Abis sat on the railing, blinked her big eyes, smiled pure and lovely, praised and said something.

"You're only a few years older than me, and you already know how domineering you are, so I envy you!"

Elsa is also sitting on the railing, shaking the small talk, it's amazing."

Padong especially likes fishing, smiles, and says proudly: "I'm the best, why don't you praise me?"

"The boss has said that I grow civet cats, but they are very powerful and powerful."

Bepo's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said: "Quick, a fish is hooked, quickly pull it up..."

On the other side, the squad leaders also chatted.

Bashas looked at Anilu, encouraged him, and said loudly: "Hey, you are the fruit of thunder, known as the strongest natural system."

"Mad, you are so powerful, why don't you compete for the position of vice-captain, it's so stupid."

Poison Light sneered viciously, "If I had such a strong Devil Fruit, I would have killed Lafitte long ago."

"El Nilu, be brave if you are a man, don't be timid like a woman."

Cavendish swept his poisonous eyes and said with a sneer: "You guy, it seems that you weren't beaten enough last time... It's so miserable, you dare to challenge things and seek death!"

"But it's not enough, when this young master learns to be domineering, he will teach you how to behave, hohohoho..."

At this time, Anilu waved his fists, frantically cultivated his armament, and said with an extremely certain tone, and said aloud.

"It's boring, the battle for the squad leader and the battle for the deputy captain are all irrelevant."

"Domineering, I just want to learn to be domineering, this is the most important thing."

"As long as I learn the armed color, combined with my super strong sense of color, then the position of the deputy captain will be me."

Ai Nilu's eyes flashed, and he said in a low voice: "At that time, I will challenge the captain and have a battle for the captain, hahaha"

Wayipa stopped cultivating, shrugged his shoulders, and was fierce as always, "It's inevitable that we won't be able to fight against them."

"Speaking of which, if we hadn't met the captain, we would have been so ignorant, and it would have been impossible to know the existence of armed color."

"But it's not too late now, as long as you practice hard, wait for Lao Tzu to master this ability, and then add the fruits of recovery."

Wayipa looked at Luo with ruthless eyes, and said confidently: "At that time, you should give me the position of the first team."

Luo held the demon knife and cried, still so indifferent, and said directly: "The rules on our ship, the strong are respected."

"As long as you have the strength, then you can challenge me, no one will refuse."

Urki stood the big black pencil in front of him, rested for a while, and said with a smile on his face.

"From this monk's point of view, the captain of this ship will always be Chris. This is impossible to change."

"Deputy Captain Lafitte, First Team Captain Luo, Second Second Team Captain Van Oka, Third Team Captain Cavendish, Fourth Team Captain..."

"Your position will remain for a long time and will not be shuffled."

"After all, several of us have made a decision, and we will start the battle when we learn to be domineering and armed."

Hearing Urki talking about the squad leader's ranking, Basharston was angry and said very dissatisfied: "Mad, talking about this, I'm full of anger."

"Damn Cavendish, if it weren't for his speed, I would kill him in minutes."

"A guy who can't be domineering, I actually lost to him, what a fucking shit!!"

Ah Jin looked indifferent, and said casually: "The captain is right, the world's martial arts, only fast is not broken."

"Cavendish has the fruit of speed. In the face of absolute speed, it is normal for you to lose."

Bartolomeo put his hands in his trouser pockets and tugged, smiled disdainfully, and said.

"Ajin, don't be so sure, I don't agree with you."

"If it weren't for Lao Tzu's slow development of the barrier fruit, who would be Lao Tzu's opponent."

"One counts as one, can you break Lao Tzu's barrier, no, you can only stare there."

Crow pushed his glasses, the light of wisdom flashed in his eyes, and said calmly and calmly: "Speaking of which, all of us are devil fruit capable people."

"I specifically asked the captain yesterday, among the fourteen of us, whose Devil Fruit has the most potential."

"The captain did not give a positive answer, but commented a few words at random. A total of four people made the list."

"Cavendish, Arkin, Anilu, and Waipah."

"If the fruit of speed is developed to the extreme, it can even travel through time and space, going back and forth between the past and the future."

"Explosive fruit is developed to the extreme, it can detonate everything around it, and even space can explode."

"Let's not mention the thunder fruit, the strongest natural system, the destructive power of thunder and lightning, is definitely the biggest."

"And the recovery fruit is developed to the extreme, it can be immune to all attacks, and it will not suffer any damage at all. It is truly immortal and immortal."

Crow glanced at everyone present, expressionless, and said with certainty: "So one day in the future, the candidate for the deputy captain must be one of the four of them."

"As for the captain's position, it goes without saying that no one can shake it."

Lafitte adjusted his black top hat, smiled slightly, and said very gentlemanly: "I don't know how many years it will take to develop it to that point."

"Maybe it's impossible to do it all my life."

"Anyway... My position is here. Anyone who has an idea can come to me at any time. This vice-captain will never refuse."

At this moment, Bartolomeo shook his head, sighed, and said something very disappointed.

"My barrier fruit is so powerful, why is the captain not optimistic? It's really sad, alas..."

Bellamy patted him on the shoulder and laughed, "Seriously, if Cavendish develops speed to the extreme, what you call a barrier, that's a joke."

"Even if your whole body is surrounded by barriers, Cavendish can still penetrate, and you can't stop it."

"Okay, although the captain just said that casually, it must be correct, don't be discouraged, hahaha"

At this moment, a siren sounded from the observation deck.


"Ahead is... Long Chain Island, log in or not! Ahead is..."

Sorry everyone, in case of emergency, we have to open a single chapter again!

Ladies and gentlemen, my grandfather passed away at 83:[-] today at the age of [-].

In the next few days, the funeral ceremony will be held, and the younger brother will be very busy.

Update this piece, try to keep updating it as much as possible, sorry! Finally, for the sake of my brother, I ask everyone to vote for a monthly ticket! Your monthly ticket is... the greatest support for my brother! Bow down and thank you all! Salute to the old wolf! March 2, 3 years! Feilu reminds you: three things to read

237: Country Name - Chris Empire!The slow fruit ability, Foxy appears!

Brothers and sisters, the funeral ceremony has ended. There is basically nothing to do next, and the update is gradually resumed. Thank you for your support, and the little brother bows! Chris, in the training room.

Hearing the voice of the alarm officer, the girls stopped chatting and discussed the Long Chain Island one after another.

"Arrived at Long Chain Island, the speed is really fast!"

Al Rita stood the big black iron rod in front of her, wiped the sweat on her forehead, smiled and said, "I heard Chris say that this is a very interesting island."

Makino stroked her dark green hair, curving her eyebrows, and said something as gentle and generous as ever.

"Yes, according to Chris, the creatures on this island are very long, which fully reflects the name of Long Chain Island."

Keya lightly nodded her head, blinked her beautiful eyes, and said with a sweet smile, "I've been looking forward to it ever since I heard about Long Chain Island."

"I really want to see what kind of island this is and why it is so peculiar!"

At this moment, Baccarat leaned on the chair, crossed Erlang's legs, looked at the man in front of him who was cultivating hard, and said dignifiedly and gracefully.

"Chris, our luck has come again."


Those girls... who were not familiar with Baccarat's abilities, all showed surprises on their pretty faces, and couldn't help sighing with emotion.

"This is the fruit of luck, it's really special."

Jierxin's beautiful eyes watched Baccarat carefully, as if she wanted to see her clearly.

Laqi stopped cultivating her arrogance, brushed her hair in front of her forehead, and smiled charmingly and beautifully, "Chris is so powerful, plus the lucky fruit of Sister Baccarat."

"That way, as long as Chris wants to do, there's no failure."

Conis's willow-leaf eyebrows were curved into a crescent shape, and she said with a shallow smile, "I used to stay on an empty island, and my knowledge was short, and I didn't even know that this world was so strange."

"Oh, by the way, I'm really sorry for not mentioning about the sky island!"

At this moment, Chris put away the blood-red supreme knife, still so calm, "Let's go."

After speaking, without any hesitation, he walked straight to the door.

Nami put down the map, stood up, and said carelessly: "What good luck is this time, whether it's a newcomer or a devil fruit, I'm really looking forward to it!"

Perona floated in the air and let out a crisp laugh, "If you have both, then it's best, halie ha ha ha..."

"It's so slow to sail, when can I enter the new world, my mother can't wait."

Betty carried the banner, took a breath, and made a faint voice.

Leijiu glanced at her, smiled softly and said, "It's already very fast, so do you feel slow?"

"Our Chris is a whale that has eaten the fruit of the boat, and its speed is definitely the world's first."

"It seems that you are still too boring, so you want to enter the new world early!"

Queen Sweetheart patted Leijiu's shoulder, and said with a sweet smile, "Not only does she want to enter the new world earlier, but so do I."

"The place known as the strongest sea, all the seas, look there and make a name."

"Of course, these are secondary.

What I want to see most is Chris leading everyone to attack the next country as a base."

Maya's eyebrows are curved, and her beautiful face has a sweet smile, "Chris has said it before, and the name of this country will be called 'Chris Empire'."

"There are two points to pay attention to here. One is that the country has the word 'Chris', which shows that Chris is the supreme leader of the country."

"The other, this is the 'Christian Empire, not the 'Christian Kingdom'. The difference here is very big."

Pacia nodded lightly, brushed the hair in front of her forehead, and said with a smile, "As far as I know, the countries in this world are called kingdoms."

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