"These guys came from there, it's so terrifying."

Looking at the group of people in front of him, Moria couldn't help but muttered.

Most of the people on this ship are very strong, and although they are not as strong as themselves, it is difficult for them to carry them together.

And, most importantly, there seems to be a stronger aura on this ship.

However, this is just Moria's feeling, and it is not certain.

"Hey, are you Moria?"

Anilu looked at the tall figure in the distance and shouted loudly.

At the same time, there is excitement in his eyes, such a tall figure looks very powerful.

Moreover, a hair like a fiery scallion, looks like a devil, has two horns on the side of the forehead, and has pointed ears and teeth, which makes Anilu have a kind of urge to go crazy.

"This guy looks really scary."

Nami looked at the huge Moriah in amazement.

"Yes, it still looks ugly, and is so tall."

The Sweetheart Queen also said lazily.

She has no interest in this kind of man.

"Hee hee hee, it seems that you have heard of my name. You will all be buried here today and become my new zombie army."

Moria looked at the people in front of them and said with a strange smile.

At the same time with anger in their eyes, these guys almost destroyed his zombie army.

What a bunch of bad guys.

"You are thinking too much about being buried here. Let's have a fight first."

Anilu looked at the opposite Moria with excitement in his eyes.

It looks like this guy's strength is really good.

Maybe a fight with that guy Chris.

It was too embarrassing to lose to Chris at the beginning, and he had to regain some sense of presence in the guy in front of him.

"Fight me hehehehe, you think too much, let's beat my subordinates first."

Moria looked down at these people, shook her head and said.

Then, with a strange smile, he looked at the core subordinate beside him.


"It looks like it's time for me to play again."

Hobback looked at the group of people in front of him and said with a strange smile.

While speaking, he pointed to several zombies behind Moriah, which were all carefully selected by him.

Afterwards, the zombies charged directly at Anilu and the others.

As for Hobback, he followed behind the zombies, apparently preparing to find an opportunity to attack.

"Enilu, we agreed before, these... all belong to you."

Bashas shouted from behind.

He looked at these zombies with disgust in his eyes.

Not only him, but everyone else's eyes also had a trace of disgust in their eyes.

It would be interesting to let them see this group of people....

But if you want them to fight, they will feel disgusting.

"You guys, well, these...the bad things will be handed over to me."

Anilu looked back and said helplessly.

But he didn't care too much, after all, he was the god of thunder, Anilu.

To him, the group of zombies in front of him is completely... scum.

Then Anilu directly controlled the lightning, and a few lightning bolts slashed directly at the zombies.

Those zombies suddenly turned black, fell to the ground, and stopped moving.

Seeing this scene, there was a trace of fear in Moriah's eyes.

It seems that the abilities of these guys are really extraordinary.

"Dare to kill my zombie, you bastard are waiting for me."

Seeing that the zombies had become like this, Hobbuck's eyes filled with anger.

He strode towards Anilu.

But he didn't eat any devil fruit, so his strength was naturally not enough.

Anilu glanced at him casually, and then appeared in front of him.

One caught him by the neck and slammed it to the ground.

Then a meal: beating, Hobbuck suddenly became: bruised nose and face.

"Really, how can you slap me in the face."

Hobback said vaguely, he felt severe pain all over his body at this time, and he no longer had the courage to fight.

"Abu Salom, hurry up."

Hobback shouted with all his strength.

At this moment, the air behind Anilu seemed to move.

Anilu disappeared immediately, and the next moment Anilu appeared one step behind him.

Then he kicked fiercely, and a figure appeared from the air and fell directly on the chopping board.

"Damn, why did you bastard remind him"

Absalom glared at Hobback.

Originally, he was about to make a successful sneak attack, but this guy reminded the bastard.

Absahom wanted to continue scolding, but Anilu wouldn't give this guy a chance.

It's also straight up... a meal: beat him, beat him even worse than Hobbuck.

In the end, the two were left beside Bassas for Bassas to watch.

"How is it, both of your subordinates have been defeated by me now, now, can we do it?"

Anilu looked at the opposite Moria with a provocative look in her eyes.

"Damn, they are really two wastes, they can't even beat you."

Moria shook her huge body and said a little unhappily.

He didn't expect that his two subordinates went up together, and they all failed.

"It seems that this guy Anilu seems to be stronger than I thought, Wei Hahaha..."

Bassas looked at the figure of Anilu, raised his arms, and laughed.

Regarding the question of thank you building, I have started to post thank you building again, but it will be updated every day, at least 8 words a day.

Thank you [Night Blade] for the 100-point reward!

Big guy....thank you for your reward...you are this month...the fifth one...you gave the author a reward...the author's bacteria are all recorded in the small book....no Forgot....! Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


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Thank you for the 100-point reward of [The King's Arrival]!

Big guy..Thank you for your reward...you are this month...the sixth one...you gave the author a reward...the author's bacteria are all recorded in the small book...will not be forgotten. ...! Summer reading is fun every day, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


Thank you [265...3705] for the monthly pass!

Big guy....thank you for your monthly pass....you are this month...the fifth one...you voted for the author's monthly ticket...the author's fungus is recorded in the small book..will not forget ..! Summer reading fun every day, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


Thank you [King of People] for the 100-point reward!

Big guy...Thank you for your reward....You are this month...the seventh...you gave the author a reward...the author's bacteria are all recorded in the small book.... will not forget.

!Summer reading books every day, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! :.


Thank you for the 100-point reward from [People from the Deep Sea]!


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