Thank you [Donghuang Linggu Yi] for the monthly pass!

Big guy...Thank you for your monthly pass....You are this month....The third one to vote for the author's fungus....The author's fungus is recorded in the small book.. .I won't forget! Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


Thank you [qq_9782...0659] for the monthly pass!

Big guy.....thank you for your monthly are this month....the fourth one...the author has voted for the monthly ticket...the author is all recorded in the small I will forget it! Summer reading is fun every day, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


Thank you [wuming5201...314] for the monthly pass!

Big guy...Thank you for your monthly pass....You are this month...the fifth one...The author has voted for the monthly ticket...The author is recorded in the small book...No I will forget...! Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


170: There is a fierce battle between the sand crocodiles and the squad leaders! (for automatic subscription)

The sky was still gloomy, and the huge dark cloud did not disperse, blocking the sunlight, leaving a shadow on the desert, and the weather was much cooler.

A gust of breeze blew, blowing Crocodile's coat loudly, making him look more and more powerful and domineering.

"Damn little devils, actually take Lao Tzu as a practice object."

Crocodile was holding a cigar, his head was slightly tilted back, and he said with a look of disdain: "Do you know who Lao Tzu is, Lao Tzu is the king of Qiwuhai!"

His eyes swept to Robin, and he suddenly showed an angry expression, and said something vicious.

"Damn woman, wait for Lao Tzu to get rid of these....Little devil, come and concoct you!"

"How dare you betray me, who gave you the courage, Nico Robin!"

Karina glared at him, her fair and beautiful face was full of ridicule, "With your strength, you dare to threaten us."

"I really thought I was the Qiwuhai, the most powerful in the world"

"Hehe, just wait, you will definitely be slapped in the face, see how arrogant you are."

Nami nodded, raised her eyebrows, and said carelessly: "As Chris said, the villain dies of too much talk."

"A Qiwuhai, the top pirate in the sea, but the result is so many words, which does not correspond to his identity at all."

"Empty identity but no strength, it's just... people like him."

Al Rita carried the big iron rod, smiled, agreed, and said something.

"Looks like a big brother on the outside, and pretends to be five people, so it won't be tiring?"

"Look at Chris, you don't need to say anything. When you stop there, you will have the aura of a strong man. That kind of aura that dominates the world is not something that... outsiders can learn."

Robin folded his black and beautiful hair and sighed: "At this time, he hasn't seen the situation clearly, it's really stupid."

"It's really ridiculous for a man like him to be able to become Qiwuhai."

"Such an arrogant and arrogant guy should really be sent to the advance city, where he can reflect on it for a lifetime."

Princess Weiwei nodded again and again, with a look of indignation on her face, "Yes, such a heinous villain should be imprisoned for the rest of his life."

"It's too hateful, this bastard is really too hateful."

Lasha gritted his silver teeth, and said angrily: "I will beat him later, I will go up and kick and avenge the villagers."

Leiju looked at Baccarat, her eyebrows curved, and she said with a sweet smile: "Anyway... I don't need this scorpion, why don't we go downstairs."

"Okay, just discuss it with Chris and see what he thinks of the fight."

Baccarat smiled warmly, gracefully, full of the temperament of a lady.

Then, the girls did not hesitate, they all left the giant scorpion and landed on the desert.

At this time, all the squad leaders came to Crocodile.

In this area, apart from...the yellow sand in the sky, there are only Crocodile and Lafitte.

"Te Niang, dressed so domineeringly, who is this for?"

Bashas raised his arms high and said with a big laugh, "We'll see how you pretend, I'm going to stomp you under your feet, Weihahahaha..."

Poison light revealed a sinister smile, "It's boring to poison ordinary people, but it's more interesting to kill Qiwuhai."

Akin looked at Crocodile coldly, and said indifferently: "Have you thought about how to die, Sand Crocodile?"

"No matter what, this young master is going to kick him twice. I can't stand this bastard. He drags him like something."

Cavendish groaned angrily.

Bartolomeo showed a cruel smile, laughed and said something.

"I'll kick his ass, what do you think?"

Hearing this, Crocodile was instantly angry, drank a cigar, looked at Bartolomeo coldly, and directly sentenced him to death.

"Little devil, don't worry, I won't let you die too soon."

"I will arrest you, of course.

Grind you, let you survive but not die..."

Before the words were finished, Van Oka put down the gun quickly and did not pull the trigger directly.

With a bang, the bullet was like lightning, and Crocodile went away, ready to hit his eyebrows.

Suddenly, a large hole appeared on Crocodile's head, and he could see the vast desert behind him.

A faint sound of rustling sounded, and the fine sand between Crocodile's eyebrows kept assembling, moving closer, and soon returned to its original state, without the slightest incident.

"Fast marksmanship, decisive action, without the slightest hesitation."

Crocodile took a breath, still so arrogant, and said arrogantly: "Little brat, your spear skills are very good, follow me in the future."

"As long as you are willing to surrender, Lao Tzu will let you out and make you a senior cadre in the organization."

"Little devil, think about it carefully, don't rush to refuse.

If your answer does not satisfy Lao Tzu, then there will be no next chance, understand?"

Chloe looked at Fan Oka, pushed his glasses, and said calmly and rationally: "He is a natural ability person, he must be surprised, otherwise your bullets will not be useful at all."

"After all, your time on the ship is too short, and it's normal that you don't have time to learn to be domineering."

Bassas looked at Van Oka, made fun of it, and said something.

"Hey Lao Fan, this sand crocodile has taken a fancy to you, how about it, do you want to think about it, Wei Hahaha"

Luo carrying the demon sword and crying, as always, said coldly: "Fan Oka did a good job, fast and accurate, without any ink marks, just hit it directly."

Cavendish was so angry that he cursed bitterly, "Damn, it's like this again, there's no way to attack!"

"In the town of Rogge, I just... suffered from this loss, is it repeating the same mistakes now?"

"No, absolutely not, this young master must learn to be armed and domineering as soon as possible!"

Fan Oka tapped his shoulder with a gun, and said with a blank face: "The ability of the natural department is really the most difficult."

"The next battle, the main attack will be handed over to you, and I will be responsible for the sneak attack."

Lafitte released his snow-white wings, beat them a few times, and issued a "beating edge".

of crisp sound.

Gentle, with a slight smile, he said, "Crocodahl, as an opponent, let me give you a piece of advice."

"Our captain said that when fighting, we must not talk too much. We must pay attention to speed and end the battle as soon as possible."

"So, let's just fight, don't grind!"

With a sound, the man flew into the air, flapping his white wings, looking for the flaws in Crocodile, ready to take action at any time.

Crocodile exhaled the smoke from his mouth, laughed, and said a word with disdain.

"The little devils are also worthy of teaching me, hahaha..."

"I gave you a chance, since you don't know how to cherish it, then let me die one by one!"

"Arc Moon Dunes!"

As soon as the voice fell, a large pile of sand quietly appeared in the right hand, and the combination changed for a while, and finally formed a huge crescent-shaped sand blade.

Without any hesitation, he threw his right hand fiercely, and the huge sand blade cut through the void, in the shape of a crescent moon, and quickly slashed towards Lafitte.

Crocodile was an arrogant and arrogant person, who did not like to look up to others, and would never allow anyone to be above himself.

So the first shot is... the ultimate move, which is very brave, trying to drain the moisture from Lafitte's body and turn him into a mummy.

"This speed is too slow."

With a swoosh, Lafitte flapped his wings, dodged the huge sand blade in an instant, looked down at Crocodile, and continued to look for flaws.

In the previous plan, some people were in charge of sneak attacks, some were in charge of defense, and some were in charge of offense... As the deputy captain, Lafitte was naturally a main attacking player, there is no doubt about that.

Now let others interfere with Crocodile, hold him down, and make him exhausted.

When the time comes, Lafayette will quickly rush down, give Crocodile a fatal blow, and directly solve this king's Qiwuhai.

"Beautiful Sword Blue Bird!"

Cavendish kicked the ground with his right foot, Durandall pointed to Crocodile, and the man was like an arrow from the string, and launched a direct assault.

A strong airflow entwined Durandall, rolling up the surrounding air, and the sword qi raged, stabbing towards Crocodile.

Compared to Rogge Town, when Cavendish used it this time, his attack power was sharper, and his sword qi became much stronger, far from what he could compare before.

This is thanks to Chris's guidance!! After all, Chris is the level of a great swordsman, a real master-level character. If you teach Cavendish, it will be like playing at home.

After Chris's teaching, Cavendish improved various swordsmanships, playing them more handy, and his strength skyrocketed, becoming stronger and stronger.

"Crocodahl, taste Lao Tzu's big fist, hahahaha..."

Bashas stomped the ground fiercely, and with a bang, the sand was trampled and sunk, and the man was like a tank, rampaging and rushing towards Crocodile.

At this moment, a crazy look appeared on his face, his right hand was tightly clenched, and a pitch-black fist appeared quietly, and he quickly completed his arming.

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