Because it was still daytime just now, but when we got here, the sky darkened.

"What's the matter, it's not daytime now? Why is it so dark?"

Xin Duoli put down the Chris quote in her hand with a hint of surprise on her face.

"Yeah, the sky was still bright just now, it's not going to rain, right?"

Ke Ya blinked her beautiful eyes with a hint of worry in her eyes.

"No, haven't you heard from outsiders? We seem to have reached the magic triangle!"

Baccara glanced at them and said lightly.

"The Magic Triangle is what Chris said, that... scary place, don't..."

Nami said in surprise.

She looked out with a hint of anxiety.

The rest of the people also started to panic.

After all, they had heard the legend of the Terrible Triangle.

"Why are you panicking, with Chris here, we will definitely be able to protect us."

Maya glanced at Chris and said with a sweet smile.

"Yes, Chris will definitely protect us, we don't need to be afraid."

Nami's eyes also brightened and she jumped.

"It is right to protect you, but you should also improve your strength and become stronger as soon as possible."

Chris glanced at them and said lightly.

After speaking, he continued to brandish his red sword.

"Captain, we are in the Terrifying Triangle, and we will see the barque soon. Do you want to take a look?"

At this moment, Lafitte walked into the training room, turned his cane, very modest, looked at Chris and asked.

At this time, he was also a little worried in his heart, after all, the Moria in it was the strength of Qiwuhai.

"It's not necessary now, wait until Moriah comes out.

Also, I won't take action until the most dangerous moment."

Chris said in a cold voice, wielding a red sword.

He can't make these people feel that they can not cultivate hard if they have their own protection.

In this case, it goes against the rules of the ship he made.

"You just shoot to solve that...Isn't it better for Moriah"

Lafitte opened his mouth and finally said in a low voice.

He was still holding a red wine glass in his hand, shaking it constantly.

"I need to hone them more, how to hone if they don't fight"

Chris stopped and glanced at Lafitte.

"okay, I get it."

Rafite nodded and understood what Chris meant.

Then, Lafitte went straight out.

And Chris began to practice again.

For him, only cultivation can bring him happiness.

"It is said that not only did the ship mysteriously disappear here, it seems to be haunted"

At this moment, the Sweetheart Queen suddenly said faintly.

"Haunting can't be real!"

Hearing the Queen Sweetheart's words, Maya was stunned.

"I seem to have heard of this, but it shouldn't be true."

Leiju was also slightly taken aback, and said with a reluctant smile.

"Chris, do you think this is true?"

Baccarat looked suspiciously at Chris.

She believed in Chris, and if what Chris said was true, it had to be true.

If Chris says it's false, it must be false.

Hearing Baccarat's words, Chris stopped practicing and looked at them.

As for whether this sea area will be haunted, Chris is naturally clear.

At this moment, the ship suddenly jolted violently, and there seemed to be exclamations and screams from outside.

"If you want to know if it's true, you can go out and have a look."

Chris said lightly, and after that, he continued to practice.

Seeing Chris like this, the women looked at each other.

Originally what Chris wanted to say, but now I just let them go out and have a look.

Obviously, there's a good chance it's haunted outside.

"I want to go out and see, do you want to go?"

Nami looked at the others and asked.

Although she was a little scared at this time, there was excitement in her eyes.

"Come on, let's go and see."

Baccarat said softly.

The rest of the people also expressed their desire to see it together.

It may be scary if you go to see it alone, but there is nothing to be afraid of when there are so many people together.

They came to the ship board outside, and they saw the ghost ship passing by at a glance.

The ghost ship exudes a chilly atmosphere.

And the most surprising thing is..., there is a skeleton on it: drinking coffee.

It turned out to be a living skeleton, which surprised them.

But the skeleton ship was about to miss them.

"Basas, should we go up and see?"

Poison turned to Shas beside him, eager to try in his eyes.

"Let's go, is there anyone else to be with?"

Bassas grinned and said with a big laugh.

At this time, the rest of the people also had a look of eagerness to try.

As for the women, they had all returned to the training room at this time, and they repeated to Chris what they had seen.

After Chris heard their words, he just smiled and didn't say much.

Always: boring practice there, but the women are not disappointed.

They talked to each other with excitement in their eyes.

"You tell the group of guys outside, stay on the boat honestly, if they want to see, they can see a lot later."

Chris stopped abruptly, then said softly.

Hearing Chris's words, Nami walked to the door of the training room.

"Chris said, don't let you walk around, let you stay honest, and you will see a lot when we meet."

Nami shouted, and then returned to the training room.

Hearing Nami's words, the men who were still eager to try suddenly shriveled.

"What's the matter, why didn't the captain let us go up?"

Bassas muttered, obviously a little unwilling.

"I think the captain has his reasons. Since the captain has spoken, let's not go."

The Poison God flashed, revealing his ugly smile.

"Don't worry, since the captain said we will see a lot, we will definitely see live skeletons in the future."

Lafitte looked at these people and comforted them.

Hearing Lafitte's words, the eyes of Bassas and the others suddenly changed.

They can satisfy their curiosity by seeing this kind of living skeleton once.

If you see a lot, it's not something to satisfy curiosity.

Lafitte ignored them and sat alone in a corner drinking coffee.

And Pajeru sat opposite Lafitte, and then learned about Chris's past from Pajeru's mouth.

On the other hand, Anilu poked out his ears, looked at the ghost ship in the distance, and shrugged.

He doesn't care about... this point....he is Thor after all.

And just like that, the ship headed inside again.

Not long after, the men on Chris's ship appeared atop the Dread Barque.

Yes, they met Moriah.

And it was entangled by Moria's zombie army.

It's just that the zombie army at this time has almost been cleaned up, and Moria regretted provoking this group of people.

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