"But when this day came, I was still so excited that I couldn't calm down at all."

Dongli laughed loudly and said, "Next, I have to be stationed here, to contribute my strength to the establishment of the branch, ah ah ah"

Broki carried the giant axe and agreed: "Go back and contact the warriors of Elbaf and ask them to send some giants over to guard the branch with us."

"I haven't seen people from my hometown for a long time, I really look forward to their arrival, Kapapapapa..."

Ikalem was extremely excited, shed tears of happiness, and said intermittently: "It's great, everything is over."

"This time, the kingdom of Alabasta can finally develop, which is really great, woo woo woo"

At this time, Mikita looked at the girls and said in a very sincere tone: "Please take me, I want to join you, I don't want to be captured by the navy, I beg you."

An anxious look appeared on Marian's face, and she quickly followed: "Me too, please take me with my sisters, don't abandon me!"

"And me, please let me join you too."

Sarah also knew that the situation was critical, and quickly begged for mercy.

Baccara looked at the three of them and said dignifiedly and elegantly: "The squad leaders didn't do anything before, they just... thought you would join the fleet."

"Okay, hurry up and follow. If there is anything, we will talk about it on the way."

Sarah three, nodded again and again, and her pretty face was full of gratitude, "Thank you, thank you so much."


Looking at the girls, the father called to the mother and pleaded, "Please, take me with you!"

"I don't want to be caught, please."

Dazbonis lay quietly on the ground, looking at the dark clouds in the sky, and said dullly: "Save your strength, they can't bring us."

"Since you've lost the battle, you must be prepared to be caught, there's nothing you can do about it."

The other cadres don't care about these.... They cried and shouted one by one, hoping that someone could take them away and rescue them from the sea of ​​misery.

Hearing the wailing of the cadres, the three of Sara didn't turn their heads, followed the girls and left in a hurry.

Now that disaster is imminent, how can the three of them manage so much, taking care of themselves first is the most important thing.

The ghost spider stood quietly, watching Chris and the others leave without saying a word.

For him, just taking Crocodile was enough.

As for whether other people leave or not, he doesn't care at all, completely ignores it.

"Damn Chris, today's shame, I have all written down."

"Next, I will practice frantically, and I will definitely become stronger."

"I swear by justice that one day, I will definitely take you down and send you into the Push City with my own hands!"

"Next time, I will definitely succeed, justice will prevail!!"

Guys, Ye Kai also mentioned it many times, but he didn't release any pictures, just the one above.

This is the most powerful move in physical art, and it doesn't appear that soon.

Big guy.... You voted for a reminder.... The author's fungus update meets the requirements.... I have already got it... You can continue to urge the update... The author's fungus is updated every day recently... !Summer reading books every day, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


Thank you [13202...8245] for the monthly pass!


187: The explosive fruit develops to awakening, destroying an island in an instant! (for automatic subscription)

"Great, the captain is finally going to become Qiwuhai, hahaha..."

"Qiwuhai belongs to us, quack..."

"Long Live Captain Chris Long Live Long Live!!!"

"Wow wow, tomorrow will become Qiwuhai, is this true, I won't be dreaming, hehehe"

"Bang bang bang, beat gongs and drums, warmly celebrate Captain Chris becoming Shichibukai, la la la..."

"Become Qiwuhai, spread flowers to celebrate, and drink spicy food in the future, anyone who sees it will feel majestic, hahaha..."

Listening to the laughter of the crew members, the girls were also very happy, with beautiful smiles on their pretty faces, and they began to talk.

Karina's beautiful eyes flowed, revealing a sly color, and said with a smile: "It will be in the newspaper tomorrow, then the whole world will be shocked, hehe"

"That's right, I'm really looking forward to the arrival of tomorrow. I must buy a few more newspapers by then, halie ha ha ha ha..."

Perona flew around in the air, giving out a silver bell-like laughter, crisp and sweet, very pleasant.

Carmen nodded and said with a smile: "Becoming the Qiwuhai is our most important goal at the moment."

"Now that the plan has been realized, what needs to be done next is... go to the new world, lay down a country, and use it as a base."

Al Rita carried a big iron rod and walked with graceful steps, still so charming, and said something.

"It used to be a petty fight, not worth mentioning at all.

But from tomorrow, we will be... Qiwuhai, the most powerful pirates in the sea."

"Every move will attract the attention of the Navy, and even pirates from all walks of life will also stare at us."

"This is a big man, and it has attracted the attention of the world."

Queen Sweetheart stroked her pale blond hair, and said with a smile: "Isn't that very good, just like the brightest star in the night sky, dazzling."

"I remember there is a saying in Chris's sayings - if you can't have a perfect life, why not come and go heroically."

"When life is alive, it should be vigorous and vigorous, and let everyone remember it, so as to not come to this world in vain."

Betty took a breath, calm as always, and agreed.

"Tomorrow Chris will become Shichibukai, that is... a real big man, and he will be remembered by the whole world, and everyone will know his name."

"From this point of view, Chris has made a name for himself, and his life has not been in vain."

Lasha looked in the direction of the rain, Meimu smiled, and said with a look of relief: "Crocodahl was defeated, and Chris became Shichibukai again."

"Next, everything will get better and better. The desert under our feet will eventually become an oasis, and it will be full of greenery at that time."

Nami blinked her big eyes and smiled sweetly and charmingly, "Today is really exciting, I really want to have a banquet immediately, hahaha..."

Keya smiled sweetly, and said with a curved eyebrow, "Tomorrow, I must get up early and read the newspaper as soon as possible. I'm really looking forward to it!"

Makino nodded, very gentle and generous, and said something.

"What will be written on the newspaper at that time, it will definitely exaggerate and describe Chris perfectly."

Princess Weiwei's alluring face showed a beautiful smile, "I'll contact my father later and tell him the good news."

"Speaking of which, the sky is now covered with dark clouds, and the people must be looking forward to it, waiting for the arrival of the rain."

"Great, defeat Crocodile, the country will usher in the rain of happiness, and everything will get better and better."

Leiju touched her delicate chin and said dignifiedly, "Looking at this situation, it will rain later."

"This is celebrating Chris's becoming Qibukai, and also showing that the kingdom of Alabasta will turn the desert into an oasis and the ruins into a prosperous city."

"It can be said that the rain came very timely."

Baccarat folded her crimson hair, curled her eyebrows, and said something generously.

"Chris has become Shichibukai, this news is really shocking."

"I believe that many people will not be able to sleep at night, and will stay up all night, waiting for the first time to read the newspaper tomorrow morning."

At this time, Robin looked at the three of Sarah, smiled slightly, and said intellectually, "Chris will set up a branch in Alabasta."

"We worked together before, and in the following days, it will be the same."

"The three of you, fight me in the future, there's no problem."

Mikita held up a small umbrella and said exaggeratedly, "No problem, firmly obey the order."

Marianne nodded again and again, with a relieved look on her little face, very high: "It's really great that you don't have to leave Alabasta."

"Master Chris is so powerful, and being his subordinate, I can be protected in the future, and I don't have to worry about anything anymore."

Sara brushed her water-blue hair, and said with a sweet smile, "I don't want to leave the kingdom of Alabasta. It is undoubtedly the best to stay here."

"Also, this country is going to develop rapidly, and I would love to stay here and witness the whole process."

After half an hour.

Rain, the basement of the casino.

With a creaking sound, the wooden door was slowly opened, and a crisp sound echoed in the quiet underground space.

"This is where Crocodile lives, and there must be a lot of good stuff in it."

Robin stepped into the hall, looked at the crowd, smiled and said: "If I guess correctly, these... There must be Devil Fruits in the room."

"As for the treasures, there must be a lot of them."

As soon as she heard this, Nami, a little money fan, her eyes lit up immediately, her pretty face showed excitement, and she hurriedly said something.

"There are a lot of treasures here, that's great, it all belongs to us, hahaha..."

Karina looked at Nami, her beautiful eyes sparkling, and said quickly: "Don't talk nonsense, let's hurry to find it, this girl can't help it anymore."

Perona floated in the air and said with a smile: "And me, let's find treasures together, this princess is also looking forward to it."

Then, these three quirky beauties, without saying a word, hurriedly selected a room and went to find the treasure.

Except...the three of them, the crew members below didn't need Chris to remind them at all, they hurriedly started, rummaging through the boxes and looking for good things.

For them, their favorite thing to do is... snatch treasures.

"I'll call my father and report the situation to him. I believe my father will be very happy."

Princess Weiwei's beautiful and fair face showed excitement, and she walked to the side with a smile on her face.

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