
Seeing the scene in front of them, the cadres of the Baroque Work Club all had expressions of horror on their faces, one by one as if they had been electrocuted and completely petrified.

"how is this possible......"

Mikita's little umbrella couldn't be held anymore, it fell onto the sand, and said in horror, "The president has been defeated, how is this possible, it's impossible!"

Marian's little face showed a look of fear, she shrank her body, and was very afraid to say a word.

"It's over, now we're all over."

"No, I don't want to die, woo woo woo"

Sarah shook her head, rubbed her eyes, confirmed it several times, and finally accepted this fact.

Crocodile, the head of the baroque society, was really defeated.

"Why is this happening?"

"The boss is Shichibukai, the most powerful pirate in the sea, why did he lose?"

"Tell me, who can tell me why!"

Galtino was originally sitting, but when he saw this scene, he broke down and shouted.

"What a joke, the dignified Qiwuhai will also lose, how can this be..."

Before he could finish speaking, the injury broke out, his eyes closed directly, he fell backward, and passed out.

Feng Kelei cried and begged: "No, the slave family doesn't want to die, please forgive the slave family!"


With a shocked expression on his face, he couldn't sit still, lay down on the ground, and said something with a wry smile.

"Is the leader really Qiwuhai, I really can't believe it!"

"A newcomer who has just entered the great waterway can defeat Qiwuhai. Isn't this a fantasy?"

"It's fake, it's all a lie, the leader is definitely not Qiwuhai, absolutely not!"

Dazbonis frowned, his face was full of doubts, and he said inexplicably: "The leader must be Qiwuhai, there is no doubt about that."

"Nature is a rust fruit, this cannot be counterfeited.

As for why the president failed, there is only one reason, the other party is too strong."

"Although he has just entered the great waterway and looks young, his combat power is very terrifying, so the president will be defeated."

Seeing Crocodile lying on the ground like a dead dog, the expressions on the faces of the squad leaders were really wonderful, and they couldn't help but sigh.

Bartolomeo laughed and praised: "Sure enough, the captain took the shot, and it will be done in minutes."

"What Qiwuhai, that's a piece of junk, quack..."

Akin looked at the back of Chris stalwart, his dark face showed a look of admiration, and said something.

"The captain is really too strong, indescribably powerful, no matter what...

Whoever the opponent is, kill them all, there is absolutely no doubt about that."

Luo carried the demon sword and cried, coldly as always, nodded and said, "Let's not say anything else, the most admirable thing about the captain is... his actions are decisive."

"At Rogue Town, hit Colonel Smoker at headquarters, just.

And this time to fight Qiwuhai, that is, two moves to solve it."

"The fast, accurate and ruthless fighting style is fully reflected, and it perfectly interprets the true meaning of it. This is worth learning!"

Hawkins was still dead, and said in a low voice: "When the captain was fighting, he really didn't say a word of nonsense, and he never made a mess."

"Speaking of which, the fate of Crocodile just confirms what the captain said, the villain died of too many words."

Cavendish smiled and looked very happy, "Very good, although this young master is injured, it is only a small injury."

"Croccodahl was kicked and bleed, and then his head was hammered by the captain.

Haha, his injuries are more serious than ours, which is really heartwarming!"

Poisoning the shadow of Chris, the old face showed a rare look of admiration, and praised Chris.

"Everyone knows how strong Crocodile's absolute defense is."

"Even my poisonous dragon cannot be corrupted.

However, the captain broke the turtle shell with just one punch."

"This strength is really too strong and too strong. I am convinced."

Bassas raised his arms, laughed and said something.

"Let's not say anything else, we have killed Crocodile now, can we become Qiwuhai, Wei Hahahaha..."

Van Oka tapped his shoulder with a gun and said expressionlessly: "The fate of Crocodile is already doomed."

"After all, the strength of the captain is really too powerful."

Crow nodded slightly, his eyes flashed with wisdom, and said rationally: "The captain has the fastest speed and the strongest attack power."

"The combination of the two, with Crocodile's strength, is completely unattractive."

"And the captain is not only powerful, but also has a calm personality. He is decisive and ruthless, without the slightest hesitation."

"It can only be said that the captain was born... a fighting madman, and the consciousness of fighting is really perfect!"

Lafitte adjusted his top hat, and said with a gentle smile: "I wouldn't be surprised by this result."

"Now what I'm most looking forward to is the news that the captain has become Shichibukai in the newspaper."

"After all, we are looking forward to this day, it's really been a long time."

Excited, not only the squad leaders, but the people below were also very happy, shouting loudly and loudly, spreading all over the desert.

"Long Live Captain Chris!!!"

"What Qiwuhai, it's all rubbish, stupid stuff, hahaha..."

"What about the crocodile, I bah! Now the special mother is... a dead fish, besides... breathing, what else can I do."

"Qiwuhai belongs to us, let's toast to Qiwuhai, quack..."

"Stop talking nonsense, jump up, you must jump up at this time, let me twist it, hehehe"


Hearing the shouts of the crew, Ikalem was really excited, burst into tears, choked up, and said something.

"Okay, that's really nice..."

"Crocodahl is defeated, now the citizens can finally live a good life, woo woo woo"

He ran fast and flapped his wings, making a series of quack quack sounds, his tone was full of joy, and he was very happy.

Abis covered her mouth, her voice was immature, and she giggled and said, "It's very happy to run fast, it said that today is its happiest day."

Padong clapped his hands, smiled, and praised: "The boss is the best, no one can match, the first in the world!"

Bebo nodded and echoed, "The person I admire most is... our captain is like a god in the sky, powerful and mysterious."

The little black dog looked at Chris's eyes, full of fear, and didn't dare to resist any more.

He is too strong, no matter what, he must listen to his words, or he will not be slaughtered.

"The captain's speed is too fast, you can't see the trajectory of the movement at all."

Dongli laughed, and said boldly, "Who can escape the captain's terrifying speed, ah ah ah"

Broki nodded and laughed, "The ability to travel through space is really terrifying."

"If I fight against the captain, I'm afraid I'll be knocked out in seconds with one move, Kapapapapa..."

In the same way, seeing the tragic state of Crocodile, the pretty faces of the girls showed beauty one by one, and they looked extremely beautiful.

Nami blinked her big eyes and said with a sweet and pure smile, "Chris's shot is really extraordinary. In less than a minute, the battle is over."

Al Rita raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "This time, our goal has finally been achieved, which is really gratifying!"

"I knew that, Lord Chris, he will always be the most handsome, hee hee hee"

Koya looked like she was admiring, and she really admired Chris.

The Sweetheart Queen shrugged her shoulders and said casually, "The only downside is that... the battle process was too fast, and the curtain came to an end between the lights and flints."

"To be honest, I haven't reacted yet, it's really over too soon."

Betty took a breath and said with a sneer: "With Chris as a person, how can it be possible to procrastinate, it must be done with two or three moves."

Princess Weiwei choked up, her face was full of tears, and she said with great excitement: "Victory, Lord Chris really did it."

"I...I'm really happy that the people can finally live a happy life and don't have to worry anymore."

"Thank you, Lord Chris, I will remember your kindness for the rest of my life!"

Robin patted her shoulder, and said with a smile, "They are all partners, so why be so polite."

"With the strength of Chris, it is normal to defeat Crocodile. I believe you were prepared before."

"But then again, without the destruction of Crocodile, the kingdom of Alabasta will definitely develop rapidly, and all deserts will become oases."

Lasha also burst into tears, and said intermittently, "Robin, you are not from Alabasta, and you cannot understand how Wei Wei and I feel."

"For us, the fall of Crocodile means a lot.

I...I'm so excited right now."

"Father, mother, and all the villagers, now you can rest in peace, the country will never be subject to war again, and everyone will live a good life, woo woo woo"

Makino looked at Vivi and Lasha, very gentle, and said something.

"Next, the branch will be established here, and the lives of the citizens will get better and better.

So, you don't have to worry, everything will be fine."

Leiju brushed her pink hair, and a sweet smile bloomed on her beautiful white face, "Next, my family will officially cooperate with Chris."

"Call my father later, I believe he must be very happy, maybe so excited that he can't sleep at night."

Baccara raised her eyebrows and said generously: "Today is really worth celebrating, it's really not easy."

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