After all, the fruit of luck really exists, and it is undoubtedly the greatest help for Chris.

Next is Betty. Among the girls, the strongest one is her.

After all, she has a two-color domineering, and the devil fruit is also very good.

The Queen of Sweetheart, the person with the ability to paste fruit, comes from the theatrical version.

Karina, did not eat devil fruit, from the theatrical version, is a singer, singing very well.

Nuoqi Gao, did not eat devil fruit, many readers said at that time, this woman is not good-looking, let the author's bacteria not be affected by the ship.

Anyway... well, many readers have great opinions on... this woman.

Carmen, a beautiful chef, from the anime, appeared in Rogue Town.

De Zaya, Bartolomeo's friend, from the anime, his hometown is Rogue Town.

Pacia, a role-playing role, appeared in the Chambord Islands. At that time, she was a slave and was later released.

Maya, from the theatrical version, is a witch, representing holiness. In the subsequent content, her role is not small:.

Laqi, from the sky island, is also a role-playing role, but unfortunately the author still likes her very much.

The clothes she wears are very beautiful and her figure is also very good. It's a pity that she is such a trickster.

Conis, from the sky island, is a gentle and kind girl.

Aisha, a little girl, is born with a sense of domineering and domineering, and the follow-up content will definitely come in handy.

Yun Yaxin, from the sky island, is also a role-playing role, not many people know her at all.

Jessica, from the anime, the chef of the branch, looks very beautiful, but unfortunately is a dragon role.

Polqi, from the anime, appeared in the Long Chain Island, is a girl with a very distinctive voice, and she doesn't look very good.

Cobato, from the anime, the doctor of the branch, looks very good, but unfortunately is also a dragon role.

Lai Jia, this little girl, is a talented little secretary, many readers don't know her.

After Kalifa was defeated, Iceberg just... recruited her as a secretary, a very powerful little girl.

In the follow-up content, this little girl will still play a huge role, there is no doubt about this.

Mo Yaqi, when Bingshan recruited a secretary, she was one of the contestants, but unfortunately lost to Lai Jia.

This is a dragon role, and basically no one knows her existence.

Arubelu, from the anime, that is, Winter Island, looks like a normal character, the same dragon set.

Lilu, Arubel's younger sister, doesn't look very good, so she probably won't appear in the future.

.................The above-mentioned women are not very popular in anime, so the number of appearances in the following content is naturally relatively small. .

No, Baccarat and Betty, those two don't count.

Perona is very popular, so I won't introduce it too much.

In subsequent content, it will appear frequently.

Leiju, not to mention this, the author Jun likes her very much, so every time she writes a dialogue between the girls, she will definitely be mentioned, haha, by the way, Leiju ate the swamp fruit, this must be mentioned.

Nami, I won't say much about this, I will definitely mention it all the time.

When boarding the sky island, the author fungus specially gave Nami a close-up and let her play the role of a navigator.

For no other reason, Nami's popularity is too high, all readers like her, so she will definitely be mentioned frequently in the future.

In addition, Nami ate the hallucination fruit, please note this.

Mei Di, a role-playing role, will not appear often in the follow-up, but she ate the fruit of wine and wine, which needs to be mentioned.

Makino, this gentle and lovely big sister, will be mentioned often in the future.

After all, Makino's popularity is so high that all readers, knowing her existence, also like her very much.

In the following content, it will be arranged to eat a powerful Devil Fruit. As for what it is, we will see it later.

Keya, this... innocent girl, is undoubtedly very popular, and it will definitely appear in the following content.

It is for this reason that the author let her eat the natural soil fruit, the devil fruit known as the strongest defense.

Al Rita, this popularity is also very high, so every conversation will give her a shot.

Abis, relatively speaking, is not very popular, so she rarely appears.

She has the ability to whisper fruit, and she will play a big role in the future.

The above women are all with Chris.

Next, talk about the women over there in Alabasta.

......................... Robin, needless to say about this popularity, Robin sauce is definitely the most popular one to see the beauty of One Piece .

It is for this reason that the branch is left to her to take care of.

Princess Weiwei, who is also very popular, gentle and kind, will bring her to the new world when the branch is running normally.

Lasha, a role-playing role, not many people know her, and she will basically not appear.

Mikita, a person with the ability to light and flutter fruit, has very little quality.

However, under the guidance of Robin, she got better and better and gradually became a lady.

Marianne, a painter, is not very popular.

The strength of the painter is actually very powerful, but it should not be written about her later.

After all, not many people like her.

Sarah, the thorn fruit ability person, is not very popular, and it is estimated that it will not appear much later.

...... Next, let's talk about which squad leaders are on board.

Many readers have mentioned this one, but they don't know how many squad leaders there are on board, so let's count them here.

Bassas, after eating the sonic fruit, will be two-color domineering.

Poison eats natural qi fruit, it will be domineering in two colors.

Lafitte is the vice-captain and a devil fruit person.

Luo is the captain of the first team.

Hawkins has a low personality and has a very good relationship with Luo.

Ah Jin, who has the ability to explode fruit, his strength will be terrifying in the future.

Fan Oka, the person who wears the fruit ability, the captain of the 2nd and [-]nd division, has a very distinctive speech, and always puts his fate on his lips.

Catchphrase: "This is destiny!"

Chloe, eating the air pressure fruit, has a very high IQ, and is second only to Beckman in One Piece.

Bartolomeo, still eating the barrier fruit, has a rebellious personality.

Cavendish, after eating the Fruit of Speed, must be very powerful in the future, and his strength is absolutely terrifying.

Bellamy, this guy is very gifted for... armed and domineering cultivation.

In the anime, his armament is very powerful.

Anilu, since he came down from the sky island, he has been challenging all kinds of people.

So, in the following fights, Chris basically doesn't have to shoot, and he will leave it to Anilu to deal with it.

This guy's strength will definitely be the emperor's deputy level in the future, there is no doubt about this.

Wayipa, eat the fruit of recovery, this devil fruit is super powerful, so this person's strength will definitely be terrifying.

Urki, devil fruit capable, weapon is a huge pencil, always smiling.

Foxy, the person with the ability to slow fruit, in the anime, his development of this devil fruit is very rubbish.

Now following Chris, it is naturally different, and the strength behind him is very good.

Aquino, who has the ability to heat the fruit, can raise the temperature to [-] degrees, and his strength is very good.

Dongli, staying in the kingdom of Alabasta, probably won't be following Chris anymore.

Broki, like Tory, doesn't say much.

......The ones written above... are the beautiful women and the squad leader on the boat.

As for the animal part, there is Padong, who eats the fruit of a phantom beast, a civet cat, and can transform into any person.

And Bepo, the fur clan following Luo.

Seahorse, when stealing memories, was taken to the ship by Chris.

Cavendish's personality, that is, the little black dog, will play a big role in the future, it is not as simple as a single dog.

This ship is the whale that ate the fruit of the ship, the fastest ship in the world, no one.

In addition, Bellamy's subordinates, such as Saakis, Ribas and others.

Also, the sons of Aquino under the four priests of Anilu, such as Cambacino and others... These all belong to the squad, so in the following content, they are all I took it in one stroke, and I won't write more.

I mainly write about the squad leader, other little people, I won't write more.

As for .. this, I believe you should have seen it.

.................About Chris's situation, here is a summary.

Chris, can be domineering in three colors, in terms of physical skills, towards the peacock, the day tiger, the evening elephant and the night kay.

Chao Peacock has already used it, and Day Tiger has also cultivated it, but it has not been used yet.

As long as Xixiang and Yekai, that is the content of the latter, I will not mention it here for the time being.


On the one hand, it has the supreme knife, which is blood red, and this knife, after eating the superhuman transformation fruit, can become bigger and smaller, and it has been hanging on Chris's neck.

As for the Devil Fruit ability, the currently developed moves are as follows.

Shen Luo Tianzheng, repelling space, repelling mirrors, repelling fists, repelling sounds, repelling fatigue.

Among these moves, everyone's favorite must be Shen Luo Tianzheng, there is not much to say about this.

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