Lafitte jumped and floated lightly onto the island, standing with his cane in front of him, still so humble and polite.

"The first battle is... the battle for the deputy captain!"

"If you want to participate, then sign up as soon as possible.

As for those who have not signed up, they will naturally miss the position of vice-captain."

"This rule has been discussed before, so let's implement it like this."

Lafitte looked at these.... The squad captains smiled and said: "The captain said just now, as long as you don't die."

"So those who want to challenge me must be prepared and be careful not to be killed by me!"

Cavendish continued to put on a very handsome look, and said very confidently: "This young master's devil fruit is the strongest existence."

"So you should give up the position of vice-captain, Lafitte!"

"Trust me, this young master is more suitable to be the deputy captain than you, hahaha"

The poisonous light revealed a ruthless color, and he smiled cruelly and said something.

"I am a natural ability person. The position of the deputy captain belongs to me."

"I have been staring at this position for a long time, and I can finally grab it today, hehehe..."

Luo Yuanyuan stood aside, hugged the ghost and cried and said, "You have self-knowledge, and if you don't have that strength, don't do such a thing."

"It would be too much to refuse to give up knowing that it is not an opponent."

Hawkins nodded, deadly, "The two of them are indeed too arrogant, and Lafayette should be taught a lesson."

Bartolomeo shrugged his shoulders and said casually: "No matter...

It's not self-sufficient, or it really has this strength."

"Anyway...they dare to challenge Lafitte. Such courage is worthy of my admiration."

Akin carried the two strangely shaped weapons, his tone affirmed, "Apart from...Captain, what I admire most is...Deputy Captain Lafitte!"

Crow nodded lightly and said lightly: "As the vice-captain, the pressure on Lafitte is enormous."

"That's why he has been cultivating hard and trying to become stronger, all of these... Everyone can see it, it's obvious to all."

Bassas looked at the poison, laughed, and said something.

"Poison, you can take it easy, don't lose too badly, Wei Hahahaha..."

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Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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210: Miasma Fruit vs Speed ​​Fruit, which is stronger! (for automatic subscription)

Chris, above deck.

"This location is good, I just sit here and watch, hahaha..."

The Queen Sweetheart sat on the railing, shaking her little feet, with a sweet and charming smile on her beautiful white face, she was very happy.

Betty leaned against the railing, looked at the direction of the battlefield with her beautiful eyes, took a breath and said, "Sure enough, the position of deputy captain is indeed very popular."

"Even in the face of Lafayette's threat, I don't care at all about the possibility of injury."

Al Rita stood the big iron rod in front of her, smiled and said, "Although I said so, but the people who dare to provoke Lafitte are just the two of them."

"As for other people, they all know how much they have, and they won't do things beyond their ability at all, but it's... very wise."

Mei Di stroked her pale blond hair and said with a smile, "The rules of this competition are determined by registration."

"If you don't sign up to participate in the war, you will lose this qualification.

In other words, the position of deputy captain can only be born among the three of them."

"And waiting for the captain of the first team, whoever does not sign up will also not be selected."

De Zaya shrugged and said something casually.

"Poison looks like a head, I don't like him very much.

And that... Cavendish, who is a narcissist, isn't that bad."

"So among the three, Lafitte is relatively pleasing to the eye. I can accept him as the deputy captain."

Ke Ya blinked her beautiful eyes, and her pretty face showed a worried look, "I hope the squad leaders will take it lightly, and don't hurt each other, it won't be good."

Makino patted her shoulder, smiled gently, still so gentle and generous, "Xiaoya, with Chris here, you can rest assured."

"If there is an emergency, Chris will definitely stop it, and there will be no problem."

At this moment, there was a loud sound of footsteps, and Nami, carrying a large bag, strode over.

With bright eyes and a pure and sweet smile, she said carelessly, "Peanuts, melon seeds, and drinks, all of them are brought here."

"Then let's sit down and watch this wonderful battle while nibbling on melon seeds."

"Zizhui, it's too leisurely, hahaha..."

Karina held a few plates of fruit, her beautiful eyes flowed, revealing a sly color, and said something.

"Eating fruit and watching the big show, this little day is gone, hee hee hee"

Perona held a pile of snacks, floated in the air, and let out a crisp laugh, "Whoever wants to eat can come and get it, this princess brought a lot."

Leiju leaned against the chair, crossed Erlang's legs, and supported her white chin with her jade hand. She smiled sweetly and said, "Actually, what I want to see most is someone challenging Chris."

"However, this situation will never happen. No one dares to challenge his majesty. What a pity."

Baccarat folded her crimson hair and looked at Chris, only to see him standing by the railing with his arms around him, his face as calm as ever.

"The situation you mentioned has not happened in the past, nor will it happen in the future."

"Dare to challenge Chris, it's purely an act of courting death!!"

At this time, Pa Dong sat on the railing, smiled and applauded and said, "Come on, everyone, come on, hee hee..."

Bebo waved his arms and quickly followed: You are the strongest, I am optimistic about you, come on!"

"Come on, come on, you guys are great, giggling"

Abis clapped her little hands, her little face was full of smiles, she said very happily.

The crew members below were very excited.

Some sat on the railings, some climbed on top of the mast, some..." Vice-Captain Lafitte, you are the Vice-Captain I admire most, you must win, hahaha... ."

"Betting, betting! I'm betting that Lafitte will become the deputy captain. Does anyone want to bet with Laozi? There is a kind: let the horse come over!!"

"Captain Bassas, you must become the captain of the first team, don't let me down, I heard that there is no Captain Bassas..."

"Basas is nothing, compared to Captain Van Oka, he is simply weak!"

"Captain Luo is the strongest.

What a powerful skill, too strong, quack..."

"Come on, stop talking nonsense, hurry up and fight to the death, la la la"

"Paralyzed, don't squeeze, I almost fell, I'm your uncle..."

"Fight, fight, let the storm come harder, hohohoho..."

At this time, Lafitte put the cane in front of him and said with a slight smile: "According to the rules agreed before, the two of you will fight first."

"The person who wins is qualified to let me do it."

Lafitte stepped to the side and said, "No more nonsense, you two hurry up and start."

At this moment, there are only two people left in this area, that is Poison and Cavendish.

"Cavendish, you should just admit defeat."

The poisonous hand was placed in front of him and his five fingers were slightly opened, instantly turning light green, gradually rising up, dyeing the sky a light green.

"In Rogue Town, you lost to that... Navy Smoker.

In Alabasta, you do the same."

"You who are not domineering, facing the ability of the natural department, there is no chance of winning at all, and you will lose!"

Poison Light showed a sinister look, coughed and said, "If you don't admit defeat, don't blame Lao Tzu for being rude."

Keng... Cavendish pulled out the famous sword Durandall, made a crisp sound, laughed, and said something.

"Poison, don't be too arrogant, let you see the terrifying speed of this young master!"

"Chop chop chop, as long as you chop it enough times, it will always kill you."

With a swipe, the person instantly disappeared in place, turned into an afterimage, and charged towards the poison as quickly as lightning.

Fast, the speed of the attack was too fast, and without seeing what was going on, Cavendish came to the poison.

"Beautiful Sword Blue Bird!"

Cavendish who ate the speed fruit, no matter what...

Whether it is drawing a sword or swinging a sword, the speed has increased many times.

Only faintly saw a flash of sword light, followed by a violent sword energy, criss-crossing, rippling the air, and swept away towards the poison.

The attack is fierce, like a tiger descending the mountain, with a kind of momentum: roaring the mountains and forests!! "It's useless, no matter how sharp your attack is, it's still tickling Laozi."

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