"This devil fruit, if developed properly, will definitely be super powerful."

Maya nodded lightly, her face filled with emotion, and she echoed.

"Yes, the power of illusion is endless, and you can't find the other side at all."

"In an illusion, a person can experience birth, old age, sickness and death, or become an eternal existence. All this is just a thought."

Leiju stroked her pink hair, touched her white chin, smiled sweetly, and said generously: "The hallucination fruit is indeed a very magical devil fruit."

"In the illusion, the ability person is... an invincible existence, who can attack the opponent at will, and make rules at will. It is simply... the gods in the illusion."

"The most important thing is that once the opponent is caught in the illusion, that kind of ... dream is not a dream, the connection between reality and dream is simply indistinguishable."

"Powerful, really a very good devil fruit."

The others nodded and didn't say much. They all agreed with each other, and their thoughts were completely the same... For opinions, which woman should I give this devil fruit, please leave a message in the book review area, the author Fungus will spend time to see.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

223: Nami eats the hallucination fruit and lands on the sky island!

"Illusion fruit, it sounds very powerful."

Murray stroked his red hair, looked at the girls, praised them, and said something.

"My sisters know so much that they even know what kind of devil fruit this is."

"Unlike us, since we got this devil fruit, we have been researching and researching, but we can't analyze what type it is, let's not mention the specific name."

Sarkis laughed and said happily: "Listening to what you said, it seems that this Devil Fruit is very powerful."

"Very good, the first gift to the captain should be more precious, but it can't be too casual."

Bellamy smiled and agreed: "The devil fruit that can create illusions is indeed very special, I have never heard of it."

"This time, the captain will definitely be satisfied when he receives this gift, hahaha..."

Bartolomeo shook his head, sighed, and said something with a look of emotion.

"This devil fruit feels like it suits me!"

"It's a pity, Lao Tzu is already a capable person, and he can no longer eat the devil fruit. It's a pity for the rest of your life!"

Luo held the demon knife and cried, and said coldly as always: "The devil fruit that can create an illusion is indeed a very unique existence."

"During the battle, let the opponent fall into the illusion, and before the opponent reacts, one hit will kill."

"Very good, this is a very powerful Devil Fruit!!"

Hawkins was still dead, and said in a low voice: "All squad leaders are already capable, so this devil fruit is destined to belong to others."

Bassas was the most forthright, tapped the table with his wine glass, looked at Bellamy, laughed and said.

"As soon as I got on the boat, I received such a big gift. It's eye-catching!"

"Come on, you kid is very fond of Lao Tzu, toast and drink!"

At this time, all the girls who went out to shop, one by one carrying big bags and small bags, walked in.

Everyone's pretty faces showed sweet and charming smiles. It seems that this time out for shopping, they were all satisfied and bought what they wanted.


De Zaya leaned against the chair, crossed Erlang's legs, Mei Mu glanced at Nami and the others, and said with a smile, "You guys bought so many things, aren't you too much?"

The Sweetheart Queen shrugged her shoulders and said casually: "It is estimated that all the clothing stores in the entire street have been visited by them."

Nami put the large and small bags on the sofa, wiped the sweat from her forehead, smiled cutely and innocently, and said carelessly.

"It's rare to come to Mogu Town. If you don't buy more, how can you be worth it... This town, hahaha"

Karina leaned back on the sofa, rubbed her jade arm, her pale and flawless face showed a look of exhaustion, "Alas, every time I go shopping, I don't want to move after I come back."

Suddenly, Perona pointed to the wooden box on the table, with a look of surprise on her face, and hurriedly said: "Hey, why is there a devil fruit!"

"Where did it come from, and what kind of devil fruit is this?"

Hearing her words, all the girls who went out shopping hurriedly looked at the table one by one, and they found a white devil fruit.

Meidi brushed her pale blond hair, and frowned her thin willow leaf eyebrows, and said unsurely, "This fruit is a superhuman hallucination fruit, right?"

Ke Ya's eyebrows are curved and she smiles sweetly, "Sister Meidi, you are right, this is indeed the fruit of illusion."

"Bellamy and the others joined the team and took this demon.

For Chris."

Lei Jiuyu touched her white chin with her hand, and said gracefully and gracefully, "I'm already a person of ability, so this devil fruit, let's discuss it."

"Illusion fruit is very powerful, don't hesitate, you have to hurry up and say it directly if you like it."

Nami hurriedly raised her hand, her face was full of anxiety, she hurriedly signed up, and said quickly, "I, I like this fruit very much."

"My sisters, can you give me this illusion fruit?"

Nami put her hands together, pretending to be very innocent, and asked weakly, "Please, sisters, give me this fruit."

"Little sister will remember your kindness and thank you!"

Karina rolled her eyes at her with a speechless expression, "I wanted to snatch it from you, but now there is no hope."

"Really, this girl also likes this devil fruit very much. It feels like...it was tailor-made for me, it's really suitable."

"But since you speak first, if this girl robs you, won't it destroy our sisterhood?"

Karina patted Nami's fragrant shoulder, her beautiful eyes flowing, revealing a sly look, she said generously: "Forget it, I'll leave it to you, I won't have the same knowledge as you."

Makino's eyebrows were curved and she smiled gently, "Don't worry, no one will rob you."

"We sisters are very good at talking and won't make a fuss over a devil fruit."

De Zaya stroked his red and yellow hair, and smiled lightly, "There will be better Devil Fruits in the future, so I'm not in a hurry at all."

Everyone else nodded with a smile on their pretty faces, and gave Nami the illusion fruit instead of competing with her.

"Happy, I'm so happy."

With bright eyes, Nami continued to put her hands together and said gratefully: "Thank you all, I will remember everyone's good, and I will never forget."

At this time, Chris stood up, still so calm, and said lightly: "Let's go."

After speaking, he was very decisive and walked directly towards the door.

"Bellamy, the captain never waits for anyone, let's go back to the ship and continue drinking."

Bashas laughed, and said happily: "I haven't had enough of it yet, I'll play the next round, Wei Hahaha..."

Bellamy stepped to keep up, looking very confident, "Basas, you picked the wrong opponent, drinking, I have never been afraid of anyone."

With a look of longing and yearning, Ribas said, "Going to sea, we are going to sea with Lord Chris."

"The next journey will definitely be very interesting, I am very convinced of this."

Saqis nodded and agreed, "Of course, the Qiwuhai is so beautiful, it is the focus wherever you go."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, let's catch up quickly, don't fall behind."

The girls also stepped forward, talking and laughing, and followed.

Pacia blinked her beautiful eyes, Yingying smiled and said, "The team has become stronger and stronger. It's really great."

Maya nodded, brushed her dark blue hair in front of her forehead, smiled freshly and sweetly, and said something.

"Yes, not only recruited new members, but also got such a powerful Devil Fruit."

"This trip to Magic Valley Town is really the right time."

Murray looked at them with a lovely and charming smile on his fair and delicate face, "Speaking of which, our captain is really cold."

"From entering the bar to leaving here, I only said two sentences, four words."

"One is 'OK', the other is 'Let's go', concise, and quite silent."

Nami was the happiest now, holding the wooden box in one hand, and patted Murray's fragrant shoulder with the other, looking very bold.

"That's right, you found it all."

"What kind of person Chris is, you'll know when you get along for a while."

"Remember that one sentence in Chris's sayings."

"What people see is his calm appearance, but in fact he hides his power in his heart."

Nami laughed and said carelessly: "Anyway... Well, Chris looks ruthless, but he's actually a good captain who speaks well."

Ke Ya nodded again and again, looked at Murray, and smiled sweetly: "You don't have to worry too much, Chris is a typical cold-hearted outsider."

"I was also very afraid of him when I first got on the boat.

But after getting along for a while, you will know his heart, that's a good one."

Leiju blinked her beautiful eyes, elegant and dignified, and echoed.

"Chris, when he doesn't know him, thinks that's the same thing."

"But after getting to know him, you will find out how good he is, he is simply outstanding."

Betty spit out the smoke from her mouth, and couldn't help but complain, "It's almost enough, don't keep complimenting Chris!"

"The old lady's ears are getting calluses, she can't stand it anymore, she slipped away!"

After speaking, he took a big step, left the group of girls, and walked forward quickly.

Then, these....beauties, chatting and chatting one by one, walked towards the port with elegant and beautiful steps, preparing to go to the empty island...

224: Through the Cumulus Emperor Cloud, you can reach the magical sky island!

Inside the bar.

When the guests saw that Chris and the others had left, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's terrible, is this the Qiwuhai, it's really powerful!!!"

"Yes, as expected of Qiwuhai, good guy, I was so scared that I couldn't breathe, hahaha..."

"Is this the world of the strong? It's so dazzling."

"What's the matter, my son is also 19 years old this year, he can't do anything except... play in the mud.

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