Conis held the harp and stood in front of the window with a sweet and gentle smile. She agreed: "Yes, the world here is too different from the empty island."

"Blue sky, white clouds fluttering, and below is the blue sea level, sparkling, and you can see fish swimming happily..."

"Really, this place is much better than the empty island."

Yun Yaxin nodded and said with a sweet smile: "They like empty islands and yearn for the world of the sky."

"And the few of us are envious of the world below. It's really interesting."

At this time, Jessica leaned on the chair, crossed Erlang's legs, brushed the pale golden hair in front of her forehead, and showed a wry smile on her beautiful and delicate face, sighing with emotion.

"I said you guys, can you stop talking about the sky island, I really envy me."

"All of you have been to the sky island, but I haven't been there. Is this really appropriate?"

"Envy, I really want to go to the empty island once."

The day before yesterday, the fleet encountered chef Jessica while sailing.

Needless to say, under the influence of Baccarat's lucky fruit, her fate was already doomed and she could only become a member of the ship.

This is similar to Conis, Yun Yaxin and others, there is nothing strange, it is quite normal.

Nami waved the wooden sword, cultivated her physical strength, and said with a big grin: "You are right, it's too unfair to you to always mention the sky island."

"After all, that place is so beautiful and charming. Every time you mention it, it will deepen your impression, which is very tormenting."

Al Rita stood the big iron rod in front of her, took a rest, smiled and said, "Okay, the empty islands are already a thing of the past, so let's not talk about this topic."

"Let's talk about the next journey, where will the next island be?"

At this moment, a crisp bell rang in the training room.

BRU BRU BRU... Hearing this voice, the girls quickly stopped talking and looked at Baccarat one by one.

Because the sound came from the drawer in front of her.

"Who could it be, is it Violet again?"

Lei Jiuyu held her delicate chin in her hand and blinked her beautiful eyes, she was elegant and noble, a special lady.

Baccarat didn't answer, slowly opened the drawer, took out the phone bug inside, and answered the phone without hesitation.

"Hello, is that Chris?"

The phone bug simulates Robin's appearance, with fluttering hair, intellectual and elegant as always, and very temperamental.

Ke Yamei's eyes lit up, she smiled sweetly and said, "It's Sister Robin, I miss her so much all of a sudden.

And Weiwei, I miss them so much."

Baccarat frowned, smiled and said.

"Robin, you know what happened to that guy Chris."

"He doesn't care about anything except cultivation.

So if you have something to do, tell me directly, and I will tell her later."

Nami stopped cultivating, walked over and said with a smile, "Robin, how have you been recently, will you be very tired?"

"Don't say it, I've been apart for a while, but I miss you a little bit, haha..."

Robin picked up the coffee, took a sip, and said with a slight smile, "Me too, I miss you so much, so I'll give you a call."

"As for the work, it's not tiring, it's progressing relatively smoothly, and it's gradually on the right track."

When it comes to work, Robin has a correct attitude, a serious look on his pretty face, and a serious sentence.

"Chris Shichibukai's identity is indeed very convenient for recruiting new people. Many people come every day, but there are very few who can stay."

"Among them are the bounty hunters Johnny, Joseph, and Captain Chloe's former minions, Zanko and the Catman..."

"Although these people are not very strong, their potential is very good.

As long as you cultivate for a period of time, you will have the opportunity to become a member of the team."

Robin smiled lightly and said confidently: "Although there is no squad leader-level appearance now, I believe it will not be long before there will be."

Princess Weiwei looked at the phone bug, a gentle lady, "Sisters, don't worry, the branch has been developing rapidly, and the results are gratifying."

"As long as we are given enough time, the branch will be done well. We are all confident about this."

Baccarat shook his head gently, persuaded, and said with concern: "You don't have to rush, take your time, take care of your body, don't be too tired."

"Chris said that the establishment of a branch cannot be accomplished overnight."

"Anyway, you have to take care of yourself, this is the most important thing."

Immediately afterwards, Baccarat changed the subject and said with a smile: "Robin, we encountered a stone tablet with history engraved on it some time ago."

"Chris knows that you like to study this piece very much, so the text is rubbed and will be sent to Alabasta in a while."

"As for what's recorded in it, you just need to know. You don't need to report it to Chris. He's not interested in this."



Upon hearing this, Robin couldn't sit still any longer, and stood up directly, with a look of surprise on his pretty face, and he was extremely excited.

No way, she, who was born in O'Hara, has long been obsessed with the study of history.

Under such circumstances, how could she not be surprised when she suddenly heard that history appeared.

"Thank you, thank you Chris..."

"It's great, it's really great, I'm so happy"

Robin took a deep breath, gradually calmed down, smiled, and hurriedly said, "Sister Baccarat, please say thank you to Chris on my behalf!"

"His kindness, I will always remember and never forget!"

Baccarat waved his hand and smiled sweetly: "What's the matter, you don't have to be too polite."

"It doesn't take much time to rub the text, it's just a trivial matter worth mentioning."

"Okay, that's it for now, Robin, keep busy, let's talk when you have time..."

Immediately afterwards, the phone hangs up, and the call ends here.

Guys, here's a picture of Jessica.

As for.. this beautiful chef, I believe everyone knows it, so the author will not introduce more.

If there is something you don't understand, you can Baidu it, and that's it, you can't count the words.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read

236: The Elbaf giant is dispatched!The squad leader's order is out!Squad Leader Devil Fruit Ranking!

Rain banquet, in the office.

At this time, there are six people here, all women, namely Robin, Princess Vivi, Lasha, Mikita, Sarah and Marianne.

"Sister Robin, congratulations, I'm really happy for you."

Mikita leaned back on the chair, crossed Erlang's legs, raised her eyebrows, and said something with a smile.

Sara brushed her water-blue hair, picked up the coffee, took a sip, and said elegantly and dignifiedly, "Sister Robin is indeed the most powerful and has a wealth of knowledge."

Marianne ate the senbei, with a sweet smile on her pretty face, nodded her head, and agreed.

"That's right, Sister Robin is the person I admire the most. She's really amazing."

Robin sat down, stroked his black and beautiful hair, looked at the three of them, and praised them with a look of relief.

"Seriously, you've changed a lot since this time."

"I'm getting more and more elegant and generous, and my mental outlook has improved a lot. It's no longer what it used to be. I really feel my heartfelt joy for you."

Mikita shook her head slightly, sighed with emotion, and said, "Looking back at the past, I was really bad, a very unqualified person."

"However, there is no way to do this. Under Crocodile, the people who come into contact with them are all those... rabble, and there is no one worthy of learning."

"Under such an atmosphere, of course, I can't get much better. The whole person is so bad, it's really rubbish."

Sarah shrugged her shoulders and said casually, "Just like what Chris said, those who are close to the vermillion are red, those who are close to the ink are black."

"With sloppy people, we get sloppy too.

And with good people, we will naturally be affected and become: better and better."

"Sister Robin, Princess Vivi, and Lasha, you are all so dignified and ladylike, all so perfect."

"Under your influence, if we don't make changes, how can we be worthy of... You three, you say yes."

Lasha waved his hand quickly, smiled bitterly, and said embarrassedly, "It's nothing to do with me, I'm not as good as you said."

"Sister Robin and Vivi, they are the real ladies, especially noble and elegant."

"The reason why you have made such a big change is because of the two of them, and it has nothing to do with me."

Princess Weiwei stood up, walked to the window, spread her jade arms, her face was full of joy, she looked very relaxed and very happy.

"Anyway...whatever it is, everyone is getting better and better, including Alabasta, which is changing."

"There is more and more rain, the desert is gradually disappearing, green plants are growing, and the people are smiling happily..."

Princess Weiwei looked at the sky outside the window, and saw that the weather was gloomy, as if it was going to rain again, her tone was extremely brisk, and she said something cheerful.

"I believe that in a short time, the desert will disappear completely, and the country will develop rapidly and become prosperous and strong."

Robin leaned on the chair, crossed Erlang's legs, and wrapped his arms in front of him. He said intelligently and elegantly, "Dongli and Broki also brought good news, and it was a success."

"The giants of Elbaf will come here one after another in the next few days to contribute to the establishment of the branch."

"With these... the addition of the giant clan, our recruitment plan will definitely proceed faster and more smoothly."

"Anyway, no matter what...

Whether it's a country, a branch, or an individual...everything, everything is going in the right direction, which is really gratifying."

............ Chris, above deck.

"Sister Aisha, you are really amazing"

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