Marianne nodded, with a sweet smile on her face, she said with a smile, "If the boss comes out, they will never be able to escape."

"It's good, I can go back to rest early and eat my favorite senbei."

Sara took a big pipe, took a puff of cigarette, and said with a smile: "Although they are very powerful, for the boss, it is not enough to see."

"Next, let's take a good look. I believe the boss will solve them quickly and avenge us."

The girls on the giant scorpion all raised their heads and looked at the silhouette that kept flying over in the sky.

Karina wrinkled her beautiful eyebrows, and said something with a look of disdain on her beautiful face.

"In the Seven Martial Seas, the weakest group of people are also worthy of such an air. It's really stupid."

"Chris is so powerful, and he doesn't like to show off as much as this guy, he's so crazy."

Al Rita carried the big black iron rod, nodded lightly, and said mockingly: "Isn't it just to attract our attention to fly so slowly, it's really naive."

The Sweetheart Queen shrugged her shoulders and complained directly, "Holding a cigar, wearing a fur coat, and combing a big back, it looks really grand."

"But it looks great on the outside, but in fact, its real strength is just trash. It's a shame for Qiwuhai."

Betty took a breath, and said calmly as always: "As Chris said, this guy's left hand is really a golden hook, and there is a poison in it."

"The dignified Qiwuhai is actually poisoned on the weapon, and no one dares to believe it."

"I have to say, this guy is really a sinister villain, very disgusting."

Lasha glared at Crocodile fiercely, with an angry look on her pretty face, and said something very angrily.

"It's this damn guy. It's because of him that my hometown has been turned into ruins."

"If there is a chance, I must kill him with my own hands to avenge the villagers' hatred."

Princess Weiwei nodded heavily, with a serious expression on her face, she said very seriously: "This bastard will definitely be severely punished!"

"If you let him go easily, how can you be worthy of... people, how can you be worthy of... this prosperous oasis."

Robin brushed his black and beautiful hair, his eyebrows were curved, and he was intelligent and elegant, "This is what Crocodile is like, as arrogant and arrogant as ever."

"The position of Qiwuhai makes him become: high above, he likes to pay attention to ostentation when doing things, for fear that others will not know that he is Qiwuhai."

"A person who is so arrogant and ignorant should go to the advance city to reflect deeply and repent."

Leiju blinked her beautiful eyes and smiled.

: "Next is... the battle between the squad leader and Shichibukai. I'm really looking forward to it."

Baccarat stroked the crimson dignified and elegant, "From the time I went to sea to now, it was just to wait for this day to come."

"At this time, I'm really excited, because Chris is about to become Shichibukai, a real big man."

"Happy, heartfelt joy for Chris, that's great."

At this moment, Crocodile slowly fell to the desert, without making any noise, as if it had no weight.

At this time, half of his body was constantly changing, and a lot of fine sand appeared. After a while, a complete Crocodile appeared.

I saw that he was still dressed as a big brother, with a big back, a big windbreaker, a cigar, and a rebellious look on his face.

"You are too weak to be my subordinates at all!"

Crocodile glanced at the cadres on the ground, his face was cold, and he said very angrily: "I am Qiwuhai, how can there be such a waste of men."

"Sure enough, no one can be trusted, I really want to immediately.

kill you."

"Leave your dog's life for the time being, and when I clean up these... kid, I'll deal with you guys."

Hearing the leader's words, the cadres were all startled, their faces all showing horror.

But hearing his last words, knowing that there is no danger to his life, one by one finally breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

Dazbonis looked at Crocodile and said solemnly: "President, don't worry, this is definitely the last time."

"Next, I will work hard to cultivate and become stronger, and I will never be knocked down again."

Galtino lay on the ground, coughed, and said, "I will work hard, I will never forget this shame!"

Feng Kelei was taken care of, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, he said vaguely: "Today's hatred, the slave family has remembered, and will definitely take revenge!"


He spit out a mouthful of freshness and said with a big smile: "Thanks to the president for his kindness of not killing, we will definitely correct our past mistakes, and we will redouble our efforts to cultivate in the future."

"It's normal for the leader to be angry."

Mikita held a small umbrella and laughed loudly, "After all, you guys are really too weak, you were all beaten down."

"Not only did the mission fail, but it was also disheartened, which is really disappointing to the president."

"So the president will punish, that's what it should be, hahaha..."

Marianne wrinkled her face and said worriedly: "I hope I won't... arrange so many tasks, let me have a good rest."

Sarah took a breath and sighed: "We did fail in this mission."

"Failure to complete the work assigned by the boss, according to the rules of the organization, we must be punished, but this is...... There is nothing to say."

Dongli carried the giant sword, looked down at Crocodile, and said with a big laugh: "This is the so-called Qiwuhai under the king, the strength seems too weak, ya ya ya"

Broki nodded and agreed, "Compared with the captain, it's just one day and one place, the gap is too big."

Bashas raised his arms high, with an excited look on his face, and shouted, "Crocodahl, your special mother finally appeared, Weihahahaha..."

"Naturally it is a rustling fruit, and it is a miasma fruit, let's see which one is stronger, hehe"

Poison's eyes were cold and cold, and his smile was very ugly.

Ah Jin twisted his neck and said indifferently: "The other party is Qiwuhai, and it makes me very excited to be able to fight with such a person."

Bartolomeo touched his nose ring, like a ghost, he smiled and said: "Having Qiwuhai as a sparring coach, this is Laozi's glory, what a face to talk about, quack!"

Cavendish pulled out...the famous sword Durandall and said something very seriously.

"Everyone serves snacks, but don't be hit by his hook, or you will die."

Luo carrying the demon sword and crying, as always, said coldly: "As long as we cooperate more closely, I don't believe that we can't beat him."

Hawkins looked at Crocodile, still dead, "Judging from his appearance, he has a bloody disaster today."

Van Oka tapped his shoulder with a gun, and said expressionlessly: "With the captain here, his fate is already doomed."

"We made a plan before, and now the situation has not changed, so let's execute it as usual."

Crow pushed his glasses, his eyes flashed with wisdom, and analyzed.

"He is a shasha fruit person, and in this desert, he has a great advantage, allowing him to perfectly display his strength."

"But it doesn't matter, he doesn't know our abilities at all, and we are very familiar with his situation."

"He's at an absolute disadvantage in that regard.

So we can take it by surprise, use our skills to fight him, and take down this... Qiwuhai."

Lafitte turned his cane, gentle, and said with a slight smile: "No matter what...

Win or lose, being able to fight Qiwuhai is enough."

"The rest will be analyzed when we wait for the battle.

Now what we need to do is... and this... Qiwuhai, have a good fight."

After speaking, without hesitation, he took the lead and walked towards Crocodile.

Pa Dong jumped up and down, happily, and said with a smile: "Come on, team captains all come on, hee hee hee"

Bebo cheered and said, "You are the best, and the squad leader will win!"

Abis blinked her big eyes, and said in a tender voice, "To defeat that bad guy, let's do our best!"

Ikalem clenched his fists, looked serious, prayed, and said a word.

"Damn Crocodile, today is your day to die."

"Squad captains, you must win, I will pray for you!"

Running faster, nodding his head, with a croak, he echoed, it also hates Crocodile.

In the same way, the crew members below were all very excited, shouting loudly, and their voices were so loud that they spread very far.

"Deputy Captain Lafitte, you are the best, my brother admires you the most, come on, hahahahaha..."

"Fight, captains, beat them to death, beat this Qiwuhai, quack quack"

"Quick, quick, we are going to fight Qiwuhai, everyone quickly twisted, and everyone twisted for Lao Tzu, did you hear me!!"

"La la la, the captains will win, hurry up and do it, hehehe..."

"Tie Zi, don't you stop... push me, you idiot..."

"Ah, ah, I'm so excited, I'm going to faint..."

Guys, here's a picture of Marianne.

This is a painter who can fight with spiritual power, and has great potential.

I won't introduce too much here. If you have any questions, you can Baidu, she is really good.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Thank you [zaifeixing] for the monthly pass!

Big guy....this is the last time to thank gave it three times....the author thanked it three times...just's all recorded in the small notebook.. .I won't forget! Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


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Big guy....Thank you for your monthly ticket....You are this month....The second one to vote for the author's fungus....The author's fungus is recorded in the small book.. I won't forget! Summer reading is fun every day, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


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