"Awesome, what kind of devil fruit is this, how can it be so terrifying, it's really scary!"

Galtino sat up, his face pale, coughed and said: "The boss is a natural ability person, and it will be fine."


Looking like he had seen a ghost, he said in disbelief, "What kind of ability is this, it is too powerful."

"If we were in the explosion area, we would definitely be bombed to the point where there would be no slag left, and we couldn't die any longer."

Feng Kelei looked at Ke Luo's figure, remembered it deeply in his mind, and said in fear: "This person can't be provoked, and he must not be chosen as an opponent. It's really terrible."

Dazbonis looked at the huge mushroom cloud, and saw that it was still: rising, not stopping, expanding continuously, becoming: getting bigger and bigger.

"With such explosive power, if I was hit, I would definitely not survive, there is no doubt about that."

"This person's fruit ability is really powerful. It is an unheard of ability to actually detonate the air."

Ikalem looked at the yellow sand in the sky and said with a big smile: "This time, even if you can't blow up that bastard of Crocodile."

"At least it can hurt him, if it can be seriously injured, it would be the best, ba ba ba ba..."

Dongli looked at Broki and laughed loudly, "These people work together really closely, and they exert their combat power perfectly!"

Broki nodded and said with a smile: "On the way, they made a detailed plan."

"We are very familiar with Crocodile on our side.

As for him, he is very unfamiliar to us and does not know the fruit ability of the squad leaders."

"Speaking of which, this battle is getting more and more interesting. I'm looking forward to the final result!"

Looking at the yellow sand that filled the sky, the girls became interested one by one, and couldn't help but talk about it.

Nami blinked her big eyes, and a pure and sweet smile appeared on her fair and beautiful face, "It's amazing, they really know how to cooperate."

"This time, Crocodile will definitely not be arrogant, hahaha"

Al Rita nodded lightly and said in admiration, "They have a clear division of labor, everyone knows what they should do, and they plan very carefully."

"And this guy Crow's IQ is really very high, and he can control the situation just right."

The Queen Sweetheart stroked her pale blond hair and said with a smile.

"Bartolomeo was on the defensive, Barshas was the most powerful, and forced Crocodile to sink in, and then Crocodile detonated the atmosphere."

"Zizou, this series of plans is really seamless, it can be called a classic battle!"

Robin smiled slightly, still so intellectual and elegant, "As the old saying goes, tigers can't hold back wolves."

"Crocodahl is much stronger than the squad leaders, but as long as...the wheel tactics are adopted, it is still possible to defeat Shichibukai."

Princess Weiwei looked at the mushroom cloud and exclaimed, "The squad captains are amazing, they cooperated so perfectly."

Leijiu touched her delicate chin, blinked her beautiful eyes, and said with a smile: "With this cooperation experience, if they join hands in the future, they will definitely be more handy."

"Now their strength is not strong enough, so the effect they exert is naturally a little worse."

"But it's all temporary, and it's bound to get better in the future."

Baccarat folded her crimson hair, her eyebrows curved, and said dignifiedly: "It's the first time they've worked together, and it's really good to have such an effect."

"in spite of....

Whatever the final result, their merits are all worthy of praise."

The others did not speak, but nodded, agreeing with what Baccarat said.

In their opinion, this cooperation of the squad leaders is really very successful, it has played a role as a role model, and it is worth learning... Big guys, fighting is very difficult to write, it is really difficult .

The part about Doflamingo is not difficult to write.

But this time the squad leaders gang-fighted Crocodile, they had to think too much, and it took a long time for a chapter to be drunk!

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Thank you [1013...1711] for the monthly pass!


Thank you [3111...5224] for the monthly pass!


Thank you [wtf0601] for the monthly pass!


175: Fierce battle, the battle has entered a white-hot stage! (for automatic subscription)

"How about it, did you... blow up this guy"

Bashas swept the fine sand on his hair, the smoke and dust had faded a little, his vision gradually recovered, and he could see what was inside.

Cavendish frowned, and said solemnly: "When the explosion just now, I could see clearly that Crocodile was elementalized."

"So this time the explosion should have been avoided by this bastard."

Luo looked at Chloe, and asked coldly as always: "You know best whether you have... hurt him."

Bartolomeo put his hands in the pockets of his trousers, looking like he was tugging, and said something in a very sure tone.

"We cooperated so perfectly, without the slightest flaw. If this can't hit him hard, I will definitely not believe it."

Crow habitually pushed his glasses, expressionless, and said lightly: "If nothing else, Crocodile was elementalized at the last moment."

"So this time the explosion, let alone hit him hard, even if he was slightly injured, is impossible."

Arkin held the two strangely shaped weapons with a serious expression, "If that's the case, then this Crocodile is too difficult to deal with."

At this moment, a cold voice came from the front, with a strong tone and full of anger.

"Damn little devils, it's an unforgivable sin to actually make Laozi make a fool of yourself!"

The smoke and dust were scattered, the dust settled, the huge mushroom cloud had disappeared, and it was dispersed with the wind, and the fine sand spread all over the desert.

Hearing Crocodile's voice, the squad leaders stopped chatting and hurriedly looked over.

I saw Crocodile's body, which was constantly being assembled, with messy hair, and it was no longer that...big back.

The windbreaker he was wearing was tattered, with several large holes, and he could no longer wear it.

Crocodile like this is really down to the extreme.

It looks like a beggar!! "Crocodahl, why are you so embarrassed, like a fool, Weihahahaha..."

Bassas raised his arms high, with an excited look on his face, laughed and mocked.

Bartolomeo touched his nose ring, like a ghost, he smiled and said: "What is the Qiwuhai, like a garbage, quack"

Cavendish sneered, "Although it didn't hurt him badly, it's enough to be able to combat his arrogance."

"Crocodahl, your subordinates are watching here. Your beggar image will be remembered in their hearts and cannot be forgotten."

Arkin nodded and said disdainfully: "Yes, you have lost your prestige, Crocodile."

"Qiwuhai, who is as bad as you, still surrender the throne obediently, and we can allow you to surrender."

Lafitte was still flying in the air, flapping his snow-white wings and smiling slightly, "Crocodahl, if you are willing to surrender, our captain will agree."

"However, your Qiwuhai throne must be handed over to our captain. This is a non-negotiable matter."

Not to mention, seeing the appearance of Crocodile, the members of the Baroque Work Club all had different thoughts in their hearts.

Mikita turned the small umbrella, wrinkled Liu Ye's eyebrows, muttered softly, and said something.

"Is this our boss, why is he so cowardly?"

"He is a dignified Qiwuhai, but he was beaten up, what's the difference between him and a beggar?"

"It seems that the leader is not invincible, that... the identity of Qiwuhai, right!"

Marianne shrugged her shoulders, her face wrinkled, and she said speechlessly, "This is troublesome, I don't know when it will be hit."

"I really want to go back to bed early, and then eat some senbei, it seems that I can't do it, it's annoying."

Sara brushed the dark blue hair in front of her forehead, her pretty face showed a dignified look, and whispered: "It seems that the strength of the president is not that strong."

"When we heard that he was Qiwuhai, everyone was very excited, very optimistic about his strength, and thought that this battle would be over in minutes."

"But now, not only did the battle not end, but instead, it was beaten like this. It looked extremely sloppy, and there was no place where the previous scenery was strong."

The cadres lying on the ground were shaken when they saw the ugly appearance of Crocodile, and felt as if their faith had collapsed.

At this time, in their eyes, the tall and mighty image of Crocodile has disappeared, and it is no longer... worthy of their belief.


Coughing up with a disappointed look on his face, he said to himself, "I thought Qiwuhai was an invincible existence, but I didn't expect it to be like this."

"The captain hasn't shot yet, and there are still two giants watching.

Under such circumstances, the boss can't take them down, which is really disappointing."

Gardino's face was ashen, and he said in disbelief, "The leader is a natural ability person, how could this be?"

"Isn't the Shichibukai the most powerful pirates in the ocean? Why can't the boss deal with them?"

Feng Kelei lay on the ground and said with a sad face: "The slave family originally expected the president to be able to show his power, but now the slave family is so sad and disappointed."

"I hope the president can win, otherwise we'll really be finished, the slave family doesn't want to die, ahem"

Dazbonis had always been stern, but now he was puzzled, frowned, and said a word in disbelief.

"I've seen photos of Qiwuhai, and the president is indeed a crocodile of Qiwuhaisha, I can guarantee this."

"But why the combat power is so weak, this is really inexplicable."

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