"Reiju, I've read the morning paper."

The phone bug imitated Gage and said with a serious face: "Chris, as Germa's partner, the old man should make a phone call, congratulations."

"Reiju, is Chris with you, give him the phone, and I can talk to him."

Seeing the serious expression on the phone bug, Al Rita took a sip of wine and said something with a smile.

"Leiju's father is indeed too strict. It's no wonder that everyone doesn't like this person. There is a reason."

Betty leaned on the chair, crossed Erlang's legs, took a breath, and said with a sneer, "I only have the eyes of dominating the North Sea, a poor fellow."

Queen Sweetheart made a shush and reminded in a low voice, "Don't say it so loudly, be careful to be heard by him, that's not good."

At this time, Leiju brushed her pink hair and said with a smile, "Father, wait a moment, I'll ask Chris for you."

Mei Mu looked at the man she liked and smiled gently, "Chris, the family is calling, please answer."

After speaking, without any hesitation, I directly handed the phone bug to Chris... Some readers have said that Fujitora is also taken as a younger brother. If this is the case, it can be considered.

Spoiler ahead of time, there are not enough squad leaders on the ship, there will be many newcomers with potential in the future, you can leave a message in the book review area, the author will consider who you want to accept as a younger brother.

Thank you [1123feng] for the monthly pass!

Big guy....Thank you for your monthly ticket....You are this month....The seventieth....The author has voted for the monthly ticket....The author is recorded on the small book.. I won't forget! Summer reading is fun every day, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


Thank you [1540yiju658422] for the monthly pass!

Big guy....thank you for your monthly pass...you are this month....the seventy-first....the author has voted for a monthly ticket...the author is all recorded in the small book..no I will forget it..! Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


203: Chris warns Gage that Leiju's problem is solved! (for automatic subscription)


Seeing that Chris was about to answer the phone, the squad leaders fell silent, for fear of disturbing Chris.

The crew below temporarily stopped shouting and kept quiet, not daring to make loud noises.

At this time, Chris became the focus of the audience, like the brightest star in the night sky, so dazzling.

It can be seen from this that the prestige of Chris is self-evident.

"Jage, I'm having a banquet, if you have anything, just tell me!"

Chris ignored the gazes around him, leaned on the chair, crossed Erlang's legs, calmly as always, and said something lightly.

A rare smile appeared on Gaji's serious face, and he said with a smile, "Chris, this morning's newspaper, the old man has already read it."

"Congratulations on becoming Qiwuhai and becoming a famous person in the sea!"

With an expressionless face, Chris said coldly, "Vinsmoggage, I know very well what kind of person you are."

"Hypocritical, selfish, arrogant, and at the same time, you are also a coward and a cowardly man."

"I know exactly what you're thinking."

Chris's eyes turned cold, and he said with murderous intent: "I'll only say it once, you listen to me."

"As long as you are honest, I will help you dominate the North Sea.

If you dare to play any kind of careful thought, don't blame me for turning my face and not recognizing anyone."

After he finished speaking, he didn't bother to listen to Jiazhi's words, so he hung up the phone without any hesitation.

The call is over!! Seeing Chris so arrogant and arrogant, the three brothers were immediately angry, very angry.

Yuji was the most impulsive, slammed his fist on the sofa, and said angrily: "Damn Chris, you dare to threaten us."

"I can't forgive, I will definitely kill this damn bastard!"

Nizhi showed a cruel smile, and then said, "Let him jump first, and when it falls into Lao Tzu's hands, he will be forced to live and die."

Yizhi's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and he said coldly: "When it falls into our hands, it will definitely not let him die too quickly."

"If I don't torture him to death, I will never give up!"


Incredibly shocked.

The three brothers, 3, just took care of their anger and got angry, and they didn't see Gaji's surprised look at all.

"What's the matter, why does Chris know the old man so well?"

"How did he see it, it was Reiju who told him"

"No, the old man's behavior, even if Leijuyi manages them, is not clear at all."

A series of questions kept flashing in Jiazhi's mind, shocking him to the extreme, and he couldn't react at all.

I don't know how long it took, Jiazhi frowned and said with a heavy heart: "You go out first, the old man needs to be quiet for a while."


The three brothers did not dare to say anything, they turned around quickly, and strode towards the door.

No one is here, Gaji removed his disguise, leaned back on the sofa, sighed, and looked sad.

"Chris deserves to be Shichibukai, but it's terrifying to analyze me so thoroughly."

"But that's fine, it shows that he is very careful and observant.

If it matches his strength, then his future achievements are absolutely limitless."

"Forget it, let's put away all your careful thoughts and let Leiju give up on the plan.

If you piss off Chris, it's really screwed."

"In light of it, it will not be able to dominate, in serious case, it will even bring destruction to Germa."

Gage looked up at the ceiling, his eyes filled with determination, and reminded him secretly.

"From now on, you must have a good relationship with Chris, meet all his needs, and tie him firmly to Germa."

"As long as we get the help of Chris, the Vinsmoke family will surely come to the North Sea again, hahaha..."

The more he thought about it, the happier he became, and in the end, Gage couldn't help laughing loudly, looking like a mental patient, crazy.

......Rain Banquet, in the hall.

Seeing Chris so domineering, Bassas patted the table, laughed, and said something very happy.

"As expected of the captain, he reprimanded and hung up the phone directly, Wei Hahaha"

The poisonous light was gloomy, and he smiled ugly and said: "That... Germa's head, he must be mad by now, hehe..."

Bartolomeo picked up the glass and said loudly: "The captain is a real man of iron and blood, come, let's toast the captain!"

Luo raised his glass with a serious look on his face, "Captain's words are never sloppy, and every sentence gets to the point."

"Let's not say anything else, I take this very seriously, toast the captain, and thank the captain for his teaching."

Cavendish tapped the table with his glass, and said dissatisfiedly: "Drink well when you drink, and praise the captain again when you're okay, it's very annoying."

Ah Jin nodded, with an indifferent expression, and agreed, "The captain is worthy of everyone's learning, everyone knows this, and there is no need to discuss it."

"Come on, cheers!"

Everyone held up their wine glasses, smiling and shouting loudly, the atmosphere was extremely harmonious and cheerful.

As for the girls, most of them are relatively quiet, and when drinking, they are elegant and generous, dignified and elegant.

However, people like Nami, Karina, etc., have a straightforward and lively personality, and they are naturally very bold when drinking, and they will not lose to men at all.

"Your father must be pissed off now, haha"

Queen Sweetheart looked at Leijiu, her beautiful eyes blinked, and she smiled and said, "Your father is too self-righteous, what conspiracy is he trying to use against Chris."

"But who is Chris, who is very smart, how can he be recruited, what a joke!"

Betty took a breath and remained calm as always, "If he is smart enough, he will correct his attitude and make some improvements."

"If he doesn't listen to the advice, then there will be no next time, Chris will definitely kick him out without any hesitation."

"After all, Chris wouldn't say the same thing a second time!!"

Al Rita looked at Chris' figure, raised her eyebrows, and praised: "Our captain is indeed always fierce and domineering."

"Man, he looks so manly!"

Princess Weiwei stroked her blue hair and smiled sweetly, "Although I don't know what happened, Chris must have his reasons for doing this."

Robin picked up the glass, took a sip, and said intelligently: "Seriously, following Chris, you can indeed learn a lot."

"There are so many shining points in him, and the longer you spend with him, the bigger the impact."

"Unfortunately, I still have to establish a branch in Alabasta, and I can't continue to go to sea with him. It's a pity."

At this time, Baccarat took Leijiu's jade hand, raised her eyebrows and said with a sweet smile, "Don't worry, the matter has been settled."

"My intuition tells me that your father is afraid and doesn't dare to move any more careful thoughts.

Now, you can stay on the boat with peace of mind."

Hearing Baccarat say this, Lei Jiu's beautiful eyes lit up, and a sweet smile bloomed on her face, she was very happy.

"Sister, your intuition has always been a hit, and it has never gone wrong."

"Since you have said so, then things will definitely be resolved, and I don't have to worry about anything anymore, that's great!"

Suddenly, Nami knocked on the table with a wine glass, carefree, and said with a drunk face: "Come on, let's beauties, let's have a drink, hahaha..."

Perona also picked up the cup and said with a smile, "Yes, let's toast together, I wish everyone more and more beautiful, happy every day, halie ha ha ha"

"Come on, cheers, hee hee hee..."

The girls raised their wine glasses one by one, their beautiful faces were full of smiles, they looked so beautiful and so charming.

It's really intoxicating!! Guys, the author Jun likes Leijiu so much, so he specially arranged such a plot, I hope everyone will forgive me.

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