Not to mention, Bashas is so big and a master of fighting, this battle looks like a tiger coming down the mountain, a kind of momentum: roaring mountains and forests.

After watching it, my heart was shocked.

Speaking of which, he was the first squad leader to follow Chris, and he followed closely all the way from the South China Sea.

Under the guidance of Chris, his two-color domineering has long been learned and can be used proficiently.

Especially armed and domineering, he cultivated the most diligently.

After all, as a fighting champion, what I like most is boxing, so Bashas focuses on this area.

The degree of mastery of armed arrogance is really stronger than that of hearing arrogance. I don't know how many times.

Guys, the above is a picture of the arc-shaped dunes.

That..., it's a new month, please vote for your monthly ticket.

As long as there are enough monthly passes, the author's bacteria will explode immediately, and 5 changes are guaranteed a day.

Kneeling and begging for a monthly pass!

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Thank you [1755...885d] for the monthly pass!

Big guy...Thank you for your monthly are this month....the vote for the author's bacteria...the author's bacteria are all recorded in the notebook.. I won't forget! Summer reading is fun every day, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


Thank you for the monthly pass of [Good Luck Begins]!

Big guy.... You have given the author a monthly ticket before... Now it's here again... The author is all recorded in the small book... I won't forget... Come on ..! Summer reading fun every day, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


Thank you [159...4569] for the monthly pass!

Big guy....thank you for your monthly are this month...the seventh one...the author has voted for the monthly ticket...the author has been recorded in the small book. .. will not forget..! Summer reading every day fun, charge 100 get 500 coupons! :.


Guys, ask for a monthly pass!

In the new month, please give me a monthly pass! As long as there are enough monthly passes, the author will have the motivation to code words and will definitely try to update it! This is the first time for the author to ask for a monthly pass in the text.

It's not easy to be an author. I beg the bosses to raise their hands and give me a monthly pass.

The younger brother bowed and thanked.

Feilu reminds you: read three things

Thank you [5326...3779] for the monthly pass!

Big guy....thank you for your monthly are this month...the eighth voted for the author's monthly ticket...the author's fungus is recorded in the small book...will not forget ..! Summer reading fun every day, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


Thank you [2731...9427] for the monthly pass!

Big guy...Thank you for your monthly ticket....You are this month...the ninth vote for the author's bacteria....the author's bacteria are all recorded in the small I will forget it..! Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


Thank you [ffgq] for the monthly pass!

Big guy....thank you for your monthly are this month....the voted for the author's monthly ticket...the author's fungus is recorded in the small Forgot....! Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


Thank you [1556...8700] for the monthly pass!

Big guy....thank you for your monthly are this month...the eleventh....the author has voted for a monthly have given it twice..the author is thanked twice ...will not forget! Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


171: Sand Crocodile's armed color is domineering and powerful! (for automatic subscription)

"Damn little devil, he has learned to be domineering!"

Crocodile frowned, with a rare look of doubt on his face, he couldn't believe it and said, "Why does a newcomer in such a small area use the armament color to be domineering?"

"Okay, very good, I'm getting more and more interested."

"Little devils, dance to your heart's content, but don't die too fast, goo ha ha ha..."

With a swipe, half of his body turned into fine sand, and he quickly flew into the air, completely ignoring the attacks of Cavendish and Bassas.

Staring at Lafitte viciously, he said in a cold tone, "I hate people who are high and high, you have successfully angered me, kid!"

Seeing Crocodile flying into the air, Cavendish scolded angrily, "Bastard, don't run away!"

The sword was unsheathed and cast like a dragon. It was wrapped in the mighty sword energy, and the air tumbled. It was impossible to hold it back. It was scattered and scattered in all directions, and the air was filled with smoke and dust, shrouding this area.

People outside can't see what's inside at all, and it's completely blocked.

"The special mother, the dignified Qiwuhai, doesn't dare to fight with Laozi, crap!!"

Bashas stomped the ground fiercely and stepped on the sand surface to make a hole, and then he was able to stabilize his body.

He is the most violent, advocating head-to-head combat, so Crocodile dodged his attack and let his iron fist fail.

This made Bassas very angry, and he couldn't be more angry.

"Now is a good time to start."

Crow looked at Fan Oka, habitually pushed his glasses, his eyes flashed with a light of wisdom, and said lightly.

"The smoke is filled with dust, which just blocks your figure, and Crocodile certainly didn't notice it."

"Next, you have to make good use of the opportunity, and don't be in a hurry."

"Once an attack is launched, Crocodile must be alert, and it will be very difficult to attack again."

Luo nodded, and said coldly as always: "You are a strange soldier, you really can't make a move until the critical moment."

Bartolomeo showed an ugly smile, he laughed, "When the time comes, this guy Crocodile will definitely be surprised, quack."

"There is only one chance to make a shot, I know that very well."

Van Oka tapped his gun on the shoulder, said a word with no expression on his face.

"I'll leave it to you next, I won't come out so quickly."

After he finished speaking, his body gradually sank, ignoring the sand surface, as if he had fallen into the water, and fell directly.

Soon, Van Oka disappeared, his body was completely submerged in the desert, and everything returned to its original state, as if nothing had happened.

At this time, Lafitte flapped his white wings and smiled slightly, still politely, "Crocodahl, although you can also fly, your speed is too slow."

"Fighting me in the air is not... a wise thing to do, Crocodile."

As soon as the voice fell, huh...! With a sound, the person crossed a straight line in the air like lightning, and swooped down quickly.

At this time, Lafitte's body exuded a magnificent momentum, with awe-inspiring killing intent, incomparably crazy and quite shocking.

Brush... As soon as Lafitte came to Crocodile, he grabbed the handle with his right hand and pulled it out instantly.

With a bang, it was crisp and loud, and a snow-white long sword suddenly appeared, extremely sharp, with a sharp cold glow, very scary.

Suddenly, the color of the blade changed, starting from the handle, it became pitch black, and it continued to spread, and soon the entire blade turned pitch black.

Covering with a layer of armor is the best for those with natural abilities - armed and domineering!! Having said that, it is normal for Lafitte to follow Chris from the West Sea and learn to be armed and domineering.

Moreover, as the deputy captain, he can't even be domineering in two colors, so his position should be replaced.

"Damn, another domineering brat!"

Crocodile was mad, he really didn't understand, why these... Newcomers, little devils, all of them can master the power in the new world.

This is really incredible, it leaves Crocodile very confused and completely confused.

"Look at your domineering armament, your training time is very short, you're just a novice barely getting started."

Crocodile was holding a cigar, showing an arrogant expression on his face, and said disdainfully: "I will let you see, what is the real domineering of armed color."

Looking at Lafitte's sharp sword wrapped in armed colors, Crocodile was very calm, and the golden hook in his left hand changed quietly.

The original golden hook instantly turned into a pitch black, flashing with a metallic black luster, which looked very dazzling.

"Fly for Lao Tzu, damn brat!"

Crocodile roared, and his left hand bent back in a vertical shape, ready to go, accumulating sufficient strength.

His eyes turned cold, and he slammed the sharp sword that came straight from Lafitte.

The Zili sword stabbed on the golden hook, making a very crisp sound. After listening to it, it was very harsh, and the teeth were almost sour.

The collision of the sharp sword and the golden hook not only made an explosion, but at the place where it was struck, there were also a few scattered sparks, jumping and falling down.

The air between the two trembled, and faint ripples emerged, spreading outward.

Even the air vibrated, showing how powerful the blow was.

Fluttering... A huge force came, and Lafitte couldn't stabilize his body, and his body flew backwards for a while, then flapped his white wings, a gust of wind blew up, and stopped.

"As expected of Qiwuhai, it's really not that easy to deal with."

Lafitte's wings flapped gently, gentle, and said with a slight smile: "My armament is domineering, I have practiced for a long time, and I can't compare to you, Crocodile."

The effect of the force is mutual. Although Crocodile repelled Lafitte, he also received a reaction force himself, and his body fell a little.

Glancing coldly at Lafitte, he said arrogantly: "The strength is very good, kid, you have successfully attracted my interest."

"I get rid of the others first, as for you, I will be the last to clean up."

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