"The golden lion is countless times stronger than him, and he must have collected more, so it is reasonable."

Baccarat folded her crimson hair, curled her eyebrows, and smiled gently, "If you want to attack the golden lion, you will have to wait a long time."

"No matter what, we have to wait until all squad leaders have learned to be domineering, and then it is possible to return to the East China Sea to find the golden lion."

"In this case, we don't have to worry about it, anyway... Chris naturally has a decision, just wait for him to arrange it."

At this moment, a voice came from the door, and I saw Perona floating in, with a sweet smile on her beautiful white face, and she said something very happy.

"What are you still doing here, hurry out and prepare for a banquet."

"Good wine and food, everything is ready, just wait for you to pass, halie halie halie..."

Hearing Perona's voice, Chris stopped practicing without saying anything, and walked directly towards the door.

Sweetheart Queen Liu Ye's eyebrows curved into a crescent shape, smiling all over her face, "Let's go, go out for a banquet, and have a big meal today, hee hee hee!"

Betty carried the banner and said calmly as always: "Chris never wastes time, so the number of banquets is pitifully small."

"I don't know when the next banquet will be held.

So every gathering must be cherished with great care."

De Zaya shrugged his shoulders and said something helplessly.

"Who said it wasn't, this is the first banquet I attended since I got on the boat."

"Rare, how rare it is!"

Arrita took elegant steps and said with a sweet smile: "To celebrate Chris becoming Qibukai, today, no matter what, you have to drink some wine."

Robin blinked his beautiful eyes and smiled, "If you say that, you will have to wait a long time for the next meeting with everyone."

"After all, you will go to the new world next, and I will stay here in the branch. The mountains and rivers are far away, and it will be difficult to meet again."

Leijiu patted her shoulder and said dignifiedly and elegantly: "When the branch is built and on the right track, then you can also come to the new world."

"Don't worry, we will be in the new world, waiting for your arrival."

Then, all the girls chatted and laughed, and walked towards the door one after another, preparing to have a banquet outside... Big guys, the above is a picture of Hawkeye.

As the world's largest swordsman, I have to give a picture to commemorate it.

Also, Chris became Shichibukai, this is a big thing, so this content is a bit too much, please forgive me and hold your fists.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Thank you [2058...38651] for the monthly pass!

Big guy....thank you for your monthly pass....you are this month....the sixty-eighth....the author has voted for the monthly ticket...the author is all recorded on the small book.. .I won't forget! Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


Thank you [137297abc118188] for the monthly pass!


202: Cheers to Shichibukai! (for automatic subscription)

Rain banquet, hall.

"The captain came out, ready to hold a banquet, Wei Hahaha..."

Bassas raised his arms high, with an excited look on his face and a loud voice, which spread throughout the rainy banquet.

The poisonous smile was very ugly and coughed and said, "The captain hid again and had a romantic relationship with those women."

Ajin swept away the poison with an indifferent expression, warned and said something.

"I advise you to be careful when you speak! Otherwise, I don't mind teaching you how to be a human being!"

Cavendish leaned on the chair, crossed Erlang's legs, and said casually: "I don't like this guy... Poison, too."

"I wasn't his opponent before, but now, if he dares to be arrogant, this young master will teach him a good lesson."

Bartolomeo looked at Cavendish and sneered, "If you can't be domineering, don't make rhetoric here."

"What's the use of your speed, you won't be armed with arrogance, you can't hurt poison at all.

So, stop... stinking fart, hear me."

Hawkins, as always dead, said in a low voice: "From the looks of it, Cavendish really can't beat poison."

Luo held the demon knife and cried, still so cold, and said something.

"Who is stronger and who is weaker? After a few days of battle for squad leaders, there will be a conclusion. Why discuss these things here... It's meaningless."

Crow pushed his glasses habitually, with a serious expression on his face, very serious, "To be honest, the captain is really trying too hard."

"Today he became Qiwuhai, and he is going to hold a banquet to celebrate.

At such an exciting time, the captain is still so calm and went to practice."

"Diligence and hard work, really a role model for my generation!!"

Lafitte stood his cane in front of him, smiled slightly, and said politely, "The captain is the person I admire most, and the goal that I have been striving for in my life."

"Strong strength, decisive work, cold personality, surrounded by beautiful women, and have a reputation and status..."

"This kind of life is really exciting!"

Seeing that the hall was full of tables, wines and delicacies were readily available, everyone's faces were full of excitement, waiting for the start of the banquet.

Robin blinked his beautiful eyes, intelligent and generous, "The atmosphere is really good, everyone is happy, so happy."

"Sure enough, the most interesting thing is to hold a banquet. I really like this kind of atmosphere."

Queen Sweetheart raised her eyebrows and said with a smile.

Al Rita was carrying a big iron rod with a sweet and gentle smile, "It's so fragrant, the food that Carmen cooks is indeed full of color and flavor."

"It's amazing to have such a top chef on board."

De Zaya nodded and agreed with a smile: "There is also the fine wine made by Meidi, which is also a must, it is very delicious."

"Wine and food, this kind of banquet is interesting, hahaha..."

At this time, Chris led the girls and slowly walked towards the table in the middle.

Along the way, every time they passed a table, all the people would stand up and greet Chris's arrival with admiration in their eyes.

There is a kind of: a fanatic's sense of sight!! "Superfluous nonsense is unnecessary"

Chris stopped, looked around, and said, "Everyone sit down and start the banquet!"

As soon as the voice fell, the hall burst into applause and shouted loudly, extremely happy.

"Long Live Captain Chris!!!"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and fill up the wine, and toast to Shichibukai!!"

"Drink, don't stop, give it to Lao Tzu, quack..."

"Long live the Qiwuhai, the wealth and status belong to us, la la la"

"Captain Chris, Lao Tzu admires you the most. If there is anything in the future, I will go through fire and water!"

"The sea is where men should go. For the sea, let's toast, hoo hoo hoo..."

"I'm not afraid of anyone when I drink, whoever dares to single out, sign up, and I will kill you one by one!"

"Grass, this guy is too tugging, brothers beat him!!"

Hearing the cheers of the crew members, Dong Li crossed his legs and laughed, "Finally a banquet, ya ya ya ya!"

Broki took a sip of wine and said with a big smile: "It's the first time it's been so lively since we left the Primordial Island. I'm so happy, Kapapapapa..."

At this moment, Cobra stood up, holding a glass of wine, looked at Chris with a respectful expression, and said something with a very grateful expression.

"Master Chris, I toast you, thank you for saving the kingdom of Alabasta."

"At the same time, I wish you a smooth sailing and peace of mind for your next journey!"

Princess Weiwei was standing, slim, also holding a wine glass, with a sweet and pleasant smile on her face.

"Master Chris, I also toast you, I wish you a smooth entry into the new world!"

Bell, Gaka and the others stood up one by one, just about to say some words of thanks, but Chris stopped them directly.

Chris didn't stand up, he sat firmly, pressed his right hand down, and showed a rare smile, "Sit down, let go... don't be so restrained."

Bassas was the most impulsive, and tapped the table with the wine glass, making a thumping sound, attracting everyone's attention.

"Drink up, don't speak one by one, is it still interesting to drink this wine?"

"Come on, let's go, everyone, toast the captain, and you're done!"

Bartolomeo laughed and said, "You can do whatever you want, I did it!"

Lafitte was still so polite and smiled slightly, "Since you want to respect the captain, how can you just drink it all at will!"

"Let's go together, toast to Shichibukai..."

Everyone held up their wine glasses and smiled. The atmosphere in the hall was very lively, and everyone was very happy.

Next, everyone ate and drank, some chatting, some punching, some drinking...I don't know how long it took before a crisp voice rang.

There was too much noise on the side of Brugu Brugu, and the shouting came one after another. The other people didn't hear the voice of the phone bug, only the girls faintly felt it.

They looked at Leiju one by one, because the ringtone was... from her body, spread out.

Karina's beautiful eyes flowed, revealing a sly color, and said with a smile: "No accident, Germa called, it must be congratulations to Chris for becoming Qibukai."

"This Jerma from the North Sea, this princess doesn't like them very much, hum!"

Perona leaned on the chair, crossed Erlang's legs, and said with a wrinkled face.

Nami shrugged, took a sip of wine, and said casually, "No one can do anything about such a father."

Although it was very noisy here, Reiju did not leave, because she knew very well that the call from the family must be to congratulate Chris.

In this case, there is no need to go outside to answer the phone, just connect directly.

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