoming Qiwuhai and living a life of fine clothes and food, naturally you will not practice hard, and it is inevitable that your strength will decline."

Bartolomeo put his hands in the pockets of his trousers, and said something while tugging.

"Isn't this very good, let these cadres warm up us, and we will be more energetic when we hit Crocodile."

Cavendish glanced at these cadres, and said with a tired face: "This Crocodile's vision is really too rubbish."

"These cadres are so crooked, I can't bear to look directly at them."

"Nostril-picking, bald, even shemales..."

"The taste of Crocodile is really heavy!"

Bassas shrugged his shoulders, smiled disdainfully, and said coldly: "Send a few small shrimps, just want to kill us."

"This Crocodile is really a fool, so we can be bullied!"

"When we're going to hit these guys, let's be a little more ruthless and beat them to the death, and beat them beyond recognition. Let's see if Crocodile can recognize them, Weihahahaha"

Guys, the above is a picture of Lasa.

This... from the anime, not the beauty made up by the author.

She is a dragon character, so you may not have the impression.

If you are interested, go to see the anime, she is one of the beauties who have appeared in Alabasta.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

168: All the cadres were defeated, and the sand crocodile finally officially appeared! (for automatic subscription)

"Are they... members of the Baroque Society? Why do they look so weird?"

Nami looked ahead, blinked her beautiful eyes, her extremely fair face showed a look of doubt, she couldn't believe it and said, "Just like them, they can also become cadres."

"I look around and I don't think they are strong at all, and they don't have any momentum at all."

De Zaya wrinkled her beautiful Liu Ye brows, and said something with an impatient look on her pretty face.

"That one... looks like a rock singer, dressed up so handsome, but picking his nostrils, it's really disgusting."

"And that one... who wears a ballet suit, why does she look like a leprechaun."

De Zaya shook his head and said with emotion, "These people are really weird."

Queen Sweetheart shrugged her shoulders and said casually: "I don't like them very much either, just like Bassas said, beating them so hard is really annoying."

Al Rita was carrying a big iron rod with a charming smile, and said generously, "Speaking of which, this is the first time I have seen a shemale."

"Zizou, it's really disgusting. I really want to hit him directly in the face."

Princess Weiwei looked at the girls, brushed her water-blue hair, raised her eyebrows, and explained with a smile.

"These people are all cadres of the Baroque work club."

"That shemale, yes.

, is the only senior cadre without a partner."

"And that bald black man, yes.

, and among all the cadres, the most powerful existence."

Robin put his arms around him, blinked his beautiful eyes, and said with a sweet smile: "Crocodahl is still so arrogant and arrogant, what a stupid man."

"He always treats Chris as a newcomer, always screaming like a kid, and doesn't take Chris seriously at all."

"In his opinion, dispatching the cadres in the organization can solve all the Chris Pirates, and there is no need for him to take action."

"The identity of this king under the Seven Martial Seas has made him swell to the extreme. It is really self-defeating."

At this time, the cadres of the Baroque Work Club in front were lined up, silently watching Chris and the others, and couldn't help but discuss.

Galtino frowned and said solemnly, "There are actually two giants, and they seem to be very powerful."

"I suddenly found that this task is many times more difficult than I thought."


Pull out ... the famous knife "state"

, with a look of horror on his face, and said a word tremblingly.

"With such a big giant, you can trample me to death with one foot. How can you fight?"

Mikita held a small umbrella, laughed loudly, and said in a shrill voice: "Why don't you grow taller, what's the big deal."

"Our leader, but Wang Xia Qiwuhai, is the strongest man in the sea, hahaha..."


Shaking his head, he said slowly, "How can I explain that huge sand scorpion?"

Feng Kelei put his hands on his hips with a smile on his face, "It's an unheard of strange thing to be able to turn a sand scorpion into a pet. I really envy the dead slave family."

"After knocking them down, this scorpion... belongs to the slave family, hee hee hee"


Putting his hands in his trouser pockets, he said with disdain: "What giants, and those sand scorpions, they are all scaring people."

"I'm full of explosives all over my body. If I'm going to blow them up directly, they're all rubbish."

Sarah took a breath, frowned her beautiful eyebrows, and said a serious word with a serious look on her pretty face.

"Don't take it lightly, everyone, cheer up."



Zhou, and our vice president.

All Sunday."

"Looking at the situation, all three of them betrayed the leader and chose to join the Chris Pirates."

Sarah turned to look at them and said solemnly: "The boss must know that the three of them have betrayed, but he didn't inform us."

"in spite of....

What kind of plan does the boss have, in this battle, everyone must be careful, and don't be careless."

Dazbonis' dark face showed a firm look, "No matter what, you can't betray the organization."

"These three traitors, I will personally deal with them later, and I won't let them escape."

At this time, Chris and the others have already come to these cadres, and as long as they are defeated, they can enter the destination - Rainland.

Bartolomeo put his hands in his trouser pockets, and said with a sneer: "You rubbish, you are too self-aware, you dare to intercept Lao Tzu."

Ajin held the two strangely shaped weapons and said indifferently: "I hope these cadres are not too weak, and can let me warm up."

"Forget about a woman, it's not easy to do it."

Crow pushed his glasses and said with a blank face, "As for the man, don't say more, beat him to death."

Lafitte carried his cane behind his back, gentle and agreeable, "That's the truth, you really need to be gentler with...beauties."

"Of course, if you don't look good, then treat it like a man, and you're done."

Bashas waved his fist, big, "If you want to fight, just start straight away, grinding and chirping, like a bitch."

After he finished speaking, he strode forward and prepared to fight.

Luo carrying the demon sword and crying, walked after him, and said coldly, "Learn from the captain's style, be quick and accurate, and end the meaningless battle as soon as possible."

Hawkins put away the cards, like a dead man, and agreed, "The lion fights the rabbit, you still use all your strength, then let's solve them quickly."

Then, the squad leaders dispatched in unison, the Eight Immortals crossed the sea, each showing their magical powers, and they beat these cadres to cry for their father and mother, and the screams continued to sound.

No way, the strength gap between the two sides is really too huge, there is no suspense in the battle at all, and it will be done in minutes.

Even though Dazbonis is a fruit-cutting ability, and his attack is extremely fierce, it is still the same, and he was directly dropped by the squad leaders.

At this time, among the cadres of the Baroque Work Club, only three of them were still standing, and all the others were lying on the ground, or fainted, or were wailing in pain... Sarah, Mikita and Marianne , The three of them are more beautiful, so the squad leaders did not attack them.

A good life, watching his companions being knocked down, there is nothing he can do, and there is no way to stop it.

As for those... women who don't look good, such as.

Merry Christmas,.

Father's Day... Since they are not beautiful women, the squad leaders will definitely not show mercy and treat them directly as men.

Needless to say, he was battling all over the floor looking for his teeth, and was lying on the ground lingering, obviously suffering heavy injuries.

After all, none of the squad leaders are good, they are all ruthless and kill without blinking an eye.

So it will naturally be a little heavier to start, this is inevitable.


Mikita's umbrella fell into the desert, her pretty face showed horror, she looked like she had seen a ghost, and said in disbelief, "How is this possible?"

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