As for the other moves, we'll talk about it later.

.................Well, the front is a summary of the previous content, and then I will talk about the following plot, here is the spoiler in advance.

First, let me mention the situation about the next squad leader.

A reader left a message in the book review area before, saying that Chris's path is very similar to that of Locks, and he has a group of strong teams under him.

In fact, this is also true, each of Chris's subordinates can be independent, and they will all be big names in the future.

Drake is a very good subordinate, and in the following plots, he will definitely be accepted as his younger brother.

Apu, the sound of playing discs, is also very good, and will also receive it later.

There are also crows, that is, in the anime, the cadres of the revolutionary army, this will also be taken as a subordinate in the future.

In addition, Kira will also be accepted as a younger brother.

This guy is very strong and will play a big role in the future.

Also, the golden emperor Tezzolo, the strength of this guy, including the golden fruit on his body, is of great help to Chris.

In the back, it will naturally be taken as a subordinate.

...... Next, let's talk about the women who will appear later, of course, beauties, this is inevitable.

First of all, in the empress camp, if nothing else happens, Bonnie, a beautiful woman, will join her team.

As the only woman in the supernova, Bonnie's strength is naturally very powerful. It is terrifying to be able to become a child! As for Taotu's side, Kalifa will be pulled into her camp.

As for .. Kalifa, many readers have mentioned it in the book review area, and they all like this big beauty in stockings.

Of course, she is 9 and naturally can't follow Chris, so let her be Taotu's subordinate.

There is also Ain, a disciple of Zefa, who can't follow Chris and is also arranged in Taotu's camp.

As for .. Ain, from the theatrical version, but her popularity is still very high, and there are many people who like her.

There is also a beauty giant lieutenant general, this will also be added to the peach rabbit's camp, as for the picture, it will be sent later.

......Now about the women on Chris' side.

The singer Xin Duoli, I believe everyone is clear, will join Chris's team later.

In addition, in the Chambord Archipelago, a white-clothed nurse appeared, that is, the one the Tianlong people wanted to take away.

This... will also join Chris's team later, and the pictures will be uploaded later.

As for the fish-man island, there are many beautiful women, and the white star will definitely appear.

Needless to say, Mrs. Charlie, this fortune-teller has such a noble status, Chris will definitely not miss it.

And two years later, Chris will kill Doflamingo, so there is no need to say more about this little girl, Sugar.

There is also Monet, this woman died so tragically, Chris will not miss her, and will definitely join the camp later.

After all, the nature-type snow snow fruit is also very powerful. It is rare to see such a powerful beauty! And in Wano country, a little girl with potential like Xiaoyu must be nurtured well, and it will be a big help in the future.

As long as Koyuki Rihe, one of the three beauties of One Piece, will definitely join the team later.

On the other hand, Brin is such a lovely girl, needless to say.

There is also the push into the city, Chris will visit there when the time comes, Domino, a white-skinned woman, needless to say.

And little Sati, they are all characters in the team.

There are many more beautiful women, so I won't list them too much. I'll post the pictures one by one in the future.

......The last point to mention is the hole dug in front of you.

The first one, that is where the golden lion is, will come to the door later, kill the remnant of the old era, and then snatch the devil fruit in his hand.

The second one is Lox's treasure. After Chris enters the new world, he will search for the treasure.

As for what the treasure is, anyway... there must be devil fruits, not much to say.

The third one is the remnant of the Devil Fruit Tree.

At present, Chris only has a residual image in his hand, and as for the other copies, whoever owns it will appear later.

Wait for the location of the Devil Fruit Tree to be found later, there are many strange devil fruits, such as ocean fruits, it is no accident that it is there.

The fourth one is hunting Admiral Akainu.

This has been mentioned before, and has been mentioned many times, but now the time is not ripe, after Chris enters the new world and attacks a country.

At that time, he will start hunting the general Akainu, kill him, and make Momotu the general.

The fifth one is... in the new world, to lay down a country.

With Tezzolo, at that time this country will be... a country of gold, which will attract countless people, and naturally this country will become the most interesting place in the new world.

The strongest country in the new world must be the country that Chris conquered.

......Unconsciously, I found that there are so many words written in this chapter, of course, there are still many unwritten, these...... ...let's talk about it later.

In addition, the younger brother is still in the past two days: adjusting the status, and starting to resume the update in a few days.

After this restoration and update, there will be at least 3 updates a day, and there will be no problems.

That's it, see you in a few days, sorry everyone.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read

248: Singer Xin Duoli joins!The phoenix Pajaru appears and becomes the squad leader!

Everyone, resume the update, from now on, it will not be stopped again.

Uh, the author seems to have no credit anymore, I guess you won't believe it, halo! Two days later.

Chris, in the training room.

"Ah, what Chris said really makes sense, it's amazing!"

Xin Duoli leaned on the chair, crossed Erlang's legs, and held Chris's quotation in her jade hand, her pretty face was full of admiration.

Yesterday, when the fleet was sailing, it happened to meet her.

Under the influence of Baccarat's luck, her fate has long been doomed and she can only be a member of the ship, which cannot be changed.

"Sister Xin Duoli, your voice is really nice."

Keya looked at her, blinked her beautiful eyes, and said with a smile: "It's all right, besides... Sister Karina, there is another singer on the boat, it's great, hee hee. …”

Makino nodded lightly, stroked her dark green hair, and smiled: "Of course, those who can sing are very sweet."

Nami stopped practicing, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and said something carefree.

"There are two singers and two chefs, one is Carmen and the other is Jessica."

"There are also two bartenders, one is Meidi and the other is Makino."

"Well, if things go on like this, one day there will be two navigators on board. That's not good!"

Al Rita stood the big black iron rod in front of her, and said generously, "What do you say, you are the strongest navigator, who can replace you, it doesn't exist!"


"Pirate ship found ahead! Found ahead..."

At this time, the voice of an alarm officer came from outside, interrupting the conversation of the girls.

Stunned for a moment.

Lei Jiu was the first to react, Mei Mu looked at the man in front of her, and said with a gentle smile, "Chris, don't you go out and have a look?"

The others didn't say much, and watched Chris one by one, waiting for him to give an answer.

"We'll talk later."

Chris brandished the blood-red sword without looking back, as calm as ever.

Maya looked at them and asked with a smile, "How about it, shall we go out and see?"

"Forget it, since Chris said so, it's definitely not going to happen."

The Sweetheart Queen shrugged her shoulders and responded casually.

Then, the girls continued to chat and practice, and no one left the practice room... above the deck.

Hearing the voice of the alarm officer, the squad leaders looked over in unison.

"Mad, look at this situation, there is a new person who is going to join, Wei Hahahaha..."

Bassas raised his arms high, smiled, and his voice spread throughout the ship.

Bartolomeo put his hands in his trouser pockets, glanced at Anilu, and said, "Needless to say, this guy is definitely going to shoot again."

"It's boring, at first glance... little pirate, I don't want to waste time here."

After Cavendish finished speaking, he turned and walked away, continuing to practice.

Hawkins still looked dead, and said in a low voice: "Anyway... it's none of my business, it has nothing to do with me."

The others didn't say much, and they all went away.

As for Anilu, there was a trace of excitement in his eyes.

Although he stayed on the empty island for a long time and did not come down, he has seen a lot of things about these... pirates in the past few days.

Not for anything else, but to find the dozens of people who were better than him in Chris's mouth.

But so far, he hasn't seen anyone other than...Chris.

"I hope this time I can make Lao Tzu happy, yeah hahaha"

Ai Nilu carried the golden stick, and habitually plucked his ears, with a rebellious look on his face.

Soon, the two sides met.

At this time, there was also a lively conversation on the Phoenix Pirates.

"There seems to be a large fleet ahead."

Vice-captain Bigaro looked forward with a little excitement.

At this point Chris's fleet is... a symbol of money in his eyes.

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