Poison Light cooled down, smiled cruelly and said: "Since you don't admit defeat, then I will poison you to death!"

As soon as the voice fell, the sword qi carried the gust of wind, whistling, and directly hit the poison.

A loud bang came, and the poison was blown to pieces, turning into a large piece of pale green gas, covering the surrounding space.

The sound of zizizi continued to sound, and the weeds on the ground, including stones and soil, quickly corroded when they encountered this light green miasma.

The power of the miasma is evident!! "When I was in Rogge Town, this young master was not strong enough."

Cavendish sneered and said confidently: "But with the fruit of speed, this young master is not afraid of anyone!"

"No matter how strong your poison is, this young master's speed can easily escape."

"Come on, let's see if this young master doesn't hack you to death!"

With a bang...!, the figure instantly disappeared in place, surrounded by the poison, like a spinning top spinning at a high speed, it kept spinning.

The speed of Swish Cavendish was really too fast, unable to see his figure clearly, there were many afterimages, as if there were his figures in all directions.

The smoke rose, shrouding this area, and it was even more difficult to see the situation inside... Big guys, cast a monthly ticket for the younger brother.

Today, my younger brother will definitely write more, at least [-] words, there is no problem with this.

Monthly pass, my brother wants a monthly pass!

Thank you [lcyzero] for the monthly pass!


Thank you [3499...0639] for the monthly pass!


Thank you [a1262236961] for the monthly pass!

Big guy....thank you for your monthly pass....you are this month...the fourth....to vote for the author's bacteria....the author's bacteria are all recorded in the small book...no I will forget it! Summer reading is fun every day, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


211: Cavendish is surrounded by miasma, like a battle of trapped animals! (Ask for a monthly pass)

"I have to say, Cavendish, your speed is really amazing."

The pale green gas in the air continued to gather, and a poisonous head appeared, followed by limbs and bones.

"As expected of the superhuman speed fruit, it's fast enough."

"Unfortunately, it's still the same sentence. You who are not domineering are just... a downright weak chicken!"

"Want to fight with me, wait until you learn to dominate..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Cavendish.

"It's not enough to cut it once, then the young master will cut it twice."

"Chop, chop, chop, there will always be a hit!"

"Go to hell, Sword Blue!"

Cavendish stopped suddenly and jumped, like an arrow from the string, stabbed at the poison.

The tip of Durandall's sword flashed with a icy cold light, and he was quite invincible, with the posture of opening a road on every mountain.

After watching it, my mind was greatly shocked!! Poison light slammed, Cang's face showed a strange smile, and said something.

"Although attack, then I will trap you and poison you directly, hehe"

"The ten-sided siege!"

Poison ignored Calvin Xu's attack and ignored him at all.

As soon as the voice fell, a pale green gas emanated from his body, more and more, and continued to spread in all directions.

The air quickly assimilated and turned light green, and these gases did not stop and continued to emit.

Not only that, there was also a large area of ​​miasma in the sky, more and more, constantly attacking the city and occupying all the space above.

Obviously, Poison is besieging the city and wants to completely seal Cavendish's retreat from all directions.

Bang... Another explosion, the poisonous body was instantly blasted into pieces, and exploded into a large area of ​​miasma.

"Cavendish, aren't you very good at attacking, then keep dancing!"

In the air, a poisonous head slowly appeared, and said with a mysterious smile: "Let me see whether your swordsmanship is faster, or my elementalization is faster."

"But don't admit defeat, go ahead, let me be happier, hehehe"

Cavendish was provoked, lost his mind, did not care about the surrounding situation at all, and launched a violent slash at the poison.

"Keep dancing"

"Poison, what the hell are you, you are worthy of saying such things!"

"Deadly, die for this young master!"

Cavendish was crazy, his eyes were full of anger, and he kept slashing at the poisonous body.

The sound of swishing reverberated in this area, the poison had already been slashed into a human shape, and the body that had just gathered, instantly turned into a miasma.

Gathered together again, was chopped to pieces, and so on and on and on and on... The squad leaders, through the pale green miasma, saw the scene in front of them, and each and every one of their faces showed a clear understanding. color, the outcome of the battle is very clear.

"Losing, Cavendish is really not a poisonous opponent."

Luo carried the demon sword and cried, and said coldly as always: "The ability of the natural department is indeed unique and has a great advantage."

"The speed of Cavendish, astonishingly fast, doesn't make any difference at all."

Hawkins nodded slightly, still looking like a dead man, "In the first half of the great waterway, the ability of nature is indeed an invincible existence."

"So, the power of domineering is really too powerful!"

Bashas raised his arms and laughed loudly, "Old boy, he is really strong enough to not let me down, Wei Hahaha"

Bartolomeo Bicolor put it in his trouser pocket and said: "The cabbage is also a fool, and now it is surrounded by miasma."

"Now that he wants to run out, it's impossible to bleed.

Hmph, it's always my young master's, but it's actually just a piece of junk."

Ah Jin looked indifferent, and said lightly, "I just hope he doesn't admit defeat and let the poison abuse him."

"Since this guy has eaten the speed fruit, he looks like I'm number one in the world, and he really needs to be cleaned up."

Van Oka tapped the gun on the shoulder, and said with a blank face: "From the beginning, the fate of Cavendish has been doomed."

Above Chris.

The girls looked at the fighting area, and they all became interested, and couldn't help but discuss.

"Is this the miasma fruit?"

It was not long before Pacia got on the ship, and she was the least familiar with the... squad leaders, so I was really shocked to see this shocking scene in front of me.

The beautiful eyes did not blink, and the pretty face showed emotion,"

It's too powerful, the natural devil fruit is really powerful."

"This miasma is poisonous and highly corrosive. Once he uses his fruit power, who would dare to get close to him? It's terrifying!"

Nami leaned on the chair, crossed Erlang's legs, nibbled on the seeds, and said carelessly, "No, it's not right for you to say that!"

"Last time I was bored, we asked Chris, and he said that the fruit of miasma can't compare to the fruit of speed."

"And the gap between the two is not... just a little bit, it's very huge."

Al Rita sat on the chair, elegant and generous, agreed and said something.

"The potential of the speed fruit is indeed extremely terrifying, and it can be called an infinite existence."

"Cavendish has just eaten this fruit, and it is too late to develop it, so naturally it will not be able to exert much power."

The Queen Sweetheart was still sitting on the railing, shaking her little feet, and said casually: "Actually, what I want to see is that Poison is defeated by him."

"There's no way, the poison group is always mysterious, lest the world be in chaos."

"It's really unconvincing for someone like him to not teach him a good lesson."

Betty leaned against the railing and took a breath, "Anyway... I don't have a good impression of these people."

"No one is normal, not even the vice-captain, Lafitte, is very annoying."

combat area.

At this time, the periphery was covered by miasma, with three layers inside and three layers outside, and all the places were filled with light green gas, and it was almost impossible to leak.

In the sky, it was also controlled by the poison, and the miasma was like a huge green pot, covering this area.

Obviously, all of Cavendish's retreats have been blocked!! "Damn nature, this young master is so fast, why is the ending still the same, it has not changed at all!"

Cavendish was mad, the anger in his eyes was like a volcano, it was about to erupt, and he was extremely angry.

"Could it be that you only need to be domineering to deal with the natural system, I don't believe it anymore, I will die, let me die!"

Holding the famous sword Durandall tightly, he slashed quickly, the sword energy rippling, and the sword, light and sword shadow filled the entire space.

Beautiful Sword Swan Lake, Beautiful Sword Slashing Stardust Prince, Beautiful Sword Round Table... Cavendish got angry and used all kinds of powerful swordsmanship.

, all of them have been used, and none of them have fallen.

The poisonous body, gathered and scattered, scattered and gathered again, in a constant cycle, allowing Cavendish to attack himself.

"Stupid fellow, you are pathetic enough, Cavendish!"

The poison body turned into a piece of air, floated in the air, and said with a sneer: "In front of Lao Tzu, you are a clown, a worthless garbage!"

"Don't stop, keep dancing, hurry up and please me, hahaha"

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