After he finished speaking, he crossed a curve in the air, and the fine sand on his body kept falling, heading towards the sand surface.

At this time, the yellow sand in the sky had all fallen to the ground, and the dust had settled, revealing all the squad leaders.

Bashas looked at Crocodile, laughed loudly, and said mockingly: "Sure enough, he is an arrogant and arrogant person, exactly as the captain said!"

"It's obvious that I can't stay in the air for that long, and I can't kill Lafitte, so I just made an excuse and said that it successfully attracted your interest."

"Bah, what Qiwuhai, it's just rubbish!"

Poison dew fierce light, smiled strangely and said: "It seems that the strength of this Qiwuhai is indeed very good."

"I don't know if his armed arrogance can resist my miasma, hehe"

Ajin clenched the two strangely shaped weapons, frowned, and said something indifferent.

"Sure enough, to be able to become Qiwuhai, there are two brushes."

"I remember that the captain said that this guy once had a fight with the Four Emperors Whitebeard, so it is normal for him to be two-colored and domineering."

Bartolomeo touched his nose ring, looked at Lafitte, and joked, "Deputy captain, fighting alone with Qibukai, are you injured?"

"You are too fierce, without our help, you are directly fighting with him, you are too strong, hahaha..."

With an angry expression on his face, Cavendish cursed and said, "Damn it, it's a natural type, and it's two-color domineering, it's really hard to deal with."

"I don't believe this young master. With so many of us, we won't be able to beat the bottom Qiwuhai. What a joke!"

Luo frowned, and said coldly, "People have been famous for many years, if they didn't have the ability, they would have been killed long ago, where can it be our turn."

"Although his two-color domineering is stronger than ours, but... so what, we have so many people, I don't believe that we can't kill him!"

Hawkins still looked like a dead man, and said in a low voice: "If you want to win, you still have to come up with extraordinary tricks, otherwise there is no possibility."

Crow pushed his glasses, expressionless, and said, "Pray for the opponent to be weaker, that's impossible."

"After all, Crocodile is a person who has been in the new world, and it has more than twenty years to become Qiwuhai."

"Even if he neglects to exercise, his strength continues to decline. Without the ambitions of his youth, his whole person has been degraded very thoroughly."

"But even so, he is also an old man who has been famous for a long time, not us... newcomers, can be compared, there is no doubt about this."

"So to compete with him for domineering, the losers must be us, this is inevitable."

Crow looked at Lafitte in the sky and murmured: "I originally thought that the gap between the deputy captain and Crocodile was not very huge."

"Now it seems that Crocodile's strength is much stronger than I thought, and it is not so easy to deal with."

It's too difficult to write. I've written this chapter since I wrote this morning. The author is really wanting to cry without tears.

No way, this chapter is a domineering collision, it's really not easy to write, I'm drunk!

Thank you [Monster Night Empire] for the 588 points reward!

Big guy.... this month... the number of your rewards... is the most.... the author's bacteria are all recorded in the small book... will not forget... come on code words.. .! Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.



Thank you [wwzzffwwzzff] for the monthly pass!

Big are this month....the voted for the author's monthly voted twice..the author is thanked twice...I won't forget it. ...! Summer reading is fun every day, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


172: Fan-Oka is lurking under the desert, ready to attack! (for automatic subscription)

At this time, Crocodile had already fallen on the desert, and the fine sand on half of his body continued to recede, returning to its original appearance.

"That's right, you guys.... Little devils, it's really good."

With a cigar in his mouth, Crocodile looked like a big boss, and said coldly: "I haven't done it for a long time, so today is definitely a good day for you."

"Being able to die in the hands of Qiwuhai, even if you are in hell, you will feel very happy, hahaha..."

peripheral area.

Listening to Crocodile's arrogant voice, Nami couldn't help frowning her beautiful eyebrows, and said a word of disgust on her perfectly fair face.

"Why is this person so annoying? It's really annoying."

Arrita stood the big black iron rod in front of her, sneered, and said disdainfully: "This kind of person, damn it, can't let him appear in this world."

De Zaya brushed his red and yellow hair with a serious look on his face, "Speaking of which, these big figures are very scary."

"He is the bottom group of people in Qiwuhai.

But his strength is already very good, at least he can be domineering in two colors, and he can use it skillfully."

"As far as his strength is concerned, he is actually at the bottom of the Seven Martial Seas.

One can imagine how terrifying the strongest group of people in Qiwuhai are."

The Queen Sweetheart looked at her, raised her eyebrows, smiled and said, "Your question, didn't Chris answer it last time?"

"Qiwuhai's strongest eagle eye, his strength is at the level of a general, there is no doubt about this."

"After all, the world's greatest swordsman is not... just kidding."

Betty took a breath and said calmly as always: "You must know how many years Crocodile has practiced."

"He is in his [-]s now, and he has practiced for more than [-] years than Christopher, but his strength is like this."

"Seriously, he's been living on a dog these days, and he's rubbish to death."

At this time, Karina touched her chin that was as white as jade, her beautiful eyes flowed, revealing a cunning look, she laughed to herself, and made a silver bell-like sound, clear and sweet.

Perona had the best relationship with her, floated to her side, looked up and down, her pretty face was full of doubts, and she asked curiously.

"Hey, what kind of nerves are you missing?"

"A person standing there giggling and making a hee hee sound, is this the rhythm of going crazy?"

Karina rolled her eyes at her and said angrily, "Let..."

"Why am I giggling, don't talk nonsense, okay, be careful I hit you."

"Hmph, you didn't find out, right? This girl is different. She has already seen everything clearly."

Makino looked at her with curved eyebrows and a sweet and gentle smile and said, "What did you find, can you tell me in a low voice?"

Keya lightly nodded her head, smiling like a flower, very cute, and agreed.

"Yes, Sister Karina, can you tell me about it, Xiaoya would like to know too."

Meidi looked at the squad leaders, then turned to look at Karina, and said with a sweet smile: "What did you find, don't be rude, and tell us quickly."

The others didn't speak, and looked at Karina one by one, with curious expressions on their pretty faces, eager to know the answer.

Being watched by all the girls and seeing the curious expressions on their faces, Karina felt very proud and very proud.

No one has noticed, but she is the most powerful, and she has discovered something different.

"I knew it, you definitely didn't post it"

Karina blinked her beautiful eyes and said with a smile: "After all, I'm the only one who holds the eyes, hehe."

At this time, Robin put his arms around him, looked in the direction of the squad leader, and had a thoughtful look on his face.

With a slight smile, he said intellectually and elegantly, "I also found something different after being prompted by you like this."

"It's amazing, so many of us didn't find it, and you alone found the problem, your vision is really not good."

Princess Weiwei frowned her slender willow eyebrows, her face full of doubts, and she hurriedly asked.

"What are you two talking about, why can't I understand it at all? It looks so complicated."

Carmen blinked her beautiful eyes, and said inexplicably, "I looked around, but I didn't find any problems. I really don't know what secrets the two of you found."

Leijiu brushed her pink hair, smiled softly, dignified and elegant, "Did you not notice that there is one person missing?"

Baccarat nodded lightly, and said with a sweet smile: "What Karina said must be referring to Fan Oka."

"He just took advantage of the smoke and dust, and outsiders couldn't see the situation inside, he secretly hid in the desert, preparing to give Crocodile a fatal blow."

Hearing Baccarat's words, the girls' eyes lit up, a look of sudden realization appeared on their faces, and they finally understood what was going on.

Nami looked at the squad leaders seriously, searched for a while, and said with a big grin: "It's true, I really can't find any trace of Fan Oka."

"Okay, he's a sniper, and he hides in the desert to make a sneak attack.

Stains, this time Crocodile is probably going to be troublesome!"

Karina's beautiful eyes were shining, she covered her mouth and laughed lightly, she said something very proud.

"You guys are slow enough to respond, and it's only now that you realize that you can't have enough eyesight, hee hee hee..."

Perona floated in the air, put her small hands in front of her, made a shush gesture, and whispered: "Everyone can't speak so loudly, but don't be heard by Crocodile."

"This matter must be sneaky. If it is publicized, it will not be possible to carry out a sneak attack. Everyone should know it."

Princess Weiwei's pretty face showed a look of surprise, she suddenly opened her mouth, agreed, and echoed.

"It turns out that Van Oka is indeed gone."

"Since we have discovered this secret, we really can't say more, lest someone who has a heart will hear it and affect the plans of the squad leaders. That's not good."

Al Rita looked at the man beside her and asked with a smile, "Chris, you must know Van Oka's location."

"Can you tell us quietly, I really want to know where he is hiding."

De Zaya nodded, her beautiful eyes lit up, and she hurriedly said, "That's right, that's a good question, and I really want to know the answer."

The others didn't speak, and looked at Chris one by one without blinking their eyes, all wanting to know where Van Oka was hiding.

Chris put his arms around him, stood quietly, looked straight ahead, and said something calmly as always.

"He was lurking under Bassas, about three meters above the sand."

Hearing what Chris said, the girls hurriedly looked forward and began to search for Bashas.

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