Running fast, he nodded his head, let out a croak, and agreed.

Princess Weiwei frowned, smiled and said, "I also really want to see your father's smile, he hasn't smiled for a long time."

"Every day I worry about domestic affairs, I don't want to eat, I have lost a lot of weight."

"But from now on, all this will be in the past, and the king no longer has to worry about anything."

Without hesitation, I took out the phone bug and dialed it directly.

Bleu Bleu... The opposite side didn't ask Vivi to wait for a long time, and answered the phone very quickly.

"Weiwei, why do you have time to call your father?"

The phone bug imitated the appearance of Cobra, with a melancholy look on his face.

Listening to Cobra's low tone and looking at the vicissitudes of the phone bug, Princess Weiwei felt distressed for a while and cared about her father very much.

"Father, I have great news for you. You must listen carefully."

Princess Weiwei cheered up, her beautiful eyes were shining, her voice was sweet and clear, and her tone was full of joy.

Cobra sat on the throne, sitting upright, reluctantly recovered a little, and asked curiously, "What great news?"

"Go ahead, Father is listening carefully."

Bell and Gaka, as the two patron saints of the kingdom of Alabasta, naturally stayed by Cobra's side and were exclusively responsible for defending him.

Listening to the dialogue between the father and daughter, the two of them were sincerely happy and hoped that the father and daughter could be so happy forever.

Princess Weiwei stroked her water-blue hair, she was slim and graceful, showing the demeanor of a princess of a country.

It looks really beautiful, she is a stunning beauty!! "Father, that... the great villain Crocodile, he has been defeated."

Princess Weiwei said with a smile: "Not only that, but all his subordinates have been defeated."

"In short, all the difficulties are over, our country can develop well, and the citizens can live a happy life."


The opposite side fell into silence, and there was no sound at all, completely confused by what Wei Wei said.

They were all dumbfounded, their brains stuck, and they didn't know what to say for a while.

"Vivi, what are you talking about?"

Cobra reacted, frowned, and with a look on his face, he asked inexplicably, "You said that Crocodile was defeated, how is this possible?"

"He is the Qiwuhai. He is the most powerful pirate in the sea. No one can defeat him."

"Weiwei, where did you get the news from? It must be a rumor and cannot be believed."

Bell nodded and agreed: "Weiwei, we haven't received any news here, how did you know that Crocodile was defeated?"

Gaka laughed and said, "Princess, what kind of existence is Qiwuhai, it seems that you don't know much about it."

"As for the bastard Crocodile, the navy will not take action against him, and the pirates are not his opponents."

"What's more, if he is defeated, it will surely stir up the entire kingdom of Alabasta.

But up to now it is still calm and there is no news at all."

At this time, Ikalem laughed and said happily: "Your Majesty, you heard right, Crocodile was indeed defeated."

"This is what I have seen with my own eyes, and there will be absolutely no problem."

Running fast, his head connected, he let out a croak, and quickly echoed.

Lasha smiled lightly and said, "Your Majesty, I am from Alabasta and a good friend of Vivi."

"I can also testify that Crocodile was indeed defeated, and the people will live a good life in the future."

Princess Weiwei raised her eyebrows and smiled sweetly and gently, "Father, I'm afraid you won't believe me, so I specially hired someone to testify."

"After all, this matter is too important, it's understandable that you don't believe it."



With the testimony of Ikalem, the three people on the opposite side, 3, will no longer doubt it.

But this news is too shocking, it is simply... a fantasy.

Cobra sat up straight, with a surprised look on his face, and hurriedly said: "What's going on, tell me quickly."

"How could Crocodile be defeated, and by whom did he be defeated"

Bell's face was full of shock, and he said incredulously: "That's right, who can defeat the dignified Qiwuhai, it's impossible!"

Gaka shook his head and said in disbelief, "Ikalem is a steady person, he must not be joking."

"But this thing is really too exaggerated, and I can't explain it."

Princess Weiwei smiled sweetly, beautiful and generous, and explained it in detail.

"This matter, we have to start from the beginning. I will tell you one by one, and after listening, you will understand."

"Some time ago, my partner and I.

, received the task - to the entrance of the great fairway: , hunt the island whale Rabu."

"Unfortunately, we had a shipwreck, the ship was damaged and it could only float on the sea."

"At this time, we met the Chris Pirates, and they rescued the two of us."

Thinking of the past, Wei Wei couldn't help showing a look of memory on her face, which made her look more and more beautiful and charming.

"On this ship, I met Captain Chris and many sisters."

"From their mouths, I learned a piece of news - Chris wants to go to the kingdom of Alabasta, defeat Crocodile, and become Qibukai."

"Father, you may think that Chris is over his head and thinks he is too reckless."

"But in fact, he really has such strength, and he does what he says."

Speaking of this, the pretty face showed admiration and muttered to herself: "Really, Chris is really amazing."

"From childhood to adulthood, among the young people I have met, there is no such outstanding person as him."

"I am sure that there is absolutely no young man in this world who is more perfect than Lord Chris."

"He is not only powerful, but also has a calm and steady personality, and is so diligent and hardworking..."

Princess Weiwei shook her head gently, sighed and said, "Before I knew him, I always thought I was very good."

"But after I got to know him, I realized that there are people outside the world, and there are heavens outside the world. Compared with him, I am nothing at all."

"That..., I seem to have taken the topic too far, so let's keep talking about the business."

Cobra listened quietly, the more he listened, the more wrong it became, he couldn't help frowning, and muttered inwardly.

"Vivi is in love with this Chris, and her words are full of admiration for this Chris."

"What's the matter, Weiwei has always been a dignified lady, cherishing herself and loving herself, why did she suddenly fall in love with a certain man"

"No, she is my precious girl. She must not be allowed to do anything, and she must be cut off from these thoughts."

Cobra didn't speak for the time being, kept silent, and planned to wait for Weiwei to finish speaking, and then have a good talk with her.

Anyway... Vivi likes Chris, he will never agree.

This point is non-negotiable!! Similar to the previous chapter, the author likes Princess Weiwei very much, she is so beautiful and generous, and she is so gentle, so I write a special chapter.

The next chapter won't write about these......, start the real plot.


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Big guy....thank you for your monthly sent it twice...this is the last time to thank's all recorded in the small book...will not hard to code it ...! Summer reading is fun every day, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


Thank you [6285...9258] for the monthly pass!


190: Crocodile's collection with two Devil Fruits! (for automatic subscription)

"When I was on the boat, after listening to what my sisters said, combined with my impression of Chris, that's when I made a decision."

Princess Weiwei's beautiful eyes were sparkling, and she smiled and said: "Tell my sisters who I am, and ask Chris to help."

"Fortunately, Chris agreed, and he said it himself, that he would defeat Crocodile."

"Just today, we landed in Alabasta and settled everything in the desert outside the rain."

Princess Weiwei raised her eyebrows and said generously, "Just now, all of Crocodile's men, including himself, were defeated."

"And a lieutenant admiral came to the Navy Headquarters and took Crocodile away, saying that he would be locked up in the push city."

"Father, I can't explain clearly on the phone. I'll go to find you later, and I'll talk to you in detail later."

It turned out that after Vivi got on the Chris, she didn't tell Cobra about her situation and didn't want him to worry.

After all, the opponent is Shichibukai, if Kobra knew about Weiwei's actions, he would definitely be very worried.

Therefore, after Ikalem got on the ship, Princess Vivi explained to him specially that you must not tell Cobra about this matter.

That's why Cobra was completely unaware of the situation.


Incredibly surprised.

The three people on the opposite side had expressions of horror on their faces, they were really frightened.

Although Princess Weiwei said nothing in detail, the battle process in it must be very intense, far from being so peaceful.

"It's incredible, who is this Chris, who can defeat Crocodile?"

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