The Bassas are still there: flying upside down, watching that... the sand cones flew over, and the hairs on their bodies stood up.

It was too fast, and the oncoming force was so fierce that it was impossible to avoid it, and it seemed that the only way to resist was desperate.

Bashas roared angrily, the veins on his forehead burst, and his right hand clenched his fist, instantly turning pitch black.

He bent his right arm back, and charged violently, without the slightest hesitation, directly facing the tip of the sand cone, and slammed it out with a ruthless punch.

Zi... Armed-colored fist, hitting the armed-colored cone tip, made a crisp sound, which spread in this area.

It was very harsh, and after listening to it, goosebumps all over the body followed.

At the same time, between the fist and the sand cone, a faint spark appeared, flashing, jumping and falling to the desert.

At this moment, a huge force came, which made Bashas fly upside down even faster.


Drops of blood, in the process of Bassas's retreat, continued to fall on the desert, it looked so bloody, so terrifying.

"Stop for Lao Tzu!"

Barshas roared, his feet stomped on the sand, making a thumping sound, and the dust flew up, covering him, and finally stabilized his body.

Seeing the smoke billowing in front of them, the girls couldn't help but whisper.

Karina's eyes are very good, her beautiful eyebrows are wrinkled, her pretty face has a worried look, and she muttered something.

"Basas was injured and was stabbed by that... cone tip. I'm afraid the wound on his right hand is very serious!"

Perona nodded again and again, covered her face, and said fearfully, "Blood, I saw it just now, he bleeds a lot!"

Nami rubbed her smooth forehead and sighed, "Such a sharp awl makes people horrified to see it, and I still feel a little numb."

"If this is stabbed, it will not die!"

Arrita stood the big iron rod in front of her and frowned, "Faced with the attack of the three people, she directly took the sand defense."

"Then use the sand cone to attack. It's fast and powerful. Ordinary people can't dodge it at all, and can only resist."

"Sure enough, the strength of Qiwuhai cannot be underestimated at all.

Even the group of people at the bottom, their strength is not comparable to us."

Princess Weiwei's face was pale, she held her jade hand tightly, and said something with great worry.

"I hope Captain Bassas can be safe and sound."

"It's really not what I want to see if captains get hurt in order to save my country."

Turning to look at the man beside him, he suggested warmly, "Lord Chris, I'm afraid the captains are not Crocodile's opponents."

"I think it's up to you to take action. Otherwise, I'm afraid that the captains will be in danger, and it will be bad."

Leiju patted her shoulder gently, blinked her beautiful eyes, and said something with a smile.

"Weiwei, don't worry, everything will be fine."

"If their lives are really in danger, Chris will definitely shoot, and won't watch."

"Just like just now, if Chris wants to, he can make a move and stop that... sand cone."

"But if you do this, Bassas won't get the experience, and the strength improvement will naturally be very slow."

"Such a result is not... what Chris wants to see, nor is it what the squad leaders want."

Robin frowned, smiled lightly, and said intelligently and generously: "This is the choice of the squad leaders. They have already made up their minds about being hurt."

"So we can rest assured, don't worry about them, just watch the battle carefully."

Baccarat folded her crimson hair, smiled elegantly and noble, and agreed: "You really don't need to pay attention to them, just let them go."

"These guys, the more they fight, the more brave they are. They won't care about a little injury."

"Besides, they are very happy to be able to fight against such a big man as Qiwuhai, how can they worry about being injured."

The others didn't say much, they nodded in unison, and they all figured it out, and they won't worry about anything anymore.

Then, look forward and watch this wonderful battle carefully... The big guys, the picture above is... the absolute defense used by Crocodile.

Everyone should know about Gaara's situation, and the author will not introduce too much.

In addition, I wish everyone a happy Lantern Festival and become more and more handsome! Because of the Lantern Festival these two days, the update is not strong.

From tomorrow onwards, return to normal, walk every day with [-]D, come on, be dry.


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!Summer reading books every day, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.



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Big guy....thank you for your monthly are this month...the voted for the author's monthly ticket....the author's fungus is recorded in the small book... I won't forget! Summer reading is fun every day, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


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Big guy....thank you for your monthly have sent a monthly pass before..the author has are this month..the thirty-second.. voted for the author's monthly ticket.. .I won't forget! Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


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Big guy..thank you for your monthly are this month...the thirty-third....the author has voted for the monthly ticket...the author's fungus is recorded in the small book..will not forget .

!Summer reading books every day, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


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Big guy....thank you for your monthly are this month...the vote for the author's bacteria...the author's bacteria are all recorded in the small Forgot..! Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


177: Fan-Oka's sneak attack was successful, and the sand crocodile was beaten to blood! (for automatic subscription)

A gust of breeze blew, making a whistling sound, blowing away all the smoke and dust raised, revealing the situation inside.

I saw the pitch-black sand cones had turned into pale golden sand, one 1 and one 1 falling on the sand surface, and soon the whole sand cone disappeared.

At the same time, drop by drop of blood dripped down from Bashas' right hand, dyeing the sand surface red, looking very bloody.

"Damn Crocodile, I'm not finished with you!"

Basas raised his right hand, and saw that the back of his hand was blurred, the wound was large and deep, and the blood was gushing out, and he couldn't stop.

Seeing the appearance of Bassas, the cadres of the Baroque Work Club all smiled, and they were in a really good mood.

"Sure enough, the president is still the most powerful, hahaha..."

Mikita held a small umbrella and laughed exaggeratedly, very unpolished and quite unqualified.

Marianne covered her eyes with a look of fear on her pretty face, and murmured, "It's so scary, it's bloody, it scares people to death."

Sara brushed her water-blue hair, and said with a smile: "One has been injured, and then I will kill them one by one, hee hee hee"

With a faint smile on Galtino's pale face, he said something.

"The absolute defense of the leader is more than a little bit stronger than the fortress I made with candles."

"Sure enough, the natural sand, the defense is... stronger than the superhuman candle, this can be confirmed."

Dazbonis was expressionless, coughed and said: "This is just the beginning, the boss has not used all his strength."

"After all, Qiwuhai is the top pirate, and it's definitely not that weak."

Feng Kelei was lying on the desert, smiling all over his face, and said strangely: "Okay, great, kill them all, don't leave any of them."

"How dare you bully the slave family, these...damn guys, all of them will go to hell!"


He coughed out a mouthful of freshness and said with a smile: "I knew that the leader is the strongest, hahaha..."

The battle area ahead.

Looking at Basas' blood dripping right hand, Bartolomeo frowned and said quickly.

"Looking at the situation, Bashas was seriously injured, it's a little troublesome now, one less fighting force!"

Ajin, as always indifferent, said indifferently: "Although he can't use his hands, he can use the power of the Devil Fruit, and this will not be affected."

Luo Mai walked towards Bassas, still so cold, "A little skin trauma is no big deal, and it won't kill anyone."

Hawkins was dead and said, "Super defense, coupled with fierce attack, cooperate very closely."

"Sure enough, being able to become Qiwuhai is not so easy to deal with."

Poisoning the blood of Bassas' feet, he smiled strangely and said, "Since I have known this guy, this is the first time I have seen him hurt so badly."

"This time, this guy will definitely swear not to give up, to fight back, to start working hard, hehe..."

Cavendish clenched the famous sword Durandal with a solemn expression, "Everyone should pay attention, this Crocodile's strength is really much stronger than ours."

"If I encounter such an attack, I will definitely be hit hard."

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