Hawkins nodded, and said in a low voice, "Being able to sit on the throne of Qiwuhai for such a long time has already explained the problem."

Bashas frowned, with an impatient look on his face, "I said, can you be a bit more neat, and if you want to fight, just start the fight."

"Speaking so much nonsense, it's useless, it's over!"

After he finished speaking, his footsteps stomped on the sand surface and stepped on a hole, and the man was like an arrow from the string, rushing towards Crocodile.

The right fist was clenched, and it was instantly wrapped in a domineering armed color, ready to confront Crocodile head-to-head for a bloody battle.

"Beautiful Sword Blue Bird!"

Cavendish used this sword move again, the man and the sword combined, and stabbed towards Crocodile.

The sword qi is violent, the air is vibrating, the momentum is full, and it is full of oppression, which is shocking.

Facing the attack of Bashas and Cavendish, Crocodile showed a look of disdain and said coldly: "It's you two little brats again, are you courting death?"

"In that case, I will kill you two first and send you to hell."

"Desert Sword!"

As soon as the voice fell, the right hand turned into fine sand, and quickly combined to form a sharp sand blade.

Without any hesitation, he directly faced Bassas and slashed down.

Immediately, the sand blade in the right hand became: extremely huge, with a height of several meters, cut the sand surface, and slashed towards Bashas as quickly as lightning.

At this time, the huge sand blade was dark black on it, obviously armed with domineering, increasing the attack power a lot, and it was necessary to kill Bashas directly.

As for Cavendish's attack, Crocodile didn't care at all.

After all, a brat who can't be domineering, even with swordsmanship.

No matter how powerful, no matter how sharp the moves, it is impossible to hurt him.

This is the power of the natural devil fruit. Once it becomes elemental, it can avoid all physical attacks and will not be injured at all.

So, Crocodile didn't take Cavendish seriously at all, and naturally didn't bother to pay attention to his swordsmanship attacks... Big guys, the above is the picture of the desert sword.

The author has a sore throat, a little uncomfortable, and went to bed first.

Originally, I wanted to write more in this chapter, but I couldn't. I'm sorry, I'm sorry guys!

Thank you [a2896…4644] for the monthly pass!


Thank you [fdgfsdgr] for the monthly pass!

Big guy....thank you for your monthly pass...you are this month....the twentieth...who voted for the author's fungus...the monthly pass...all recorded in the small book...no I will forget it! Summer reading is fun every day, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


Thank you [xiaoqian6] for the monthly pass!

Big guy....thank you for your monthly pass...you are this month....the 100st..to vote for the author's bacteria....the author's bacteria are all recorded in the small book... I won't forget! Summer reading is fun every day, charge 500 and get [-] coupons! :.


Thank you [a886…8963] for the monthly pass!

Big guy....thank you for your monthly pass....you are this month...the twenty-second...you voted for the author's monthly ticket...the author's fungus is recorded in the small book..no forgotten.

!Summer reading books every day, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


174: Squad leaders, show your skills and defeat the sand crocodiles! (for automatic subscription)

"Damn, how dare you ignore this young master!"

Seeing that Crocodile completely ignored his own assault, Cavendish became angry and cursed loudly.

Bashas didn't stop, facing the huge sand blade, he charged directly, a look that was not afraid of death.

"Desert sword, what rubbish, look at Lao Tzu."

Bartolomeo jumped in front of Bassas, crossed his hands, folded his index and middle fingers, his face was calm, and he gave a low voice.

"Protective Barrier!"

With a swipe, a transparent wall appeared in front of him, gleaming, directly blocking him and Basas.

Bang... A loud noise came, the sand blade cut into the protective barrier, and was blocked directly, unable to move forward.

Zizizi's huge sand blade cut through the transparent wall, making a crisp sound.

Countless sparks emerged from the cut, jumped continuously, and finally fell on the desert.

At the same time, the fine sand also fell, and the sand blade became smaller and smaller.

Finally, the huge sand blade disappeared, and Crocodile's right hand combined for a while, and the fine sand receded and returned to its original appearance.

Looking at the transparent wall, I saw that it was sparkling, translucent, without a single crack at all.


Incredibly horrified.

Crocodile's eyes widened, he looked like he had seen a ghost, and said in disbelief, "How could it be possible that Lao Tzu's desert sword was actually blocked?"

"No, it's impossible, it must be a dream!"

At this time, Cavendish roared, "Go to hell, bastard Crocodile!"

There was an explosion, and the sword energy raged, hitting Crocodile fiercely, smashing his body into a piece of fine sand and blowing it all over the place.

In the air, filled with dust, slowly combined, Crocodile's head appeared, followed by his hands and feet.

"I won't be armed with domineering, no matter how powerful the sword move is, what can I do."

Crocodile's face showed a proud look, as always arrogant and arrogant, and said disdainfully: "With your strength, I don't care about it at all."

Cavendish turned quickly, glared at Crocodile fiercely, and said something with a frown.

"Damn it, it really doesn't work!"

"However, doing this can still play a role in restraining to some extent, and this can be considered to achieve its purpose."

Suddenly, Bashas rushed over and shouted, "Take a punch from Lao Tzu, Crocodile."

As soon as the voice fell, the right fist turned pitch-black and slammed straight at Crocodile.

The attack was fierce and thunderous, this punch was obviously made with energy, and all the power burst out.

In the air, there was a gust of fist wind, showing how powerful this blow was.

"Yes, fuck him, don't let Lao Tzu resist for you in vain."

Bartolomeo has removed the protective barrier, with an excited look on his face, cheering for Bashas.

In the plan, Bartolomeo was in charge of defense, and whichever squad leader encountered danger, he was in charge of saving the field and resisting Crocodile's attack.

At this time, the fine sand on Crocodile's body had been assembled and turned into a complete person.

"Competing with Lao Tzu to be domineering is simply beyond your own power."

Crocodile sneered, grabbed his right hand, and instantly completed his arming.

Without the slightest hesitation, he directly slammed into Bashas' fist.

Between the two, a strong airflow formed, causing the air to vibrate faintly.

With a bang, the two jet-black ones collided, and the air vibrated even more, as if faint ripples were formed.

"Damn, how can you be so powerful."

Crocodile felt a huge force coming, unable to stabilize his body, and the man flew backwards.

Glide all the way in the desert, forming a clear trace, and the smoke and dust also rose up and floated in the air.

Bashas frowned, and a slight pain came from his fist, telling him a fact.

In this domineering competition of armed colors, he was at a disadvantage and was no match for Crocodile.

"If I hadn't been stronger, I would have suffered a lot."

Bashas looked at the direction in which Crocodile flew upside down, which was exactly the place that Crocodile designed before, and couldn't help smiling, and said something very happy.

"It seems that Lao Tzu's task has finally been completed."

At this moment, Crow raised his right hand slightly, his five fingers spread slightly, facing Crocodile's direction, his movements were quick, and he directly gave a firm grip.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the direction that Crocodile flew upside down.

Bang... The sound is shocking, very loud, and it is very uncomfortable for the ears after listening to it.

A huge mushroom cloud slowly rose from the desert.

The smoke and dust permeated everywhere, and the yellow sand filled the sky, completely shrouding this area, and outsiders could not see the situation inside at all.

"What's going on, why did the explosion happen suddenly, and what happened!"

Mikita was holding a small umbrella with a surprised look on her pretty face, her eyes widened as she stared at the sand in the sky, she really couldn't understand it.

With a terrified look on her face, Marianne murmured, "It's too scary. There will be an explosion. This time the leader must be in trouble."

"I just saw that... the man with glasses, facing the boss's direction, clasped his right hand, and then exploded."

Sarah frowned her beautiful eyebrows, showing a serious look, and said very seriously: "This must be the ability of the Devil Fruit, there is no other possibility."

"Just with.

It's not the same, it's another form of explosion that can take place in the air, and it's silent."

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