"From sailing in the South China Sea, traveling around the world, and today I finally achieved my goal.

All these kinds of things are really indescribable and indescribable."

At this moment, a serious and cold voice came from afar.

"I finally got you, Chris!"

"Damn sea garbage, if you want to become Qiwuhai, you should just stay in the advance city."

"Today, I, Vice Admiral Ghost Spider, will completely end you here, hahaha..."

Spoiler in advance, Crocodile will appear in the later stage, and it is not the end of it.

As for the battle with the ghost spider, I won't write more, one chapter is over, speed up the process.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Thank you [Chaos Demon God Chaos] for the [-]-point reward!

Big guy...you reward you twice...then the author will thank you twice...this is the last time to thank you...there is one more update tonight...[-] words will definitely do it today arrive.

!Summer reading books every day, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


181: Bet on the name of justice, and Chris will be caught in the push city! (for automatic subscription)

Hearing these words, everyone was stunned for a moment, and quickly turned their heads to look at the voice, to have a look, to see who the person was, such a shameless statement.

I saw the people coming at a very fast speed, constantly jumping on the desert, raising high dust, and the sand surface hummed.

He was wearing a navy suit, that righteous cloak, and he looked very eye-catching and impressive.

The person here is a typical hawk general - Lieutenant General Ghost Spider!! "I've caught up, we have been waiting for you for a long time, Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, Wei Hahahaha..."

Bashas laughed, his tone was full of sarcasm, and he didn't take this elite lieutenant general in his eyes at all.

Luo carrying the demon knife and crying, still said indifferently: "It really looks like a spider, no wonder it is called the ghost spider lieutenant general."

Cavendish shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly, "As expected of a veteran lieutenant general of the headquarters, this momentum is... different."

Ah Jin frowned, his face dignified, very serious.

"I heard from the captain that this lieutenant general is very extreme and has a very cruel personality. In order to carry out his mission, even if he kills his subordinates, he doesn't care at all."

"Among the hawk generals, except...General Sakaski, he is basically the strongest existence."

Bartolomeo put his hands in his trouser pockets, and said with a disdainful smile: "Whatever is the strongest existence is garbage."

"In front of the captain, a mere veteran lieutenant general is simply not enough to see, hahaha"

Fan Oka tapped his shoulder with a gun and said expressionlessly: "As long as we pass his test, we can become Qiwuhai."

"It seems that this is another fork in fate!"

Crow was very rational and agreed, "Yes, as long as the captain defeats him, then the matter of becoming Qiwuhai will definitely be a sure thing."

"Looking at this situation, the ghost spider will contact the headquarters and report the news of the defeat.

And tomorrow, such a story will appear in the newspapers."

"A new generation of Shichibukai - Chris!"

Lafitte stood his cane in front of him, smiled slightly, and said very gentlemanly, "I'm really looking forward to hearing what you said."

"In this case, I will definitely buy the newspaper tomorrow, and I won't miss a minute."

Dongli showed a serious expression and said solemnly: "Very strong, worthy of being an elite lieutenant general of the headquarters, much stronger than Crocodile."

Broki nodded, with a serious look on his face, and agreed, "The generals of the hawks are all main war factions, typical militants."

"So as long as the characters of the hawks are very powerful, there is no doubt about this."

At this moment, with a swoosh, the ghost spider jumped high and smashed heavily onto the desert, raising a cloud of dust that enveloped him in it.

"Sure enough, as Staff He said, Crocodile was really defeated by you, which is really surprising."

The ghost spider was holding a cigarette with a cold face, looking at the people around him through the smoke, and said something cold.

"It's all the dregs of the sea. It is because of your existence that the air of the sea becomes: so dirty."

"Today, the lieutenant general represents absolute justice and will definitely send you all to the advance city."

"Justice Wins!!"

At this time, the smoke and dust had already fallen on the desert.

You can look at this hawkish boss up close, and can't help but whisper.

Karina's beautiful eyes revealed a sly look.

Hee hee said: "Don't talk about it, the image is really like a big spider."

Perona floated in the air, nodding her head again and again, "Yes, yes, it looks really funny, halie ha ha ha..."

"I heard from Chris that this ghost spider lieutenant is a normal animal spider fruit person."

Carmen shrugged and said something casually.

"He can conjure up a lot of feet, and then each foot holds a weapon and can attack in multiple lines."

Al Rita carried the big black iron rod, frowned her beautiful eyebrows, and said seriously: "The murderous aura on his body is really heavy."

"As expected of a general of the main battle faction, he is decisive in killing and can shock the younger generation."

Nami nodded and agreed: "His breath is indeed very cold, and at first glance, you can tell that he is a cold-blooded and ruthless soldier."

The Sweetheart Queen stroked her pale blond hair and smiled, "Since I was a child, it was the first time I saw a lieutenant general of the headquarters."

"This is a real big man, of the highest level."

Betty spit out the smoke in her mouth and said seriously: "Compared to Crocodile, this lieutenant general's strength is really much stronger."

Princess Weiwei clenched her little hand, her beautiful and delicate face showed a look of anticipation, and muttered to herself.

"I trust Lord Chris, he will certainly not let us down."

"The position of Qiwuhai can only belong to Chris, and no one can take it away!"

Robin lowered his hat, covering his face, and said with a slight bow: "The strength of this ghost spider is also ranked among the top lieutenants."

"But when it comes to Chris, he has nothing to do, and he is destined to be unable to stop Chris's footsteps."

At this time, the sky is getting darker and darker, it seems to be raining, the weather is getting cooler and cooler, and the breeze is blowing, which is enchanting.

Chris put his arms around him, looked at the ghost spider indifferently, and said calmly, "It seems that you are very confident in your own strength."

"Single-handedly killed without even a single subordinate, I admire your courage, ghost spider."

Bashas laughed loudly and said loudly, "Captain, the next battle is up to you. Let's step aside first to avoid being affected."

Poisonous cough, Rong Nan said: "It's boring to fight Qiwuhai, it's more interesting to fight the lieutenant general of the headquarters, hehe"

"Okay, don't smear the ink, and hurry up and hide away."

Without any hesitation, Cavendish hurriedly stepped aside, not daring to stay here.

Lafitte smiled slightly and agreed: "Fighting against Crocodile, the captain will be ruthless."

"But in the face of Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, it will not work.

After all, our relationship with the Navy can't be too tense."

"So the next battle will not end so soon, everyone should stay away from the battlefield."

Luo Bing's cold face showed a rare look of anticipation, "This battle is worth watching."

"The elite lieutenant generals of the headquarters will definitely be domineering in two colors, and they will be skilled in using the six styles. Their combat power is not ordinary."

Crow nodded, and said in agreement: "This kind of battle, in normal times, can't be seen."

"Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, he will definitely go all out to unleash all his combat power.

So this battle is absolutely wonderful."

While talking, the squad leaders moved away one by one, all leaving the area, leaving the place to Chris and Lieutenant General Ghost Spider.

The ghost spider was holding a cigarette and a big knife, looked at Chris opposite, and said with a sneer, "Chris, kid, don't be too self-righteous."

"To deal with you people, it's enough to have me alone, why so many people?"

"Speaking of this, I have to mention that the inference of Staff Officer Crane is absolutely wrong."

"I'm an elite lieutenant general of the headquarters, how could I not be able to win you guys....... Kid, what a joke."

The ghost spider looked at Chris with a grim look, and said in a firm tone: "Even if you have the domineering arrogance, you can easily solve Smog..."

"in spite of....

What kind of ability do you have, today's result is destined to be only one, you will definitely lose!"

"Betting on the name of justice, even if you fight to the death, I will not let you escape from here."

"Justice Wins!!"

Chris still put his hands in front of him, his face was calm, and he said lightly: "Heads, but the brains of the Navy, is a real wise man."

"She's not wrong, just with your strength, it's impossible to win me, and I'm doomed to return."

"I have to say that Staff Officer He is really mature and skilled. Through just a few words, he has figured out my strength so clearly."

"No wonder that fellow Doflamingo was chased all over the world and ran away, and he didn't dare to face Staff Crane at all."

"I won't say any unnecessary nonsense. If you want to check my strength, just do it."

"Don't worry, I'll beat you badly at most and won't kill you!"

Guys, some readers said that ghost spiders are not capable, so the author specially found this picture as evidence.

Pay attention to see behind the ghost spider, there is a big bag, that is the ability of the spider fruit, so the ghost spider is indeed the ability, not the return of life.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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