"There is no doubt that Lafayette and the others are not opponents of Crocodile, and in the end they can only ask Chris to come out."

"Father, Chris' character has always been fierce and domineering. He fights bravely and will not drag the water."

"He knocked out Crocodile in just two strokes."

Leijiu took a graceful step, walked a few steps, and said with a sweet smile: "I thought it was over, but I didn't expect that something changed at this time."

"The ghost spider, the elite lieutenant general of the headquarters, rushed over quickly and wanted to take Chris and prevent him from becoming Shichibukai."


Before the words were finished, a urging voice came from the other side.

Gage stood up, with a look of surprise on his cold face.

He hurriedly said: "What did you say, the ghost spider has come over"

"He is a very powerful lieutenant general in the headquarters! Even if he is not the first, at least he can be ranked in the top three."

"His combat power is so terrifying that he can't beat Chris, how is this possible?"

Yuji looked at the two elder brothers and asked curiously, "Who is the ghost spider, have you heard of it?"

Nizhi nodded, frowned and said, "Ghost spiders belong to the hawks. They are notoriously cruel and have a strong and domineering personality."

"There are so many lieutenant generals in this department, and his strength can basically be said to be the strongest existence."

With a solemn expression on his face, Iji echoed, "This is a veteran lieutenant general, with two-color domineering and combat experience, he is the most abundant."

"I don't believe it anymore. With Chris's strength, how could he be the opponent of the ghost spider? It's impossible."

For the doubts of the four of them, Reiju was not surprised, but felt that it was normal.

In the previous call, Reiju told them that Chris had the strength of a general, and no one could beat him.

However, the four of them didn't believe it at all, they agreed that she was talking nonsense and was bewitched by Chris.

"You didn't believe what I said before, but this time I'll let you know that Chris is stronger than you think."

At this time, Reiju's heart was filled with pride, and at the same time, she also felt admiration for Chris.

This man is so mysterious and powerful, which is really admirable.

"In this world, I will never find a better young man than Chris."

In Leiju's mind, such a thought flashed in an instant. The admiration for Chris is like a surging river, like the flood of the Yellow River.

Shaking his head gently, throwing these thoughts out of his mind, Yingying said with a smile: "Father, you heard right."

"The ghost spider is very powerful, but Chris's combat power has reached the level of a general."

"in spite of....

How the ghost spiders attack, even if they go all out and risk their lives to fight, the final result will be the same."

"After fighting for a period of time, the ghost spider received a call from the headquarters and reported the battle situation."

"Finally, the Warring States Marshal made a decision. As long as Crocodile is handed over to the navy, then Chris will become Shichibukai."

"And the Warring States Marshal said that the news will be published in the newspaper tomorrow morning."



The four people on the opposite side were all shocked, their minds went blank, they stopped thinking, and couldn't say a word.

Except for Iji, the other three could no longer sit still, and stood up one by one, dumbfounded, as if they had seen a ghost.

"Sure enough, I was shocked. See if you dare to underestimate Chris, hum"

Leiju had a light smile on her face, her eyebrows curved, and she felt heartfelt joy for Chris.

This man, no matter what...

When is it so outstanding, it is really a god-like existence.

At this moment, a loud laughter came from the opposite side, and the voice was extremely loud.

Gaji spread his hands, raised his head and laughed, with a crazy look on his face, he said very excitedly: "Okay, it's really good, hahaha..."

"Chris really became Shichibukai, and he really did."

"Amazing, it's really amazing!"

"The goal of dominating the North Sea can finally be achieved, and Germa will finally usher in a bright future."

Immediately afterwards, Gage looked at the sky outside the window, only to see blue sky and white clouds, full of a sense of height and vastness, which is so fascinating.

Tears flowed quietly, blurring his eyes, and Gage choked up, crying and saying something.

"In this life, Germa will surely come to the North Sea again and restore its former glory."

"The undead of the motherland, you don't have to wander anymore, you can finally rest in peace, woo woo woo..."

The three brothers looked at each other, frowned one by one, and their faces showed incredible looks.

Yuji gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Chris really succeeded, he actually did it, damn it!"

Nizhi sneered and said disdainfully, "He is younger than me, how could he have the strength of a general, stop joking."

"Even if he is better than me, I won't recognize him, you bastard!"

Iji waved his hand and said coldly: "Since he has become Qiwuhai, the cooperation has officially begun."

"That's fine, let's make good use of him, let him cut through thorns for us, and drain all his power."

"After we dominate Beihai, then we will clean him up and torture him to death!"

At this time, Gage wiped away his tears, and gradually came back to his senses.

"Leiju, when the newspaper comes out tomorrow, I will personally call Chris to finalize the cooperation."

"Now, here's a task for you - no matter what, make Chris fall in love with you!!"

"With your beauty and dignified and elegant temperament, you can absolutely fascinate him, make him willing to do things for you, and even give everything for you."

Gage's eyes showed a firm look, and he said very seriously: "As long as you take Chris down, we will have an extra super thug in the future."

"In the battle to dominate the North Sea, let him rush to the front and be responsible for dealing with the powerhouses from all walks of life."

"Such a good combat power, if it is not used reasonably, it is simply stupid."

"Leiju, go all out, take down Chris as fast as you can, do you hear that?"

Hearing Gage say this, the three brothers laughed in unison, very happy.

Yuji laughed and said with great excitement: "Yes, such a good shield must be used well, and it must not be missed."

Niji showed a cruel smile and said hehe: "Send him to the front line, and then it will consume all the energy to kill him."

"To contribute to Germa, even if he is killed, he will die well, hahaha..."

Ichi sneered and said, "No, it's better not to be killed, I still want to kill him myself."

My heart is broken!! At this moment, Leiju's heart is bleeding and the pain is extreme.

"Why am I your daughter, how can you be so cruel, father?"

The expression on Leiju's face did not change, but her heart was already riddled with holes, and she was deeply hurt by Jiazhi.

She felt so helpless, so miserable, like an abandoned puppy, no one wanted her anymore.

In order to dominate the North Sea, for such an illusory goal, he sold his own daughter.

The more I thought about it, the more sad it became. If it wasn't for the phone call, Leiju really wanted to cry and wanted to vent.

She did not refute, nor did she try to persuade.

Because she knew very well that no matter what she said, Gage could not change her decision.

In order to dominate the Beihai, he can do everything, it is impossible to care about his own life or death, and he will not pay attention to his own feelings.

In the end, Leiju's expression remained unchanged, she nodded lightly, and said with a slight smile: "Father, don't worry, I will do my best."

"Someone is coming, I'll hang up first, my father."

Hearing Reiju's reply, Jage remained expressionless, and said coldly, "Remember to speed up and don't delay."

Then, the phone hangs up, and the call ends here... I like Leijiu very much, I like Leijiu very much, I like Leijiu very much, and the important thing is said three times.

Leiju is really too gentle, a good wife and a good mother, so I devoted a chapter to describing her, everyone forgive me.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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189: No, Vivi must not like Chris! (for automatic subscription)

Casino basement, another corner.

There are three people and one animal here.

It's Princess Vivi, Lasha, Ikalem, and Fast Run.

"If the king knows the news, he will definitely be very happy, blah blah blah..."

Ikalem couldn't speak smoothly, hummed a song, and said with a smile: "Vivi, hurry up and call, I really want to see the king happy."

Lasha nodded, smiled sweetly, and said something.

"Yes, I believe His Excellency the King is absolutely very happy."

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