Marian was relatively timid, and was directly scared to cry. Wawa burst into tears and choked up.

"Don't kill me...please let me go..."

Sara looked at a group of people lying down, with an extremely beautiful white face, full of horror, and said in disbelief, "How is it possible, it's impossible."

"This is a senior cadre in the Baroque work club, how could it be defeated so quickly?"

"No, it's fake, it must be in a dream."

Sara shook her head and lost her mind. She was really shocked and couldn't react at all.

Ikalem rubbed his eyes, for fear that he had read it wrong, but when he looked around, there were... a lot of people lying in front of him, all of them members of the Baroque Work Society.

"It's too powerful, it's really too powerful."

"It's easy to take action and solve the senior cadres in the organization. This strength is really shocking!"

Bashas raised his arms high, laughed loudly, and said extremely arrogantly: "What senior cadres, all the special mothers are garbage."

"If you want to fight with us, it's almost like calling out your boss, Wei Hahahaha..."

Ah Jin sneered and said with disdain: "I wanted to warm up, but I didn't expect these cadres to be so weak, they're rubbish to death."

Luo carried the demon sword and cried, looking at him coldly.

, as always, he said coldly.

"This guy's devil fruit is really very good."

"Unfortunately, he will not develop it at all, completely wasting this superhuman explosive fruit."

Hawkins glanced at Dazbonis, and said in a low voice: "This guy is good, but unfortunately he is with the wrong person, otherwise he will become stronger."

Van Oka tapped his gun on the shoulder, expressionless, "Their fate is already doomed.

After all, we want to fight the existence of Qiwuhai."

Bartolomeo faced.

, kicked fiercely, ah screamed, was kicked and fainted.

"What's the matter, pretending to be five people and six people, and picking your nostrils, I can't kill you!"

Cavendish shrugged his shoulders, looked speechless, and complained: "I can't see, you still have such bad taste, it's almost enough."

Crow pushed his glasses and said calmly and rationally: "The cadres in the district are not worth mentioning at all, our goal is the Qiwuhai Crocodile."

"They're just... some insignificant little people, there's no need to waste time on them, let's go on."

Lafitte turned his cane, smiled slightly, and said something politely.

"I wanted to warm up, but I'm a little disappointed..."

"But it doesn't matter, at least one conclusion can be drawn, that is, the organization of the Baroque Work Society is really too rubbish."

Seeing the cadres lying in the desert, Princess Weiwei was really shocked.

Mei's eyes widened, her face was full of surprise, she muttered, "It's too fast, it's really too fast."

"This is a senior cadre, and in less than a minute, they were all knocked to the ground."

"The strength of the squad leaders is really strong."

Robin folded his black and beautiful hair, and his beautiful eyes were also shocked. He agreed and said, "The strength of the two sides is not on the same level at all."

"The cadres of the Baroque work club are like sheep meeting wolves, and they have no ability to resist at all, so they were killed directly."

"It's not that they are weak, but the squad leaders are really too strong."

Lashayu clenched her hands tightly, her pretty face showed excitement, she said happily, "Very good, really good."

"Down with the cadres now, and then defeat Crocodile again, then it's really over, hee hee"

Nami patted her shoulders, and said with a smile, "Although the squad leaders are very strong, they are not the opponents of Crocodile."

"If you want to defeat Qiwuhai, you still need Chris's shot. If you don't believe me, just watch it."

Karina brushed her blue hair and said casually, "I'm already used to this result."

"At that time, fighting the Beihai Overlord was done in minutes.

It's not the same to fight the overlord of the East China Sea, there is no difference at all."

"So dealing with these cadres is naturally easy, three punches and two kicks are over."

The Sweetheart Queen stroked her pale blond hair and said with a smile: "It is inevitable that these cadres will be defeated."

"The question now is, what to do with these three beauties and let them join the team?"

Betty took a breath, still so calm, and directly opposed it.

"That...the one who holds the umbrella doesn't have any image at all, looks like a village girl, and is very unqualified."

"This kind of person, the old lady doesn't like it very much.

Therefore, this person must not be on board."

Al Rita carried the big iron rod, nodded lightly, smiled generously, and agreed: "Yes, there is something wrong with this woman, and she cannot be let on board."

"I think, since we are going to set up a branch in Alabasta, let the three of them stay here and do things."

Carmen's beautiful eyes lit up, and she said with a smile: "This idea is very good, I support it, I support it very much."

Leiju looked at Baccarat, raised her eyebrows, and said with a sweet smile: "I think it's good to let the three of them stay in the branch."

Baccarat is the eldest sister of these women, all the women will listen to what she says, and she will never refute her, she is very authoritative.

She folded her crimson hair, smiled warmly, and said generously, "Since everyone doesn't like them very much, let the three of them stay here in the branch."

"After all, the branch has just been established, everything is difficult at the beginning, and it will definitely require a lot of manpower."

At this moment, above the sky, there was an extremely cold voice.

"Damn brats, you've managed to piss me off!"

"Next, I will kill you one by one.

Let you know how cruel it will be to provocate the king's fate under Qiwuhai."

"Little devils, tremble, hahaha..."

Guys, here's a picture of Mikita.

This... slender figure, sweet-looking, just... too unqualified.

Doing things in the branch, she will change and become a lady.


Big guy.....thank you for your reminder...if there are many tickets...the author's bacteria will definitely not be able to get it...but if you have one...then there is no problem Now...! Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


Thank you [yxx6446...7078] for the 100-point reward!

Big guy....Thank you for your reward....It's the last day of this month....I can still receive a reward....The author is very happy in my heart....It's all recorded in the small book Now..! Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


Thank you [zaifeixing] for the monthly pass!


Thank you [zaifeixing] for the monthly pass!

Big guy.....this is the second time to thank you.....and the last time...thank you for your monthly ticket...the author will work hard to code... Come on..! Summer reading is fun every day, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


169: The squad leader and the sand crocodile Crocodile are fighting! (for automatic subscription)

As soon as the voice fell, a figure floated in the sky, it was Crocodile.

At this moment, half of his body turned into sand, drawing a curve in the air, like flying a kite, looking very light.

The scene of this appearance is indeed very grand!! The cadres lying on the ground, hearing Crocodile's voice, were all shocked, completely forgetting the pain, and all smiles on their faces.

"The president is here, now we are saved, hahaha..."


He laughed loudly, then coughed out a mouthful of blood, and lay on his back on the desert again, his face as pale as earth.

Galtino looked at the figure in the sky, and said excitedly: "The boss is here, let's see how arrogant they are now, everyone will go to hell."

Feng Kelei was beaten badly, his face was swollen like a pig's head, and he said something vague.

"Avenge us... The slave family will kill them with their own hands..."

Dazbonis sat up, his swarthy face turned pale, and coughed: "I'm really ashamed of the boss's cultivation, and I asked you to do it yourself."

"Shame, this is my shame!"


Drowsy, before fainting, he said slowly: "The squad leader is so strong, so the captain is even more terrifying."

"I believe that the boss will definitely be able to solve them, because the boss is Wang Xiaqi..."

Before he could finish speaking, he closed his eyes, tilted his head, and fainted.

The three beauties who were still standing looked at each other in unison, smiles appeared on their pretty faces, and they breathed a sigh of relief, no longer nervous or afraid.

Mikita held a small umbrella, let out an exaggerated laugh, and said something with a big laugh.

"These... dammit guys, see how you are still babbling, hahaha"

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