I saw him standing behind Crocodile, clenching his huge fists, as if he would burst out at any moment and launch a violent attack.

And the desert under him was bland and unremarkable, without the slightest movement, just... ordinary sand surface, really unremarkable at all.

"No wonder Crocodile couldn't find it, so it is."

The Sweetheart Queen stroked her pale blond hair and said with a wry smile, "If it wasn't for Chris's hint, who would have known that there was a person hiding there, it's impossible!"

Mei Di nodded lightly, smiled, beautiful and generous, "It's exactly the same as the sand surface next to it, it's really impossible to see it at all."

"If you don't see the domineering look, it's really impossible to find the trace of Van Oka if you just look at it with your eyes."

Makino looked at the girls with a gentle smile on her beautiful and refined face, and said something.

"Speaking of which, Van Oka's fruit ability is really special."

"Not only can it be drilled into the ground, even in the desert, it will not be affected at all."

"This superman wears fruit, it's really suitable for sneak attack."

Robin looked at Chris, with curved eyebrows, intellectual and classical, showing the demeanor of a talented woman, and asked with a shallow smile.

"Chris, do you think Van Oka's sneak attack will succeed?"

"Here, you have the deepest knowledge and the richest combat experience, and you are an absolute expert."

"So, I really want to hear your opinion, and I believe that the answer you give is definitely correct."

Robin turned to look at them and said with a slight smile: "I believe it's not just me who thinks so, everyone must want to hear your opinion, that's right."

Princess Weiwei nodded heavily, and with a sigh, Mei Mu looked at Chris, and said with a smile: "I really want to know the answer, it's not an ordinary thought."

The others didn't speak, they all nodded, their opinions were surprisingly unanimous, and they all wanted to hear Chris's analysis.

After all, of all the people here, his strength is the strongest, and his fighting literacy is also the most powerful.

As long as what Chris said, it is definitely worth believing, and the women will not doubt it at all... Big guys, thank you for the monthly pass today and end here.

I will continue to thank you tomorrow, everyone can rest assured.

That..., if there is a monthly pass, please continue to send it to the younger brother.

The younger brother bowed and thanked.


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Thank you [Aotianyan] for the monthly pass!

Big guy....thank you for your monthly pass...you are this month...the eighteenth....the author has voted for the monthly ticket...the author's bacteria are all recorded in the small book..no I will forget it! Summer reading is fun every day, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


173: Sand Crocodile Attacks, Desert Sword! (for automatic subscription)

"Van Oka's boarding time is too short."

Chris still wrapped his arms around him, still so calm and indifferent, "He who doesn't know how to be domineering in two colors can't exert his sharpshooter's ability at all."

"If you want to sneak attack on Crocodile, with his current strength, he can't do it at all."

The girls fell silent, did not speak, thought carefully about what Chris said, and nodded lightly one by one, with a thoughtful look on their pretty faces.

Nami looked at the desert below Bassas, with a sweet and pure smile, and said carelessly: "Speaking of which, Van Oka is not arrogant."

"He is hiding underground and doesn't know the situation above. It is indeed very difficult to succeed in a sneak attack."

Al Rita stood the big iron rod in front of her, smiled and said: "Chris is right, it seems that Fan Oka, the amazing soldier, can't play a big role."

"After all, Crocodile is domineering and domineering. As long as Van Oka emerges, he will definitely be discovered."

Makino brushed her dark green hair in front of her forehead, and said something as gentle and generous as ever.

"Actually, what I'm curious about is how Van Oka breathes in the desert."

"There is no air under the ground. It is incredible that he could stay for such a long time."

Princess Weiwei nodded lightly, her eyebrows curved, and she said with a smile: "I'm also very curious about what you said."

"However, the fruit of wear is so magical that it can pass through any non-living matter, so it is not unacceptable to breathe in the desert."

Robin sighed and smiled bitterly, "Speaking of which, the two-color domineering is really too difficult to cultivate."

"If I hadn't joined the team, I wouldn't even know that there are armed and experienced domineers in this world."

"I've been working hard these days: I've been practicing domineering, I really don't have a clue, I don't have the slightest thought."

"It's really difficult to learn to be domineering with two colors."

The Queen Sweetheart shrugged her shoulders, her pretty face showing a helpless look, and said with emotion: "I can only blame me for being so rubbish, I have no talent for this at all."

"Here we are, I am the third one to board the ship. I came all the way from the West Sea, passed through the North Sea, reached the East China Sea, and then entered the great waterway to reach the Kingdom of Alabasta."

"It's been so many days, I haven't learned anything yet, I'm really shameless, alas"

Betty glanced at her sideways, and said angrily: "If you don't practice hard, you can learn to be domineering by fishing for three days and two days in the net. Don't joke."

Keya looked at Betty, her beautiful eyes were shining, her fair and delicate little face showed admiration and praised her.

"Sister Betty is still the most powerful, not only can she be armed and domineering, but she can also be domineering when she sees it."

"And the fruit ability is so powerful, it's really great, I adore you, Sister Betty!"

Leijiu nodded lightly, smiled generously, and said with a smile: "Betty's strength is definitely the strongest among us, there is no doubt about that."

"So, we all have to learn from her, practice hard, and become stronger."

Nuoqi raised her eyebrows, smiled sweetly, and agreed, "Indeed, Sister Betty can be domineering in two colors, which is not something ordinary people can do."

The others didn't say much, just nodded, agreeing with Bailey, and not questioning anything.

In their opinion, Betty is really not, she is more than a little bit stronger than them, and it is not on the same level at all.

"Learn from my mother"

Betty took a breath of cigarette, with a look of disgust on her pretty face, and said speechlessly: "You are trying to kill me, what a joke!"

"If you want to learn from it, then the object should be Boya Han Cook. This woman is the real powerhouse and deserves the respect of all women."

"Okay, let's stop talking about it, watch the battle with peace of mind, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

Hearing her words, the girls put aside the topic, did not continue chatting, and looked at each one seriously... the battle area ahead.

Lafitte was still flying in the air, flapping her snow-white wings, looking down at everyone below.

He had already discovered the anomaly and knew that Van Oka hid in the desert and was about to launch a sneak attack on Crocodile.

In this case, it was a plan that had been made long ago, so Lafitte would not be surprised.

"Everyone, pay attention, Crocodile's strength is stronger than we imagined."

Lafitte smiled slightly, and said politely: "The collision of armed colors just now shows a problem."

"Although he is a natural ability person, his physical skills are not too weak, and he must be much stronger than us."

"In short, put away your contempt, don't underestimate him, you must pay attention to it, and don't be careless."

Crow took a few steps to the left and reminded the squad leaders, this was the code word that was said before.

At this time, Crow has secretly started to control the pressure of the atmosphere, and when he will attract Cloque Dale, he can detonate and kill this guy.

"Don't worry, we have already seen Crocodile's strength and will not underestimate him."

Ke Luo was expressionless, and said lightly: "It turns out that none of the characters who can become Qiwuhai are good."

Luo was still so cold and said, "I've seen too much of Flamenco's horror, so I won't underestimate any Qiwuhai."

"Even if this person is the lowest existence in the Seven Martial Seas, I will not underestimate it."

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