Anilu turned his wrist into thunder again, and then threw it at the group of bats.

This time, the electric column was directly released horizontally, enveloping all those... bats.

But soon a scene that surprised everyone appeared again.

Those... The bats didn't take any damage, and continued to head towards Anilu.

It didn't take long for those... bats to come to Anilu's side.

"What the hell, why can't I kill these... bats."

Anilu shouted and hurriedly turned into a state of lightning to escape.

Because a few bats came to Anilu just now and bit Anilu a few times.

After Enilu turned into a state of lightning, those... bats couldn't help Enilu for a while.

"Hee hee hee, boy, why did you run around all over again, wasn't it amazing just now?"

Moria looked at Anilu who was running around and laughed mercilessly.

Hearing Moriah's words, Anilu gritted her teeth.

When had Thor ever been so aggrieved, he couldn't bear it any longer.

Thinking about it, Anilu directly increased the speed and got rid of those...... Bats in a short time.

Then came not far from Moria.

"Thirty million volt Thunderbirds!"

Anilu directly hit the drum on his right shoulder, presenting the thunder and lightning he made in the drum.

Then a phoenix-shaped thunderbird formed, and flew towards Moria at a high speed.

"It turned out to be a phoenix, he can still create a phoenix, this is too exaggerated, Wei Hahahaha..."

Bassas looked at the scene in front of him, raised his arms, smiled, and said aloud.

"Make a fuss, watch it obediently, and don't talk too much."

Poisoned eyes Bassas said lightly.

However, his pupils shrank, and there was a deep fear of Anilu in his eyes.

The strength of this guy is too strong.

Even such a powerful person obeys Chris, which makes the drug more and more respectful to Chris.

Urji folded his hands together, looking like a master monk, and laughed, "Is this the ability of the Thunder Fruit, it is indeed the strongest natural system!"

Wayipa shrugged his shoulders, with a helpless expression on his face like a demon, "If El Nilu was on the empty island, why would he be called a god? This is the reason."

The battle area ahead! Thunderbird is about to come to Moriah.

"Hee hee hee, boy, do you really think you can hit me?"

Moria looked at Anilu who was opposite and said with a big smile.

After finishing speaking, those... bats suddenly appeared in front of Moriah, completely blocking Moriah.

The Thunderbird hit the...bats, and then slowly dissipated.

"No, it's like this again, my moves have no effect on this bastard?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Anilu said with a bit of frustration.

The guy on the other side's moves are too rogue, his own moves are useless against this guy.

"Hee hee hee, boy, you should surrender obediently, otherwise, you will probably die here."

Moria laughed and waved, the shadow turned into a spear and appeared in Moria's hand.

"It looks like Moriah is about to do something, and Anilu is in danger."

Seeing the scene in front of him, Ah Jin couldn't help frowning, his expression still so indifferent.

"Hey, Anilu, that guy is about to start, why are you still standing there?"

Bashas couldn't help shouting loudly.

Because at this time, Anilu was still a little frustrated and stayed in place without moving.

Then Moria appeared beside Anilu, and the spear in his hand stabbed fiercely.

The guy across from his spear couldn't resist.

Thinking that the guy on the opposite side was about to be dealt with, a cruel smile appeared on Moriah's face.

In the next second, Moriah's spear pierced the air.

Anilu actually disappeared in front of Moriah.

What's going on? Isn't that bastard stunned in place? Moria was stunned. He controlled his body and looked left and right, but he didn't find anyone.

At this moment, a thunder wolf came towards Moria, and in a blink of an eye, it arrived behind Moria.

At this time, Moriah hadn't reacted.

"Lord Moria, be careful!"

Seeing this scene, Absalom wanted to remind Moriah.

But the words hadn't come out yet, it was too late.

The Thunder Wolf slammed into Moriah's body fiercely.

It knocked Moria out, and at the same time, the lightning made Moria scorched.

"Hahahahaha, I finally got hit."

At this moment, seeing that his move finally hit this guy, Anilu said with a big smile.

Only now did everyone discover the figure of Anilu.

"Don't worship me too much, this god is a legend that you can never catch up."

Anilu turned to look at Bassas and they laughed.

Just now, he deliberately pretended to be distracted, and the purpose was to attack him for that guy from the heart sound Moria.

Otherwise, Moriah had been on the defensive, and Enel's attack would have no meaning at all.

"Bastard, who wants to worship you."

Seeing the figure of Ani Rudther, Bashas gritted his teeth and said.

At this moment, Moria coughed twice and moved her body.

"It's really a hateful bastard, he even got you hit, hehe."

Moriah said with some pain.

While speaking, he also stood up slowly with his hands supported.

At this time, his clothes were starting to be worn out.

The skin on his face also had some scorch marks, which made his grim face even more frightening.

"It seems that you are not very good. Hurry up and surrender. It will save you more pain in the future."

Anilu looked at the opposite Moria and said proudly.

"Surrender, hee hee hee, do you look down on yourself too much?"

Moria looked at Anilu opposite and said with a sneer.

In the next second, Moria appeared behind Enel and kicked Enel out.

His shadow actually lurked around Ani Road early.

Ai Nilu accidentally fell to the ground, although he was not seriously injured, but he looked very embarrassed.

"You bastard, you actually attacked me."

Anilu stood up cursingly, her eyes very unhappy.

"Little devil, didn't you sneak up on me too?"

Molly said coldly.

Then Moria waved.

The zombie army he controlled also rushed up and rushed towards Anilu.

And his shadow turned into a bat and charged towards Anilu.

This guy actually wanted to play crowd tactics.

"As Qiwuhai, it's too much for you to play this tactic."

Seeing Moriah's actions, Anilu couldn't help but scolded.

While speaking, Anilu looked at the zombies and launched an attack.

"Sixty million Volt Troyron!"

Anilu beat the taiko drums on both shoulders at the same time, and displayed the thunder and lightning he made from the taiko drums.

Then it turned into a huge brontosaurus and rushed towards the zombies.

No way, his moves are useless to... those bats that Moria's clone transformed into, and he can only do it to those zombies.

The huge brontosaurus and those zombies slammed together.

Immediately, the zombies flew out backwards, and fell heavily to the ground, and there was no movement anymore.

Moria's remaining zombie army actually let Anilu drop it in seconds.

"Bastard, my zombie army, you must die for me today."

Seeing that the few zombies she had left were so harassed by Enel, Moria couldn't help roaring angrily.

Those...the bats also came to Enilu's side at this time to entangle Enilu.

"If you have any ability, just use it, don't always be like a shrinking tortoise."

Anilu turned her head and glanced at Moria, sarcastically.

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