At this moment, Crocodile took out a cigar, lit it again, and took a deep breath.

Immediately afterwards, without any hesitation, he pulled his right hand and threw the windbreaker on his back to the side, as if he was throwing a piece of garbage.

It can be seen that Crocodile was very dissatisfied with this ragged clothes, and regarded it as his own shame.

"Very well, you are doing a really good job."

Crocodile combed his hair, turned his head back into a big back, looked at the squad leaders with cold eyes, and said a cruel smile.

"Little devils, I remember you, I hope you can dance to your heart's content in the future, don't let Lao Tzu down."

"The battle, start now!"

Crocodile looked at Crocodile's direction and said proudly, "Little brat, I will throw you into the pool and make you food for banana crocodiles."

"Dare to let Lao Tzu make such a fool of yourself, you really deserve to be damned!"

Bashas smiled disdainfully, and said loudly: "Crocodahl, you're an idiot, besides... threatening others, what else would you do?"

"The dignified Qiwuhai doesn't look like a big man at all, Rory is rambling, it's so annoying!"

"As a person with ink marks like you, you are also worthy of becoming Qiwuhai. I really laughed at Laozi's big teeth."

"Eat Lao Tzu's punch!"

He stomped the sand with his right foot, and with a bang, the ground sank, and people rushed towards Crocodile like a cannonball.

His right hand had turned pitch black, he was armed, and he was ready to face off against Crocodile.

Since the armed color can't fight against his domineering, then use brute force to deal with him, use force to overwhelm people, and don't believe that he can't kill this guy Crocodile.

"Crocodahl, don't be too arrogant, you don't have the capital to be arrogant."

Lafayette flapped his wings, and a gust of wind blew up, and with a bang, people had come to Crocodile's head.

The sharp sword turned pitch black, and the tip of the sword was extremely sharp, which made people feel fearful after seeing it.

Luo seized the fighter plane without any hesitation, put his left hand in front of him, spread his fingers slightly, and let out a low voice.


As soon as the voice fell, with him as the center, a translucent hemisphere appeared, wrapping him up, looking quite strange and mysterious.

With a swoosh, Luo instantly disappeared in place, without any trace of movement, and quietly appeared behind Crocodile.

"Go to hell, goddamn Qiwuhai!"

The Demon Sabre Ghost Cry had already been pulled out, showing a pitch black color, covering the domineering look of armed color, and stabbed towards Crocodile's back fiercely.

Speaking of which, Luo has been following Chris for a long time.

So he learned to be domineering and armed, which is not a very strange thing.

The battle with Crocodile, several chapters have been written, is almost over.

In the two chapters, defeat the sand crocodile, no longer write this content, I believe you are tired of it.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Thank you [bgxf199810] for the 1000 points reward!

Big guy... This is the real big guy.... It's not 100 points... It's 1 points... Awesome... The author's bacteria are all recorded in the small books... I will definitely not forget it..! Summer reading is happy every day, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


Thank you [wrqcongrong] for the monthly pass!


Thank you [1252...3337] for the monthly pass!

Big guy....thank you for your monthly are this month...the twenty-seventh....the author has voted for a monthly ticket...the author is all recorded in the small forgotten.

!Summer reading books every day, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


Thank you [951qazplm] for the 100-point reward!

Big guy....thank you for your reward....the recent update is not's really hard to write in the battle...don't worry..the update will be more powerful in the future...all in the small notebook It's above..! Summer reading is happy every day, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


Thank you [951qazplm] for the monthly pass!

Big guy.... you not only gave me a reward... but also voted for a monthly ticket... the author's heart is very moved... you are this month... the twenty-eighth... for the author fun Those who vote for the monthly ticket..! Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


Thank you for the monthly pass of [Moon Halo Xingyao]!

Big guy.. thank you for your monthly ticket.. you are this month... the twenty-ninth... voted for the author's monthly ticket... something happened today.. stop updating.. make up for it tomorrow. .! Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


176: Sand Crocodile is too strong, Bashas was crippled! (for automatic subscription)

"Lao Tzu's nickname, the king of the desert!"

"In the desert, no one is the opponent of Lao Tzu, and no one can defeat me, Crocodile."

Crocodile sneered, and said with disdain: "I just let you, now let you see the power of the natural rustling fruit."

"Absolute Defense!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a swipe, and the sand under my feet flew up from all directions, forming a combination as fast as lightning.

In an instant, a large ball composed of fine sand appeared in front of everyone.

At this time, Crocodile's body could no longer be seen, and he hid directly in the sand ball, acting like a tortoise with a shrinking head.

It can also be seen from this that Crocodile is very confident in his defense, and directly ignores the armed attack of the three people.

Seeing the defensive skills used by Crocodile, in Chris's mind, the absolute defense of Gaara's move in "Naruto" flashed.

One is the absolute defense created by the tailed beast, and the other is the natural sand fruit. Both are incarnations of sand, and they are too similar.

At this moment, Basas roared loudly, his voice soaring, "Break it to me!"

Then, all three of the three attacks fell on the ball of sand.

Bang bang bang...Three crisp sounds came, and I saw a lot of fine sand falling from the sand ball, as if a snake was shedding its skin, quietly changing.

At this time, there are three 3 marks left on the sand ball.

One is the fist mark struck by Bassas, and the other two are sharp sword thrusts.

Among them, the deepest traces are the swordsmanship left by Lafitte.


Followed by Bassas, Luo with the lightest traces.

But the results were all the same, only the surface of the sand ball was broken, and there were still layers of fine sand inside.

As for Crocodile's figure, of course, he was still hiding in the sand ball, and he couldn't touch him at all.

"Little devils, these... are not... ordinary sand, all of which are the most solid grains of sand in the desert."

Crocodile was wrapped in the sand ball, made a dull voice, and said with a sneer: "Just rely on you garbage, and also want to break Lao Tzu's defense."

"Death to Lao Tzu, desert thrust!"

As soon as the voice fell, the surface of the sand ball changed, as if something terrifying was about to run out of it.

"Get out of the way!"

Lafitte noticed something was wrong, his voice was extremely urgent, and after a roar, his snow-white wings fluttered.

With a swoosh, it flew into the air and avoided it far away.


Luo also noticed the abnormality, his left hand was quickly buckled upside down, his five fingers were slightly spread, and a translucent hemisphere surrounded him.

With a swipe, the figure disappeared instantly, appeared beside Hawkins, and avoided it far away.

"What's the matter, each one runs faster than a rabbit."

Among the three, Bassas was the slowest, and he cursed loudly, without hesitating, and stomped on the sand with his right foot.

Stepping on a circular pit, the person quickly flew backwards to avoid it.

"Damn, you two escaped."

Crocodile was already domineering with his knowledge, and he sensed the situation outside. Seeing that Lafitte and Luo were too fast, he chose to give up.

"The two of them escaped, then I will go first!"

As soon as the words were finished, the surface of the sand ball bulged instantly, and when one appeared, the bottom appeared pitch black, and quickly spread to the tip of the cone.

This is an armed awl, the tip of the awl is flashing with a sharp cold light, and after seeing it, the eyes are faintly painful, like a needle stick.

The sharpness is evident!! "Go!"

With a sound, the sand cone broke away from the sand ball, just like a rocket propeller, opened up the space, and a breeze blew up, stabbing towards Bassas as quickly as lightning.

"Get out of the way, Bassas..."

Lafitte and the others, seeing such a critical situation, hurriedly spoke out, and their faces showed anxious expressions.

Bartolomeo threw his arm and said angrily: "Damn, the speed is too fast, there is no way to cover, grass!"

"Damn Crocodile, this is trying to kill Lao Tzu!"

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