"A person with strength can sit in a higher position. It's... it's that simple."

"As for insider trading, the reserved quota, these... all of them don't exist, it is impossible to appear."

Lafitte looked at them, smiled slightly and said, "The captain has always said one thing, and he will never give anyone any face."

"So what position you want, then go forward bravely and use your own strength to fight for it!"

"As for my position as deputy captain, if anyone wants to come and grab it, I will welcome it at any time."

Guys, above is a picture of the dancer Pacia.

When this... appeared, it was in the Chambord Islands.

I guess, you probably don't know her.

Come on, if you don't understand, then Baidu it, the author won't introduce too much, lest you say my water word count again.

Big guys, the battle for the squad leader has begun, ask for a monthly pass!

A new month is coming, I beg the big brothers to vote for the monthly ticket for the younger brother! It is now March, the younger brother must work hard to code the words and ensure that the ten thousand characters are updated every day. Monthly pass, ask the bosses to send a monthly pass! The more monthly passes, the more motivated the younger brother will be to code! Next, is... the most exciting battle for the squad leader, for the sake of this big show, give Little brother, cast your monthly ticket, big guys! Little brother bow and thank you.

Feilu reminds you: read

Thank you [caodian8888] for urging more votes!

Big guy... I didn't finish thanking you last month... Make up for it this month... Thank you for your reminder... This month... The author will work hard to code words... I promise not to stop again. More..! Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


Thank you [15623...5108] for the monthly pass!

!Summer reading books every day, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


Thank you [15623...5108] for the monthly pass!


Thank you [13726...9012] for the monthly pass!

Big guy... You voted for a total of two monthly tickets... The author thanked you twice.. I didn't finish thanking you last month... Continue to thank you this month... Code words went.. Wonderful continue.. !Summer reading books every day, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


Thank you [13726...9012] monthly pass!


209: Sign up for the battle for the vice captain, three people participate! (for automatic subscription)

Ask for a monthly pass, my little brother kneels and asks for a monthly pass, and asks for a monthly pass! Vote for a monthly pass for my little brother!

At this moment, there was a burst of noisy footsteps, and I saw Chris leading the girls and slowly walked over.

"I see, there really is an island."

Karina looked at Nami, blinked her beautiful eyes, and said with a smile: "What is the name of this island, tell me quickly, this girl will remember it."

Perona floated up and down in the air, let out a crisp laugh, and echoed.

"That's right, the battle for the squad leader is taking place on this island."

"In any case, the name of this island must be remembered, it will definitely be used in the future, halie ha ha ha..."

Na Mei gave the two of them a white look, and said angrily, "The ghost knows what this island is called, it's just... an island with no name."

"You don't even think about it, the great waterway is so wide, and there are countless islands in it, dotted everywhere."

"No one can know and remember all the islands, and not every island has a name."

Carrying the big black iron rod, Al Rita nodded with a sweet smile, "That's right, there are indeed too many islands in the great waterway!"

"There's no need to know the name of this island, just call it the nameless island, what a simple matter."

Carmen put his arms around him, looked at the island in front of him, and said lightly, "Judging from the vegetation on the island, this is another uninhabited island."

"That's fine. If the time comes to fight, you don't have to worry about anything, you can let go of your hands and feet to fight."

Queen Sweetheart glanced at the people on the boat, raised her eyebrows, and said something with a smile.

"Seeing everyone's faces, they are all very excited.

Everyone is looking forward to the next battle, hee hee hee.”

Betty carried the banner and spit out the smoke from her mouth, "Men like blood, there is no doubt about that."

At this time, Bashas looked at Chris, raised his arms, laughed and said, "Captain, after seeing you here, I am very happy, Weihahahaha..."

Du Hei smiled and coughed, "The captain knew that I was going to be the vice-captain, so I came here to take a look, I know."

"Your face today has not changed."

Hawkins, as always dead, said in a low voice, "Therefore, you cannot take the position of the vice-captain."

Luo held the demon knife and cried, still so indifferent, "Poisoning this guy's miasma fruit is really hard to deal with."

"Even if he can't be a co-captain, but he ranks in the top three, that's no problem."

Van Oka tapped his gun on the shoulder and gave a blank reminder.

"Before the fight, I have to say something."

"The sword has no eyes, no matter how accurate my marksmanship is, there will always be mistakes."

"So if I'm beaten to death, it can only mean that you are nothing more than that!"

Bartolomeo patted his shoulder, laughed and said: "Don't worry, if I meet you, I will abstain directly."

"Your marksmanship is too fast, and you can hit every shot, and you can burrow into the soil like a mouse."

"If you sneak up on your head and shoot Lao Tzu, you won't be able to get blood, hahaha"

Ah Jin frowned and said indifferently: "When this guy got on the boat, he dared to provoke and broke the wind direction bird on the boat."

"I have always remembered this matter, and I must teach him a lesson."

"Unfortunately, at present, I am not his opponent, so I can only leave this task to you to complete."

Cavendish held the famous sword Durandall, and said something with a smile because of his handsome appearance.

"Don't worry, it's all up to this young master to handle."

"If Van Oka runs into me, and if he surrenders, then the young master will let him know that his marksmanship is still too slow."

Crow pushed his glasses, his face was calm, and he said rationally: "Although I really want to be a deputy captain, it's a pity I don't have the strength."

"And from the current situation, Lafitte is very suitable to be the deputy captain, there is really no need to ... snatch him."

"After all, the captain only knows how to cultivate and has never been in charge of things.

Then the position of the vice-captain is very important, I believe everyone is aware of this."

Lafitte turned his cane, gentle and gentle, said: "If everyone wants to give me this position, of course it is the best."

"And if I want to go to war, I will not refuse.

It's just that if you get hurt by me, don't blame me."

"You must know that challenging the vice-captain is an outrageous thing and an act of disrespect."

"Even if I maim you all, I believe the captain won't say anything more."

Lafayette looked at Chris, with a faint smile on his pale face, and said respectfully, "I'm right, Captain!"

Chris put his hands in his trouser pockets, as calm as ever, "Just don't die, the rest doesn't matter."

At this time, the ship had come to the coast, the speed dropped, and it stopped steadily.

At this time, the sky is blue and the sun is shining, it is a good weather.

On the island, there are many unknown plants, bushes are everywhere, and no path can be seen.

Obviously, this is an island off the beaten track!! "Come on, Lao Tzu can't stand it anymore, who will fight Lao Tzu first!"

Bassas laughed and said boldly: "I can't take the position of the deputy captain."

"But the captain of the first team, I am very interested, Wei Hahaha..."

After speaking, without any hesitation, he jumped down directly and jumped onto the island.

With a poisonous laugh, he didn't say: "Just you want to be the captain of the first team, it's just a daydream."

"You're a big man, it's good to be in the top three, don't be too self-righteous Bassas."

Cavendish waved his hand, and said proudly: "Okay, stop talking nonsense, hurry up to the island, this young master is going to start abusing you, hahaha"

Bartolomeo glanced at Cavendish and was very dissatisfied, "I said cabbage, it's almost enough, don't be too arrogant."

"Don't always rely on your speed to show off your power here, I'm very upset to see it."

Luo carrying the demon knife and crying, said coldly, "Since the day I got on the boat, Bassas has always wanted to fight with me."

"Let's have a good fight today to see who is stronger."

With an expressionless face, Crow said calmly and calmly, "The battle for captains, from the very beginning... does not exist."

"What we have to do now is... first determine the candidate for the deputy captain. This is the top priority."

"As for the captain of the first squad, and the other squad leaders, they will delay one by one, and they can be discussed later."

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