But Chris is 19 years old and already Shichibukai, fuck!"

"It's amazing, it's a pity I don't have a daughter, or I might let her marry Chris, quack..."

"Why do you all want to marry your daughters one by one! I didn't see the clouds of beauties around Chris, people would look at your daughters, what a joke."

"ZiZhi, don't say, those women just now are really beautiful! Especially that... curly eyebrows beauty, that face, that figure, can't do it, I'm going to die in battle..."

"Fart, that... carrying a big iron rod is the most beautiful.

Mad, that skin is really amazing! I have seen countless women, but I have never seen such good skin, oh

"I don't know what to say. Anyway, I'm just envious, jealous, and hateful. I really envy the dead old man, Mahle Gobi..."

At this time, Terry walked out of the counter and strode to the sofa, protecting the sofa like an eagle protecting a chicken.

With a big smile on his face, he was extremely excited, and shouted, "Wow wow wow, developed, now I will make a fortune!"

"This is the sofa that Chris sat on, the throne of Qiwuhai, it's precious, it's a peerless treasure!"

"When I get old, I will take this sofa as a family heirloom and pass it on to my son.

Then pass it on to the grandson, and pass it on from generation to generation, hahaha..."

Seeing the crazy appearance of the boss, and listening to what he said, the guests burst into laughter and laughed.

"Hey, boss, are you crazy, why are you guarding a sofa, do you want a sofa, la la la"

"It's the same as the truth, isn't it just a sofa, it's worth the money!!"

"This boss is insane, everyone ignore him, let's continue drinking."

Suddenly, a fat-headed, big-eared middle-aged man in luxurious clothes walked over to Terry's side and said with a smile, "Boss, let's discuss it."

"You bought a few thousand Baileys at most for this sofa, and it's been used for many years."

"Now I'm offering ten thousand baileys for this old sofa of yours, and you're sure to make a lot of money."

"How about boss, it's more cost-effective than buying and selling."

Someone really made an offer to buy the surrounding guests, and they were stunned for a while, and they didn't say anything more. They all looked over and wanted to know what Terry would do.

"This boss, looking at your appearance, you should be very rich."

Terry patted the sofa, still so excited, "But this sofa is my family heirloom, so I can't give it up, I'm really sorry!"

"fifty thousand!"

The middle-aged man opened his big hand and said "five"

gesture, and said a word very decisively.

"Not for sale!"

"Twenty thousand!"

"Not for sale!"

"Five million!"

"Not for sale!"

"one million!"

Terry waved his hand, and said in a very firm tone: "I don't sell it, I won't sell it for any money!"

"Boss, this is my heirloom, and it must not be sold."

"I'm sorry, I still have something to do. I'm busy first."

After he finished speaking, he pushed the sofa to the side to hide it well.

The middle-aged man shook his head, sighed, and said with a look of regret: "It's a pity, what a great collection, I just missed it."


Sighing again, full of unwillingness, he strode to the door, and soon disappeared.



The surrounding air became quiet, and there was no sound at all, and everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them.

"Made, I haven't dreamed, a broken five, sofa, sold one million Baileys, my day!"

"It's fake, it must be Too, the two of them are definitely colluding."

"You idiot, that person is the richest man in the town, how could he be a trustee? Don't talk nonsense."

"Crazy, this bar owner is crazy! Crap, a sofa is not for sale for [-] million yuan, I'll give it to your uncle!!"

"No, no, the sofa is so valuable, so must the newspaper.

When I go home, I'm going to collect things related to Chris, which will definitely sell for a good price in the future."

"Walk around, this is a business opportunity, the opportunity to make a lot of money is coming, quack..."

.................Four hours later.

Chris, in the training room.

"It's unbelievable, I never thought that there would be empty islands in the world."

Murray had just listened to what the girls said and knew that he was going to the Sky Island next, which shocked her severely.

With a look of surprise on the pretty face, she couldn't believe it and said, "If other people say they want to go to the sky island, I will definitely think this person is an idiot and a fool."

"But since Chris said so, it must be true and worthy of belief."

Nami is the happiest today. She has eaten the fruit of illusion and gained fantastic power. She has a sweet smile and said something.

"Yes, there is nothing in this world that Chris can't do."

"Equally, there is nothing he doesn't know, that's for sure."

Karina patted Nami's shoulder, rolled her eyes, and said angrily, "It's almost time to stop."

"Since you left Gaya Island, you've been laughing and laughing, you don't need to be so happy, what's the matter."

As Nami's older sister, Nuoqigao said with her eyebrows curled, "Of course she is happy, this is the fruit of an illusion."

"Seeing her become: so strong, I am also very happy, I am sincerely happy."

Al Rita stood the big black iron rod in front of her, rested for a while, and said something with a smile.

"Don't say it, I'm really looking forward to it now."

"Empty island, as long as I think of this word, I am very yearning, I really want to go and see it right away."

Keya looked at her, nodded her head heavily, smiled softly and generously, and echoed.

"Sister Arrita, I am also very longing for it. I really want to know what the sky island looks like. It must be very interesting and magical."

At this time, Murray looked at the figure of the man in front of him, with admiration in his beautiful eyes, and praised him.

"Chris is really too diligent. As soon as he got on the boat, he started practicing immediately without saying a word."

"It's already Qiwuhai, the strongest pirate in this sea."

"The talent is more powerful than others, and it is more hard-working than others. It is really admirable."

Leiju leaned against the chair, crossed Erlang's legs, brushed her pink hair, smiled gently, and said something generously.

"You just got on the boat, and you don't know how hard-working Chris is."

"This guy is like a robot. He wakes up earlier than a chicken and sleeps later than a dog. In addition to practicing, there is only practice left."

Betty waved the banner, cultivated the Devil Fruit ability, took a breath and said: "Anyway... come here at twelve o'clock at night, he must still be: cultivating."

"This guy's willpower is not a normal person at all, you will understand this sooner or later."

Suddenly, a siren was heard outside.


"The night is coming from the front, it is Emperor Jiyun! The night is coming from..."

The voice was extremely loud and exciting, showing how excited the alarm officer was and how much he was looking forward to the sky island.


Hearing the sound of the alarm, the girls fell silent one by one, and looked at each other with surprises on their pretty faces.

"Let's go."

Chris stopped to rest, said a light word, without any hesitation, and walked directly to the door.

Nami hurriedly stood up, a look of anticipation on her face, "Let's go, go out and have a look."

"Emperor Cloud, this is the key to the sky island, just thinking about it makes people crazy with excitement."

Murray shook his head, his pretty face was full of emotion, and he said, "Everything is under Chris's control, it's really amazing."

"What a mysterious place the sky is, it's amazing that Chris knows so well."

De Zaya brushed his red and yellow hair, walked outside, and said with a smile, "I don't know about the rest, anyway... I want to go to the island right now."

"I've been looking forward to this magical island in the sky for a long time!"

Leiju looked at Baccarat, blinked her beautiful eyes, and said with a gentle smile: "It's still you who brought good luck. If you don't want to go to the sky island, it's not that easy."

"After all, such a rare thing as Ji Diyun is not something you can come across if you want to see it."

Baccarat folded her crimson hair and smiled sweetly, "Chris said that the way to the island above is not the only one."

"As long as Chris wants to go up, he can take everyone to the sky island at any time, which is inevitable."

"So, this matter has nothing to do with me, so you don't need to praise me like that."

Then, the girls chatted and talked about the sky island, and walked outside one after another...on the deck.

Hearing the voice of the alarm officer, the squad leaders all stopped to practice and looked at the sky ahead one by one.

I saw a darkness there, pitch black as ink, it was clearly day, but it instantly turned into night, like a wild beast, it looked quite terrifying.

"Appeared, it really is an incredible cloud."

Bashas raised his arms and laughed loudly, "A cloud that can even be blocked by the sun, this is the cumulus emperor cloud, Wei Hahahaha..."

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