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182: Shinra Tianzheng, the ultimate move of bouncing off the ghost spider! (for automatic subscription)

"It's not a small tone, Chris kid!"

The ghost spider took a breath and said with a serious face: "I chased you all the way from the East China Sea, and every time I was thrown away by you."

"I'll take a good look at you when I've won you. What's different about your ships, and why they can avoid the pursuit of warships."

"Speaking of which, although you are a newcomer, I will not be careless and will definitely go all out and take it seriously."

Brush... A crisp sound sounded, and the appearance of the ghost spider changed significantly.

On the left and right sides of the body, three legs grew out, all holding long swords, shining brightly and looking very sharp.

At the same time, behind the ghost spider, under the cloak, bulged a large bag, very similar to the spider's body.

With two knives in the left and right hands, plus the other six, a total of eight weapons can be used in the eight knives flow, which is really amazing.

"Although Crocodile's strength is not very good, it is not too bad."

"Combining with what the staff said, it is necessary for me to believe that your strength must have reached the level of a lieutenant general."

The ghost spider spit out the smoke from his mouth, clenched the handle of the knife with both hands, and said with murderous eyes: "You are so young, and your strength is so powerful."

"If you continue to grow, then justice will be discredited, which is absolutely not allowed."

"Let's start, let me see how powerful you are."

"Double Blade Tornado!"

The ghost spider put his hands in front of him, crossed the two big knives, and with a loud noise, the two knives quickly separated, sparkling with faint sparks, and fell to the desert.

He exhaled a strong airflow, in a spiral shape, across the space, circling and rushing towards Chris.

The wind swept the clouds, and the force was like a dragon, and the surrounding air vibrated, and the sword qi criss-crossed.

The fine sand on the sand surface was affected by the strong airflow, and scattered to both sides, the smoke and dust filled the air, leaving a straight track on the desert.

It's really shocking to have such a powerful destructive power in just a simple blow.

In the face of a ferocious tornado, even if the attack was very fast, in Chris's eyes, it was still not enough to see.

He slowly raised his right hand, placed it in front of him, and said calmly, "Mirror rejection!"

As soon as the voice fell, a translucent wall appeared in front of him, very similar to Bartolomeo's barrier protection.

Bang... The tornado formed by the sword energy slammed into the mirror, but there was still some distance in the middle, so it couldn't touch the wall at all.

Suddenly, the tornado shook heavily, was repelled, and lost control for a while, like a mad snake, and attacked the desert on the left.

The rumbling tornado landed on the sand surface, spinning in a spiral, and the fine sand was blown away, and the entire space was covered with dust.

"How is this going"

The ghost spider was holding a cigarette, frowned, and said coldly: "Chris, what is the ability you used just now?"

"My dual swords flowed sword energy, not only did not break the mirror, but was bounced off."

"The ability to bounce off an attacking mirror, what exactly is this ability? It looks very powerful."

Chris slowly put down his right hand, and the mirror suddenly disappeared.

Calmly as always, he said calmly: "I ate the superhuman rejection fruit, and I am a rejection person."

"The trick just now was the mirror repelling, which can repell all attacks."

"Ghost spider, if you want to fight, then.

I don't want a second time for such a frivolous trial, it's just a waste of each other's time."

At this time, the dust on the left has already revealed the scene inside.

I saw a big deep pit left in the desert, at a glance, I couldn't see the bottom, it was very deep.

From this, it can be seen that how powerful the ghost spider's casual blow is, there is no need to say more.

"Mirror Repulsion"

The ghost spider took a breath and said with a stern expression: "This skill is very powerful, and it can reject all long-distance attacks."

"Looking at this situation, if you want to fight with you, you have to use melee combat."

"Chris, the trial is over, let me see your strength next!"


With a bang, the ghost spider stepped on the sand surface heavily, stepping on a circular pit, and the figure disappeared instantly, like lightning, rushing towards Chris.

With an expressionless face, Chris said lightly, "Six styles developed by the Navy, shaving, iron block, paper painting, moon step, lantern foot, and finger gun."

"These...physical skills, although they are very good, their attack power is still weak, and they are not very good physical skills."

Hearing what Chris said, the ghost spider was angry and said fiercely: "It is an unforgivable sin to underestimate the physical skills of the Navy!"

"Damn Chris, if I say this to you, I will never forgive you!"

"Eight Spiders!"

The ghost spider had already come to Chris, his eyes were full of killing intent, his eight hands clenched the big knife, and it instantly turned pitch black, covered with a domineering armament color.

Without the slightest hesitation, eight hands completely surrounded Chris from all directions, launching the most violent slash.

The sword energy was pressing, the space was faintly cut open, the sword, light and sword shadow, constantly flashing with cold light, as if the whole world was slashed by ghost spiders.

This is the peculiarity of the spider fruit, it can attack in all directions, and in close combat, it will kill the opponent fiercely.

It can be seen that the ghost spider is a typical melee master.

Once approached by him, not many people can escape.

"All eight feet were dispatched to block the entire escape space."

Chris was still so calm and calm, and said slowly: "The strength of the elite lieutenant general of the headquarters is indeed very powerful."

"If Crocodile faces this situation, injury is inevitable."

"Unfortunately, ghost spider, you are destined to be disappointed."

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

Chris opened his hands, and a terrifying repulsive force burst out from him in an instant, filling the surrounding space.

Boom... A shocking explosion came, and everything around Chris was repelled, and the yellow sand flew in the sky, spreading in all directions.


The eight-handed slashes of the ghost spider were all bounced off. Not only that, but a super-strong repulsive force came and repelled him.

His body was completely out of control, and he flew backwards. If he hadn't held the eight big knives tightly, even the weapons would have flown out.

Bang Bang Bang In the process of flying upside down, the ghost spider stepped on the sand surface and stepped on several big pits in a row, trying to stabilize its body.

However, the repulsive force this time far exceeded his imagination, and he couldn't control it at all, and he could only continue to fly backwards.

With a bang, the ghost spider finally fell on the desert and rolled back a few times before it stopped worthy of a body.

The smoke and dust filled him, shrouding him in it, and he couldn't see his appearance for a while, obscuring his dejected image.

However, in the desert, no weapon was seen, which means that he was still holding it tightly and did not let go.

"The captain's move is still so powerful, it's just... invulnerable, Wei Hahahaha..."

Bassas raised his arms, looked excited, and laughed.

The poisonous ghost spider said with a weird smile: "What kind of elite lieutenant general, hasn't it been blasted away, garbage."

Luo carried the demon sword and cried, still so cold, "The captain's Shen Luo Tianzheng is indeed an invincible existence."

"As long as you use this ability, no matter what...

What kind of attack, swordsmanship.

, Devil Fruits, Body Art, and everything else, will all be rejected."

Akin looked at Chris's direction and said with great admiration: "This is our captain, the strongest existence in the world!"

Bartolomeo shrugged his shoulders and admired, "The captain's development of... Devil Fruit has indeed reached the level of a god."

"If it wasn't for the captain who said the development idea, I really don't know how to use the barrier fruit. I have to thank the captain for all this!"

Cavendish looked envious and muttered: "This trick is really cool, open your hands, and then reject everything."

"Stain, whatever...

What kind of attack the opponent makes, don't pay attention to it at all, just a Shen Luo Tianzheng, everything is done."

"Strong, it's so powerful, I envy the dead!"

Crow habitually pushed his glasses, and said rationally: "The captain's move, Shen Luo Tianzheng, can be regarded as a real dead-end attack."

"Once it is used, it will be rejected in all directions, and there will be no loopholes at all. It is really scary."

Lafitte turned his cane, smiled slightly, and said something very gentlemanly.

"The so-called strongest defense is... the captain's move."

"I believe that because there is absolutely no attack in this world that can break the Shen Luo Tianzheng, there is no doubt about this!"

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