Hearing Ghost Spider say this, Taotu sighed inwardly and praised: "Chris did it, and from tomorrow, he will really become Qiwuhai."

"The goal is achieved step by step, the darkness is over, and the dawn of dawn is about to come. It's really exciting."

At this time, Warring States patted the desk, looked serious, and said solemnly: "Ghost spider, the specific battle process, you will report it now."

Hearing the accusation from Sakaski from the opposite side, the ghost spider felt more and more guilty, but since the Warring States asked the question, he couldn't think about it.

He cheered up, restored the appearance of a soldier, hurriedly reported the situation, and explained it in detail.

"Master Marshal, I am now located in the kingdom of Alabasta, in the desert outside the city's rain."

"When I left the troops and rushed over, Crocodile was knocked unconscious."

"After that, in the desert, I had a big fight with Chris.

I didn't stop fighting until you called."

"Master Marshal, Chris is a superhuman type with the ability to reject fruit, and he can generate a powerful repulsive force that repels all attacks."

Ghost Spider glanced in Chris's direction and said solemnly: "And his physical skills are very powerful."

"Double fists hit the air quickly. Under the action of friction, every time he punches, a flame will appear in the air."

"This Taishu move, he named it - toward the peacock!"

"In addition, his two-color domineering is very skilled, and he is not weaker than me."

"Master Marshal, I have used all my cards, but I still can't hurt him in the slightest, and they are all rejected."

"But I believe that his repulsive force must have a limit. As long as I persevere, I will definitely be able to defeat him."

At this time, Chris put his hands in his trouser pockets, expressionlessly, and said lightly: "Ghost spider, it seems that you still can't see the gap between us."

"Just relying on your strength, you also want to take me down, don't be too self-righteous!"

"Warring States, Crocodile has been defeated by me.

Facts have proved that I am the most suitable to be Qiwuhai, and this position can only belong to me!"

Hearing the ghost spider's report and Chris's confident tone, the generals in the office fell silent... Bosses, Xixiang has mentioned it a few times, but no pictures have been released. , that's it.

In the next chapter, Chris becomes Shichibukai and celebrates with flowers in advance, and the whole world celebrates.

Thank you [lin0818] for the monthly pass!

Big guy... This is the second time to thank... There is another update tonight... It's a big chapter... Today will be completed in 100 words... Don't worry... Code words hard... Come on... ..! Summer reading fun every day, charge 500 and get [-] coupons! :.


186: Chris becomes Shichibukai, ready to start the battle for the squad leader! (for automatic subscription)

"The fist hits the air, forming a flame."

Garp patted the desk, laughed loudly, and said happily: "This kind of physical art is not ordinary, hahaha..."

Porusalino leaned back on the chair, crossed Erlang's legs, continued to die, and said something strange.

"Physical masters will be domineering in three colors, and they can also reject attacks."

"Ouch, today's young people are really scary!"

Sakaski sat upright, his face completely darkened, and he said angrily: "Damn pirate, absolutely kill him!"

"Justice cannot be smeared. Only by solving him can justice be carried through to the end and shine on the whole sea."

Dauberman frowned, and said solemnly: "Ghost spiders fight fiercely, and they have very rich fighting experience."

"Even if he can't win Chris, then even if I replace him, the result will be the same."

Aokiji looked serious and said, "It turns out that Chris's strength has reached the level of an elite lieutenant general."

"So if you want to win him, you have to move the general.

Only in this way can it be done once and for all, and there will be no future troubles.”

Huoshaoshan took a breath and said with a slight smile, "Superhumans reject fruits, and they are domineering with knowledge."

"In this way, you can accurately deflect the opponent's attack and be completely invincible."

Flying Squirrel nodded with a solemn expression, "Even if the ghost spider fails, even if we replace it, it will definitely be the same result."

"If you want to win Chris, you have to dispatch two elite lieutenant generals, or you can only let the generals go. There is no other possibility."

Taotu leaned back on the chair, crossed Erlang's legs, put his arms around him, and said coldly.

"In addition to... elite lieutenant generals and generals, there are also general candidates at this level."

"If you let me go, I will definitely take Chris, there is no other possibility."

Tea Dolphin shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "That's not necessarily, there is no such absolute."

"This Chris, judging from the current situation, even if I go over, I may not be able to win him."

At this time, Staff Officer He crossed his hands, supported his chin, and the light of wisdom flashed in his eyes, and said slowly: "As I expected, we have encountered the worst situation."

"Chris's strength is stronger than we imagined. We did underestimate him, which must be admitted."

"Who can believe that such a young kid has such terrifying combat power, it's really incredible."

Staff Officer He looked at the generals present, and said in an old voice: "Even the ghost spider can't take him down, this strength is enough."

"Since the above has agreed, then I suggest that Chris take over Crocodile's position and become the new King Shichibukai."

"This guy's personality is so detached: he must be unwilling to be calm, let him become Qiwuhai, maybe he will be able to open up a new situation for the navy."

"But this guy Crocodile must be handed over. This is not negotiable."

After listening to the words of Staff He, all the generals looked at the Warring States in unison, waiting for him to make a decision.

Warring States leaned on the chair, rubbed his forehead, and said with a sigh, "There is no other way but to make him the new Qiwuhai."

"Ghost spider, what the crane staff said, you have heard it, so deal with it like this."

Although the ghost spider was very unwilling, he had no choice and dared not promise anything.

Nodding his head, he said respectfully, "Master Marshal, I have heard it all."

Turning his head to look at Chris, with a complicated look on his face, "You have heard all these words, what will you choose next? Give it a good time!"

Chris still put his hands in his trouser pockets, and said calmly, "We will be... a partnership in the future. I can't refuse such a small request."

"Warring States, Qiwuhai substitution, when will the news come out?"

Opened the Warring States Period, and closed it was also the Warring States Period. This time, the ghost spider was angry, stared at Chris coldly, and said something.

"Chris, show some respect, what a lofty position, how can you be called that."

At this time, Warring States was very decisive and said directly: "Tomorrow."

After speaking, without any hesitation, I cut off the phone, and the call ended here.

Chris ignored the ghost spider's words and walked directly in the direction of the rain, his back looked very relaxed and unrestrained.

The ghost spider silently looked at Chris, took a breath of cigarette, his eyes flickered, and he was struggling with whether to launch a sneak attack.

For him, as long as he can complete the task, no matter what method he uses, it doesn't matter.

"Ghost spider, if you dare to do it, I will definitely kill you!"

"Remember, don't challenge my bottom line!!"

Chris didn't look back, and continued to walk forward. The sound was not loud, but it contained an unquestionable taste, which was not to be underestimated.

Sure enough, after hearing Chris' threat, Ghost Spider narrowed his eyes and gave up the idea of ​​a sneak attack completely.

After all, Chris has a domineering look, and it is basically impossible to succeed in a sneak attack.

What's more, now that the headquarters has made a decision, there is really no need to toss and bring Crocodile back, that's enough.

The most important thing is that what Chris said is not... Just kidding, if you dare to do it yourself, you will probably fall here today.

"Successful, tomorrow we will be... Qiwuhai, Wei Hahahaha..."

Bassas raised his arms high, with an excited look on his face, and shouted.

Du took a step to keep up, Cang's face showed a rare excited look, "From the South China Sea, sailing all the way, and finally becoming the Qiwuhai, hehe"

Luo carried the demon sword and cried, changed his icy face, and said with a slight smile: "It's incredible, starting from tomorrow, we will be... real big shots."

"Qiwuhai, the world's top pirate, tomorrow belongs to us."

Cavendish laughed, very happy.

Akin carried it.

, the devil fruit he wants to eat is... from this guy.

He had asked Chris before what devil fruit would be best to eat.

And Chris's answer is...

's explosive fruit.

In Chris's words, this superhuman devil fruit is full of potential.

As long as the development is in place, it can completely stand in the ranks of the top powerhouses.

"Tomorrow will become Qiwuhai, and then the banquet will be held again, which is really exciting!"

Ajin's dark face was full of interest.

Fan Oka tapped his shoulder with a gun, and said with a faint smile: "Tomorrow, another fork in fate!"

Bartolomeo took a big step, opened his hands, and looked excited, "We have succeeded. From tomorrow onwards, the whole sea will spread our name."

"It's great, I'm so excited, hahaha..."

Hawkins still looked like a dead man, and said in a low voice: "The captain's goal has been achieved, and there is another major event next, the battle for the squad leader!"

Crow habitually pushed his glasses and said calmly and rationally, "As soon as the newspaper comes out tomorrow, the whole sea will boil, there is no doubt about that."

"Now that the goal has been achieved, the most important thing next is... to determine the order of the squad leaders, and we can't continue to delay."

Lafitte turned his cane, a smile appeared on his fair face, and said very gentlemanly, "Although I knew for a long time, the captain will definitely become Qiwuhai."

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