230: Anilu vs. Moriah, Thunder Fruit vs Shadow Shadow Fruit!

"Indeed, the two of you have time to compete and see who is stronger."

With a poisonous smile, he said his proposal.

Whenever there is a chance, he will not hesitate to provoke a fight.

"Bastard, if you want to know the strength of that guy, go on your own, I don't have time."

Bassas glanced at the poison and pouted and said.

To be honest, he doesn't really want to do anything with Enilu anymore in his heart now.

Because he knew in his heart that he didn't seem to be able to handle that guy.

If he took the initiative to instigate the battle and lost in the end, that guy would definitely humiliate himself without hesitation.

That would be so embarrassing.

Hearing Bashas' words, a strange look flashed in his poisonous eyes, and he did not continue to speak.

He looked at Moria across Aini Road, and he could feel that Moria didn't seem to be easy to deal with.

"You said, can this guy Anilu win?"

Bartolomeo put his hands in his trouser pockets, looked at the people around him, frowned slightly and said something.

After all, the opposite Moria is one of the Seven Wuhais, and his strength is definitely not ordinary.

"Although Anilu is the strongest natural department, but facing the Qiwuhai, he has no chance of winning!"

Pajalu shrugged his shoulders and said casually.

Crow habitually pushed his glasses, his eyes flashed with wisdom, "Five to five."

"If Enilu wants to escape, it's impossible to catch up with him with Moria's strength."

"After all, the speed of lightning is really too fast."

"And if Anilu doesn't run away and fights for a long time, he will definitely lose!"

Lafitte adjusted his dark top hat and said with a slight smile, "It seems that we will have to fight together later."

"Last time I lost to Crocodile, who is also Shichibukai. This time I have reason to believe that Moria is definitely not our opponent."

Van Oka tapped his shoulder with a gun, as serious as ever, "With so many squad leaders here, his fate is already doomed!"

Aquino clenched his fist, the size of the sandbag, with excitement on his face, "Qiwuhai, this is the strongest pirate in the sea, it's really good to be able to fight, hahaha... ."

The other squad leaders didn't say much, they all stared at the battle ahead, their expressions all showing excitement, looking eager to try.

At this time, Anilu was full of confidence and quietly looked at Moria who was facing him.

"Hey, big man, do you dare to fight me?"

Anilu scratched his ears and flicked his earwax towards Moriah.

"Hee hee hee, kid, since you want to die, then I'll satisfy you, just right, I still lack a good corpse.

Moria looked at the opposite Enel and said with a smile.

While speaking, he even took out his own scissors, and his eyes were full of greed when he looked at the shadow of Anilu.

"Since you agree, then this god is welcome."

Anilu shouted loudly.

After that, Anilu turned into an attacking state.

"Get ready for God's punishment!"

After Anilu shouted, his wrists formed thunder.

Then release it towards Moria on the opposite side.

The thrown thunder formed a huge lightning column in the air.

"This guy, Enel, is really strong and a little too much."

Bassas murmured while looking at the scene in front of him.

The impact of this scene was too great.

If he was hit by this lightning bolt, it would definitely be very uncomfortable.

"Hee hee hee, kid, this move can't beat me."

Moria used Shadow Clone early in the morning.

Seeing that the situation was not good at this time, he directly switched positions with the shadow clone.

Inside the Lightning Pillar is Moria's shadow clone.

At this time, the huge electric column caused a huge sound.

Everyone looked into the electric column, wanting to know the situation of Moriah.

But what made their faces look ugly was that it seemed that Moria was still standing inside the Lightning Bolt.

"No, this guy is so strong that he can withstand it"

Bassas was also stunned.

"It shouldn't be, Moria didn't take any damage at all."

Foxy couldn't help but speak.

"This bastard shouldn't be invincible, right?"

Cavendish couldn't help but curse.

The impact of this scene on them was too great.

"No, it should be some kind of move."

Poison's strange eyes looked at Moriah in the Lightning Pillar.

He found out that the one who survived in the electric column didn't seem to be Moriah.

Rather, his shadow!! "How is it possible, how is it possible that someone resisted my attack without getting hurt at all."

Enel's face also became very ugly.

Until now, basically no one has been able to resist his attack without being injured in the slightest.

Of course, Chris is an accident, that is an invincible existence.

"Hee hee hee, boy, you are the frog in the well."

At this moment, Moria's laughter came again.

However, the voice was indeed behind Enel.

"Anilu, be careful behind you."

Bellamy's eyes widened and he reminded.

Because at this time Moria appeared behind Anilu.

At the same time as the reminder, Bellamy couldn't help but look into the Lightning Pillar.

At this time, he also discovered an anomaly. It turned out that Moriah in the Lightning Pillar was fake and was just a shadow.

Without Bellamy's reminder, Anilu heard Moria's voice and immediately knew something was wrong from behind him.

He directly transformed into the form of thunder and lightning, and then shuttled through the air.

On the next side, Moriah's attack landed on the position where Enilu was before.

"It's a pity to let you escape.

I still shouldn't remind you hehehe."

Moria looked at Anilu and said with some regret.

"Anilu is too perverted, how much power does he hide?"

Bassas looked at Ai in front of him and said in surprise.

Enilu's strength is not to say that he is the captain of the squadron, even the deputy captain is qualified to compete.

However, the captain still forgets it, Anilu will definitely not be able to beat him, there is no doubt about that.

"I don't know, but I know that you are definitely not his opponent."

Poisoned Bassas said coldly.

"I said, do you want us two to fight first?"

Bassas looked at Du Fei and said unhappily, this guy has been: targeting himself.

"The battle is about to start, keep watching."

Poisoned his fingers to fight, coughed, and smiled softly.

Although he was not afraid of Bassas in the real fight, he really didn't want to do anything except... the battle for the squad leader.

Hearing that the battle was about to start again, Bassas couldn't care less about the poison, and hurriedly looked at the battle scene.

"It's the same with you. I didn't expect your ability to escape is quite strong."

Anilu scratched his ears and said, and his tone was also full of regret.

If he had just hit and defeated this guy with one move, the guys on the boat would definitely admire him very much.

That feeling is really wonderful to think about.

"It's my turn next, hee hee hee."

Moria said with a weird smile.

Then Moria's shadow scattered directly.

Countless little bats formed after that, these... The little bats went straight towards Ani Road.

Anilu saw these....... the little bat, there was a hint of disgust in his eyes.

"God's Punishment!"

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