No way, Chris in front of him is too powerful.

If he doesn't agree to join them, I'm afraid he will kill him.

"Alright then, we'll join with you."

Bigaro said with a sigh.

They had been with Pajaru for so long and were used to listening to Pajaru.

If you let them go their separate ways, they won't get used to it.

After thinking about it, Bigaro looked at Chris and said, "Captain, can we continue to follow Boss Pajalu."

"Yes, he can be a squad leader, so you can be assigned to his squad."

Chris said quietly.

After speaking, Chris turned around and went back to practice.

For him, things are done, and to stay on is just... a waste of time getting stronger.

If he slacks off, his captain's position may be taken away by others.

Yes, Chris made this rule not only to inspire others, but also to warn himself.

"No, it's too unfair that this guy can become a squad leader as soon as he comes, isn't it better than trying to decide?"

Poison is somewhat dissatisfied, and likes to pick things up as always.

Because of this, he missed a good fight.

"Since the captain said this, he must have his reasons. Besides, it is not yet the next battle for the squad leader, and the captain must be talking about it."

Bassas narrowed his eyes and said loudly.

He didn't care about Pajelu beside him.

Not only that, but he also gave Pajalu a provocative look.

He wouldn't mind fighting with Pajaru if he wanted to do it.

By the way, let Pajalu know about his position on the ship.

Pajelu stopped at Bassas' words, but he was not agitated.

Even his excited subordinates let him stop him.

After all, he has just boarded the ship, and he has not yet figured out the situation on the ship.

"Don't worry, next time the squad leader fights, you will definitely beat him hard."

Poison nodded, still with a hint of cunning in his eyes.

That's right, what he said before was... He wanted to provoke Bassas and let Bassas shoot, but Bassas didn't fall for it.

"What the hell, you guy, why did you get involved with me again? You can do it yourself, too!"

Bashas scolded, and the guy started to stalk himself again.

"Come here, I'll give you a good introduction to our captain's great deeds."

Lafayette smiled slightly, still so humble and polite, came to Pajelu's side, and said with a chuckle with a glass of wine.

After speaking, he sat directly on a chair.

Pajalu said goodbye to his men and sat opposite Lafitte.

He also wanted to have a good understanding of what happened to that...strong man............One day later.


"The front is the Devil's Triangle, do you enter! The front is..."

Seeing such a thick fog, the alarm officers panicked and began to give a frantic warning.

After all, the Devil's Triangle is full of terrifying barques.

You know, hundreds of ships go missing in the Magic Triangle every year.

Everyone on the boat that was parked on the warning ship of the sirens rushed out to check.

After all, although they are all pirates, very few people have been to the Magic Triangle.

"Is this the magic triangle? It does look a little gloomy."

Bassas looked ahead, scratched his head and said.

"Not only that, did you see it, there is already fog in front of you."

Poison looked ahead, smiling with a strange color, especially ugly.

"Could it be... the legendary terrifying barque."

Pajeru's eyes widened, staring straight ahead.

Guys, the above is a picture of Xin Doli.

This... from the anime, appeared in the Devil's Triangle, I don't know if you have any impression.

Well, the author will not say more about the bacteria, and can't count the words.


Thank you [2731...9427] for the monthly pass!


Thank you [Suifeng] for the 100-point reward!


Thank you for the 100-point reward of [Ye Liang Lonely]!


Thank you for the 300 points reward from 【Coming】!


Thank you [I am handsome] for a reminder ticket!

Big guy....thank you for your urging are this month...the first vote for the author's update...the author's bacteria are all recorded in the small Forgot..! Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


Thank you [Yelaixiang] for the 100-point reward!


Thank you [Late Night People] for the 588 points reward!

Big guy....thank you for your are this month...the third gave the author a reward...the author is all recorded in the small book...will not forget it ...! Summer reading is fun every day, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


249: Moriah debuts, Anilu vs Moriah!

"Looks like yes, damn it, I'm afraid it's going to be a little tricky now."

Bassas said cursingly.

After all, the captain of the Dread Barque is Moriah.

Moriah is Shichibukai.

"What are you panicking about, isn't there a captain here? And that... big-eared thief's strength is not bad."

Poison still had that weird smile that was unique to him.

Bartolomeo put his hands in the pockets of his trousers, shrugged his shoulders, and said, "We were no match for Crocodile last time."

"This time everyone's strength has become stronger, and there are several more squad leaders. If you can't beat Shichibukai Moriah, then you'll be playing a chicken."

Cavendish held the famous sword Durandall, full of confidence, "The current young master is not... Alabasta can be compared at that time."

"Wait, let Moria see, what is the real speed, hohoho..."

Ai Nilu carried the golden stick with a disdainful look on his face, "What Qiwuhai, it's all rubbish."

"After this god came down from the empty island, he went through all the thorns and thorns all the way, and there was not a decent opponent. Really special mother's speechless!"

Luo, as always, said something coldly.

"I heard from the captain that Moriah once fought with the Four Emperor Kaido. His strength is probably stronger than that of Crocodile."

Fan Oka tapped his shoulder with a gun and said expressionlessly: "It seems that today is another fork in fate!"

"Is that so, that...what's the guy called Moria, I'll leave it to this god."

Anilu grinned and yawned.

At this time, Nami and the others also came out, and they looked at the scene in front of them curiously.

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